leaf tips of seedlng gone whiteish?


Active Member
heres a pic of my little one i started in my pc case with a 70w MH. as u will see the ends of some of the leaves have gone very pale, nearly white. i feed it with a weak mix of charlie carp and seasol and its been on 12/12 since transplant (the seed sprouted in my veggie patch) the top sits about 6" from the MH and i have a piece of glass in front of it. (pic attached) could it still be light burn or maybe a deficiency? i have looked around the forums at deficiency pics and all i could think is maybe a N deficiency? the charlie carp is N: 1.6 P: 0.47 K: 0.45 with added micronutrients (http://www.charliecarp.com/products_organic.htm ) its in a mix of composted chook poo, cheap potting mix and vermiculite. this mix is what i generally use for all my other herbs, veg and fruit and they do great. ah yeah temps lately have been up around 40c (around 107F) but I have 2 other outdoor plants of the same bagseed which have had burnt brown leaves but recovering well. What do u guys think?



Well-Known Member
Composted chicken poo is quit high in ammonia nitrogen so I doubt its a deficiency but rather burn due to the hot mix....well composted chicken poo is great for plants, but a little goes a very long ways......and yes as stated those temps are way too high adding to the issue....


Active Member
cheers guys, i dare say its been from the 40c+ temps since it sprouted.
the chook poo compost is only about 15-20% of the mix at most i think.
unfortunately i cant do anything about temps as the box is in my shed and i have no form of a/c i can provide it.
ah well, i will just see how it goes, give it plenty of water and hope these hideous summer temps subside soon.

final thought, how much stress and how young does a plant take before it could be stressed enough to go male/hermie?
could i get lucky and it turn out to be tough ass female?


Well-Known Member
cheers guys, i dare say its been from the 40c+ temps since it sprouted.
the chook poo compost is only about 15-20% of the mix at most i think.
unfortunately i cant do anything about temps as the box is in my shed and i have no form of a/c i can provide it.
ah well, i will just see how it goes, give it plenty of water and hope these hideous summer temps subside soon.

final thought, how much stress and how young does a plant take before it could be stressed enough to go male/hermie?
could i get lucky and it turn out to be tough ass female?
They'll never get far enough in that hot box to find out. Why can't you put them outdoors for a while?.


Active Member
heres a pic of my little one i started in my pc case with a 70w MH. as u will see the ends of some of the leaves have gone very pale, nearly white. i feed it with a weak mix of charlie carp and seasol and its been on 12/12 since transplant (the seed sprouted in my veggie patch) the top sits about 6" from the MH and i have a piece of glass in front of it. (pic attached) could it still be light burn or maybe a deficiency? i have looked around the forums at deficiency pics and all i could think is maybe a N deficiency? the charlie carp is N: 1.6 P: 0.47 K: 0.45 with added micronutrients (http://www.charliecarp.com/products_organic.htm ) its in a mix of composted chook poo, cheap potting mix and vermiculite. this mix is what i generally use for all my other herbs, veg and fruit and they do great. ah yeah temps lately have been up around 40c (around 107F) but I have 2 other outdoor plants of the same bagseed which have had burnt brown leaves but recovering well. What do u guys think?

its too hot, you shouldnt be feeding yet, you shouldnt have an mh in such a small place, your soil isnt that good and to top it off your soil is too hot meaning nute rich. the fact its still alive is a testament to its survival instinct. a lot of herbs dont require substantial nutes whereas quality cannabis does. use a flouro in the case, ventilate better, transplant into better soil if possible, stop feed for three weeks,and make sure your ph and temps are inline. or use the mh outside the case or just outside i personally wouldnt waste time trying to micro grow anything. it can be done but your yield wont be that much. never use any compost on young stock thats bad juju. temps should be around 75 f inside and if your in the 100s outside in summer you need a LOT of water. hope this helps as i have to go.


Well-Known Member
They're fucked start again bro. What happened? they have been to hell and back.
edit - just read it again and i was right ,they are in hell now. 40 cel is the big problem , 24-26 or forget it.


Well-Known Member
cheers guys, i dare say its been from the 40c+ temps since it sprouted.
the chook poo compost is only about 15-20% of the mix at most i think.
unfortunately i cant do anything about temps as the box is in my shed and i have no form of a/c i can provide it.
ah well, i will just see how it goes, give it plenty of water and hope these hideous summer temps subside soon.

final thought, how much stress and how young does a plant take before it could be stressed enough to go male/hermie?
could i get lucky and it turn out to be tough ass female?

I use like a 5 gallon pale of compost chic poo over like 120-150 sqft of outdoor garden. And always do it in the late fall or very early spring so it has time to do its thing. That much directly in a container means lots of ammonia, which means other things may be getting restricted...


Active Member
Ah well, if it dies it dies. Then ill wait til cooler weather and start again.
I have seed starter mix ill be using next time.
Putting it outside will just burn it to a crisp, at least its cooler in the box by a few degrees compared to outside temps.

Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
No nutes till the 4th or 5th node. Or when your cotyledon leaves start to yellow. That shows it is starting to suck nutrients from those leaves to produce true leaves. Then you start adding your chicken shit and all of your other organic nutes. Second, like everyone else says, its too hot. Add more fans and switch to CFL's till it gets over 6 nodes tall. Then switch to the MH. Third, your light is too close causing bleaching in your leaves which destroys chlorophyll turning your leaves white. Move it away.


Active Member
Thanks tmac! That's pretty much what I wanted to know. I have another PC box with cfls, might swap it over and see what happens.


Active Member
huge diff indoors n out /benifail bacteria breaks drown hot mixes into more tolerable mixes rain huge amounts of rain natuarl buffers help plant eat small amount hot mixes humic,fulic acids helps buffer ph by keeping range slightly larger for nute absorbtion earthworms i could go on n on but i think i made my point also it not heat is over fertlizer hands down no cuppn or stress from heat only hot as hell mix nest time strat in promix then once a real plant but in ur homemade mix if thats what u wanna use if u do make sure u highN ckicken mix could cost when flowering time comes delayed frlower due to excuss N