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Looking for 5 gallon pots...
sad to say every where locally is a complete rip off...

check craigslist... In my area local nurserys have shit loads of them for really cheap. good luck stay high
here is a post from san jose ca, USED BLACK NURSERY POTS #5 ( KNOW AS 5 GALLON ) 2000,,, BUY 500 FOR 50 CENTS EACH,,, BUY 100 75 CENTS EACH,,,,,,,BUY 1 $ 1.00 5L95Nd5Fd3M33J43Ndbcrb7fd7387c0141929.jpg
Fair enough, would be a lot of drilling for draining.
I was actually hoping to find a better deal than that too.
thanks for the advice might have to go that way...

I'll usually drill about 5 one inch holes in the bottom, and about 10 in random spots along the sides. Haven't used anything 5 gallon size in a long time though. I bet if you look hard enough you can find them for $1 a piece in bulk, if that's what youre looking for.
Fair enough, would be a lot of drilling for draining.
I was actually hoping to find a better deal than that too.
thanks for the advice might have to go that way...

Hey bro I actualy use 5 gallon buckets and I have drill small holes in the bottom cus I use Hydrotron rocks in the bottom for great drainage and also allows oxegen to the roots! It really doesn't take that long to drill holes on the bottom and the sides of the bottom, I would guess about maybe one minute max per bucket! so you could do 20 in less than 1/2 hour! Really not that big of a deal! I couldn't use regular pots with the hydrotron rocks at the bottom.
My brother get his 5 gallon buckets from fast food burger places or from local sandwich shops. Local sandwich shop sells them with a cover for $1.00.
Fair enough, would be a lot of drilling for draining.
I was actually hoping to find a better deal than that too.
thanks for the advice might have to go that way...

My brother goes to the dollar store and buys plastic office waste baskets and drills a few holes in them for drainage. They're great for a sog/scrog because they're rectangualr and you optimize floor space over a round bucket. Also great for storage as they stack neatly and being flat sided they're easy to store.
I'm just building the backlinks up now by the time its up and running millions of peope will have already clicked on it.

and when they click on it and there is nothing for sale , they will NOT come back. just the way it is these days. your wasting the only free ads you have on spam ?


TRUE TO AN EXTENT but buildlign up backlinks is the way to go. I already have my business plan, my target customers are my entire hometown plus the surrounding area. I don't expect people to buy anything but the more clicking t hat goes to that link and the more places it is the more poeple are going to see it. Then when someone google searches Grow Supplies Saskatoon. Or Hydroponic supplies. I will be the first company that comes up. Theres very good ways to do this without pissing people off I apologize for the spamming. Noone from my hometown is going to see it and if they do whatver we're north you can't buy shit here. I'm getting business cards and flyers printed out and I have the number on hold (880-GROW) its all just work in progress. Thanks for the advice. I will not advertise on forms anymore but the fact that you guys looked at my website shows it works and also, when I did a search for the only thing that came up was this website!! You get it now? The more sites like this where mine gets backlinked is the more precious its going to be when I come down to the competition . Aight peace one love stay stoned!

Sorry brotha I wont be back to your site cus you had nothing for me to buy! And I have already forgot your site! Now if you had some good prices on some gear I needed I would have ordered it and I would always remember where I got a great deal and go back!
I have a bunch of used HPS ballast, cap, ignitor, socket anddd bulb kits for sale taken out of outdoor security lights. For cheapp. i just put one on ebay to see what happens. I have all HPS (20) 70 watt, (9) 100 watt, (5) 150 watt and (3) 250 watt kits. Perfect to follow one of those DIY remote ballast build guides and build your own grow light for 20-50$ obo with barely any electrical experience. Search " NR 100W HPS BALLAST CAP IGNITOR MOGUL SOCKET BULB KIT 100 WATT " on ebay for more info and pics. Or send me a pm
A little bit off topic... So I was browsing the web earlier and came upon this site called Its basically an auction site that sells all the old items that once belonged to people....that were also in police posession at some point. This includes ballasts, reflectors and even inline fans and what not. Awkward right?

I'm really tempted to try this site out, knowing I'm a medical card holder in CA I think its perfectly fine to use. And honestly I doubt, they'd try and track someone...I could be wrong though. Anyways the highest price I see on here for a ballast is less than a hundred dollars. they also have a shit ton of the sunlight supply ones, and even galaxy and lumatek ballasts all in different wattages and reflectors/hoods listed as well.
Even a couple inline fans here and there.
also found a 3 in 1 ph meter lol

The thought of being able to purchase a pretty much brand newish top of the line 1000 watt ballast, and reflector for less than a hundred dollars is really stuck in my mind. lol
That site is def. NOT the best prices LMFAO...Some of those reflector prices are just under double what I pay for from the online site I use...Use a place that says that they'll beat or match any other sites price for the same item if at all possible...That's when you know you're prob. on the right track w/regards to suppliers.

This was my latest find...It's a 10" 'multi-flow' inline fan with 100% speed control and 1,266 CFM from Fantech. The site I was using had it for $551 which was prob. a fair and decent price...But after searching a bit more, I found it for $389 and that's with the tax included as well as free shipping. I found it here:

I contacted my place to see if they could at least match the price but they said unfortunately, no...The place I found was selling it for less than wholesale even....This item is in the box new too...not refurbished or anything...It takes the place of 3 other fans I was going to use and draws less electricity....THIS IS A HUGE SCORE!!!


Best prices I have seen on reflectors. I'm gonna go with the 6' tube for 79.99
I wouldn't be worried unless you were ordering thousands of dollars worth...but even then...They just want to make the $ off of their property seizures. I'll have to give this site a look...Thanks!
A little bit off topic... So I was browsing the web earlier and came upon this site called Its basically an auction site that sells all the old items that once belonged to people....that were also in police posession at some point. This includes ballasts, reflectors and even inline fans and what not. Awkward right?

I'm really tempted to try this site out, knowing I'm a medical card holder in CA I think its perfectly fine to use. And honestly I doubt, they'd try and track someone...I could be wrong though. Anyways the highest price I see on here for a ballast is less than a hundred dollars. they also have a shit ton of the sunlight supply ones, and even galaxy and lumatek ballasts all in different wattages and reflectors/hoods listed as well.
Even a couple inline fans here and there.
also found a 3 in 1 ph meter lol

The thought of being able to purchase a pretty much brand newish top of the line 1000 watt ballast, and reflector for less than a hundred dollars is really stuck in my mind. lol
Got my airstones from;
4 bucks for a small ceramic airstone isn't bad, but if you've got a bigger setup you can buy in bulk and you'll get a good discount. I got 30 for $60. Shipping is free, took about 2 weeks from China. I've got enough to use 2 per bucket, plus plenty of spares for switching out with each water change, or just in case. Seem to work pretty good so far, and they've got plenty of other sizes, in case 40mm discs don't do it for you.