A little bit off topic... So I was browsing the web earlier and came upon this site called propertyroom.com Its basically an auction site that sells all the old items that once belonged to people....that were also in police posession at some point. This
includes ballasts, reflectors and even inline fans and what not. Awkward right?
I'm really tempted to try this site out, knowing I'm a medical card holder in CA I think its perfectly fine to use. And honestly I doubt, they'd try and track someone...I could be wrong though. Anyways the highest price I see on here for a ballast is less than a hundred dollars. they also have a shit ton of the sunlight supply ones, and even galaxy and lumatek ballasts all in different wattages and reflectors/hoods listed as well.
Even a couple inline fans here and there.
also found a 3 in 1 ph meter lol
The thought of being able to purchase a pretty much brand newish top of the line 1000 watt ballast, and reflector for less than a hundred dollars is really stuck in my mind. lol