The Official House and Garden Thread

As far as them not having it on the Canada Line... Have any of you ever looked at the UK line.. its not a matter of them releasing it here or in Canada . It is a matter of them shipping to the US and Canada... None of house and garden products besides AMino have Amino Acid... Liquid Karma is Kind of Similar but Does not have the Fine Parts of silica in it. silica binds to your plants cell wall and makes it stronger and healthier. Trichome Production Really all depends on the strain.. When you have Bigger Healthier plants you have bigger Healthier trics... Great White.. GREAT STUFF.. What great white does though is breck down your old root growth and turns it into food for the plant and encourages new root growth....Bottom line is. I am stoked h and g released amino..There is a reason they released it. Not just to piss us all off and rob us of our money... where growers man.. you will get it all back in the long run...

Yeah they have said multiple times they want to release products here in the US but it is harder than you would think. Every state has different regulations so they can't just ship it over here with the same label they use over there. I think they are pushing now to get more products over here. Amino Treatment was a new release all together no matter where you are. You really believe House and Garden is the ONLY company that releases Silica in the fine particulate form? I have a hard time believing they are the only 1 that has access to it but IDK you could be right. You are completely wrong about the Amino Acid though. Here is a post by H&G on their site saying what Algen Extract contains. IDK I guess I will let every1 know when I run the rest of my Amino Treatment next to a Silicone product and another Amino Acid product during flowering to see if it is really worth 4 times the price. I am still looking for the right Amino Acid product though. Good quality Silicone products are common. You just have to make sure it isn't derived from Sodium Silicate. The best are pure Silicate which is what SI(structural integrity) is and what H&G claimed theirs was. That is why I got SI. BTW I love House and Garden but in no way do I just completely trust everything they tell me. I honestly trust very few corporations though maybe it is just me. I noticed good results from Amino Treatment but I have a feeling I can get just as good of results for 1/4 of the price. If I do I will be sure to let every1 know because 200 for 1 run is criminal. I mean you use just as much Bud XL and Multizen but it is quarter of the price. I just don't understand.

ALGEN EXTRACT- Ascophyllum nodosum: cold water extracted seaweed to keep as much biological life intact as possible. Seaweed extracts have ziatine for cell growth, vitamins, natural hormones, amino acids, proteins to strengthen biological and plant life, and trace amounts of micro nutrients. New dose:1-2 ml per gallon.
ALGEN EXTRACT- Ascophyllum nodosum: cold water extracted seaweed to keep as much biological life intact as possible. Seaweed extracts have ziatine for cell growth, vitamins, natural hormones, amino acids, proteins to strengthen biological and plant life, and trace amounts of micro nutrients. New dose:1-2 ml per gallon.


I thought I would share a problem I have started having. I'm starting to get quite a bit of leaf curling under with one of my plants. I'm positive it is not PH as I keep my PH pretty rock solid at 6.0 and my PH has always been pretty stable.

These symptoms started showing once the plant began to flower. They started once I had quit using Algen Extract and started using Bud XL. I currently have 4 plants, 3 of the plants appear to be indica dominate but the one that is having problems appears to be be sativa dominate. My other 3 plants do not seem to be having the same problem.

I'm using a low pressure custom aeroponics system I made. I'm currently in the third week of 12/12. I vegged the plants just 3 weeks from seed before going 12/12. Below is my current nutrient regime using RO water at 10-20 starting PPM per every gallon. With Cal-Mag I'm around 225-250PPM and after adding all nutrients I'm about 800-850ppm.

Note: I'm aware I may have started using Bud XL to soon, but I've been going with a custom chart. My indica dominate plants have always been very sensitive to nute burn so I don't understand why they are doing fine, but the sativa is not.

5ml Cal Mag
6ml Aqua Flakes A&B
3ml Multi-Zen
3ml Bud XL
2.5ml Amino Treatment
1ml Roots Excel
.5ml Drip Clean

I have a full documented journal below that lists everything I have done.

Here are some pics of the curling..

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Qwisty - I use Bud XL starting around week 2 or 3. Usually the week after I see bud sites really starting to develop. Which usually ends up being end of week 2 or beginning of week 3. I wouldn't recommend using any sooner then that. I am so busy right now trimming(and getting bitched at for not trimming at this point) that I can't help out at this moment but I will try to get back on before the night is done to give a response. Hope some1 else helps you out before.
Qwisty - I use Bud XL starting around week 2 or 3. Usually the week after I see bud sites really starting to develop. Which usually ends up being end of week 2 or beginning of week 3. I wouldn't recommend using any sooner then that. I am so busy right now trimming(and getting bitched at for not trimming at this point) that I can't help out at this moment but I will try to get back on before the night is done to give a response. Hope some1 else helps you out before.

Sounds like I started using it a week too soon.
Hello, I have a PH issue that I hope one of you good folks can shed some light on. I'm on HG following the charts. Beginning of week 6 (of 9.5) in a coco drain to waste. I made some EWC tea and have just given my plants as a flush.
The Ph up to now has been fairly stable at 5.8 but the run off now (back on regular feeding) is 6.9! My last attempt today (3 days after the EWC) was to feed with 4.9 water/nutes. Still the PH on the run off is 6.8/9??
I believe the tea (low ppm) has been flushed out as the waste ppm is right where it should be (from data on my last grow) at 1040. Plants look fine though... Maybe something in the microbial activity is messing witht he PH?? The EWC benifits are I think dust, but that's fine as my reasoning was to use the microbes in the tea to displace or kill the bad guys as a one shot. Also I used the "figure it can't hurt" method of reasoning... Any thoughts on this? What's up with the high PH? rrr..I'm lame for trying something new at this critical week where everything needs to be solid.

BTW the online US chart has us using Bud XL beginning week 5. I agree with the guys above who recommend starting at week 3 or so. At week five the buds are already three weeks into budding! (and I don't want more leaf growth!) This is my second round with HG and a 5x5 scrog set up. Still figuring out the timing with the scrog and all the various probs a new grower faces (see above arrgh??), loving every minute of it. Thanks!
I'm gunna have to say it was the Tea you made lol
My pH comes out every time at 5.7 or 5.8. And 5.7 was only when I was feeding too strong

so it must have been the Tea.
Maybe do a watering with some H202 and sterilize the coco, then use something else to add back the micros after the H2O2 has had time to break down.

I'm in my first grow... so don't take my word for it. That's probably what I would do
I'm gunna have to say it was the Tea you made lol
My pH comes out every time at 5.7 or 5.8. And 5.7 was only when I was feeding too strong

so it must have been the Tea.
Maybe do a watering with some H202 and sterilize the coco, then use something else to add back the micros after the H2O2 has had time to break down.

I'm in my first grow... so don't take my word for it. That's probably what I would do

Thanks but not sure about using H2O2. Since I'm on a chem diet maybe I should have used H2O2 as the flush and kept it all chem. I think the coco is good for sterilization (I think my tea recipe was a good one..for EWC tea) The best I can think of is to keep watering with 4.9 PH nutes and keep monitoring. I do have some H2O2 at 30%. How much would you use? Maybe I do need to get rid of the debris my tea created?? Maybe it killed a bunch of shit, then died, and my medium is filled with this debris.. which decaying, is causing the Ph problem. I'm liking it! How much H2O2 please. Thanks!
The h2o2 will wipe out the beneficials, so be prepared to use h2o2 for the remainder of the grow (every 2-3 days). Look up albfucts threads, he goes into dosing.
The h2o2 will wipe out the beneficials, so be prepared to use h2o2 for the remainder of the grow (every 2-3 days). Look up albfucts threads, he goes into dosing.

Yes it will wipe them out, but then I see no reason he can't add them back after the H2O2 is gone?

Maybe H2O2 is a bad idea, I would only resort to it in a worste case scenario, which it sounds like your close to.
Are you already using Multi Enzyme? If not then that should help clear out the dead stuff. If you're already using multi enzyme then I would think about using H2O2 for a day or two, then a dilute flush, then a strong dose of multi enzyme and beneficials. That's just what I would do. I would not feed at pH4.9 and hope for the best. If your pH is coming out 6.9 something is wrong in your medium
hi every one how is it going,

i'm using the hole canna range and i must say good stuff, i'm using canna coco A&B, rhiz, cannazym, pk, and boost. however i think canna boost is over prized and i don't wont to run it this round, has the house and garden anything to replace my canna boost?

p.s im using canna coco pro as my medium

thanks for any replys
That looks like you have too much nitrogen. I see "the claw". How can you avoid this usingH&G is there anyway to lower the N in the feed?

I just use the recommended ratio's between A&B and the supplements and then dilute if my PPM isn't quite spot on. Most my problems I currently have developed when I let my PPM's get around 900. Now that I have been keeping it around 800 I haven't been seeing any new problems.

The other problem is the curling is effecting only one plant. The rest don't seem to have that problem and have been thriving for the most part.
You shouldn't be getting too much Nitrogen in Veg. Unless you are using their Nitrogen Boost. I keep my Veg PPM between 800-900 with 100 ppm tap water. That is usually using 8 ml per gal Coco A&B. Honestly If I want less Nitrogen I would just lower Coco A a bit or raise it if I want more Nitrogen. I've done it for a long time without any adverse effects. I've had a H&G rep tell me that it was a good option to give plants less or more nitrogen. It could be a simple fix like using 7 ml Coco A for a few waterings. IDK if you are in Veg or not but I would be amazed you have to much Nitrogen because I constantly need to feed my plants more N in veg especially if they are big veg or mothers.
You shouldn't be getting too much Nitrogen in Veg. Unless you are using their Nitrogen Boost. I keep my Veg PPM between 800-900 with 100 ppm tap water. That is usually using 8 ml per gal Coco A&B. Honestly If I want less Nitrogen I would just lower Coco A a bit or raise it if I want more Nitrogen. I've done it for a long time without any adverse effects. I've had a H&G rep tell me that it was a good option to give plants less or more nitrogen. It could be a simple fix like using 7 ml Coco A for a few waterings. IDK if you are in Veg or not but I would be amazed you have to much Nitrogen because I constantly need to feed my plants more N in veg especially if they are big veg or mothers.

His plants are flowering. It sounds like switching up the ratio of A and B would be the easiest way to lower the N
IDK if you are in Veg or not but I would be amazed you have to much Nitrogen because I constantly need to feed my plants more N in veg especially if they are big veg or mothers.

The plants are now in basically week 4 of flower. I'm expecting these to go 65-72 days total. I don't know what the difference between Coco and Aquaflakes is, but I'm running a low pressure Aero setup with Aquaflakes. It setup on 1 minute on, 5 minutes off.

The only times I've ever had problems were when I let the PPM's get too high. I've documented almost every little change I've made. I've kept a pretty good journal on the grow at the link in my sig below.

If you have some time, it would awesome if you could check it out and give any feedback or comments.

Today was the first day that my PPM's stayed at 800 even though my rez has dropped 2.5 gallons in the last 24 hours. Usually they would climb to about 840-850 in that period. The plants would start to burn at anything over 850 or so. I'm guessing they are starting to get hungry now. The buds are really forming like mad.
IDK what the difference is read the NPK values on the bottle. I am sure A has a much higher N ratio but I am not 100% considering it is the only one I haven't used. If you do decide to mix up A and B do very slight changes especially in such a sensitive system. That definitely isn't my area so I probably won't be much help but I will check it out lol.
Oh I am a dumbass. I should of known you guys were talking about flowering just by scrolling up and looking at the pics. My bad.... I don't know if that is necessarily N toxicity though because your PPM isn't very high but the Leaves do have an odd color on them and are curling down quite a bit. I know the branches should become very weak also with N toxicity. If you believe that is your problem make a mild Nutrient solution and flush the plants really good. No matter what that is a good option because that could possibly fix more than 1 problem. I mean I have gone ridiculously high with my PPM in flowering(Pickle has in veg) with no problems. I mean 800 PPM is very low for the stage you are at IMHO so I just don't know how it could be toxicity but I don't know nearly as much as I put on sometimes.