DMT The Spirit Molecule / DMT discussion. Please join


New Member
Anyone please share how you interpret your DMT experinece. Everything from ROA, dose, what you saw, heard. How you gathered the info to form your understanding. i want a full blown discussion on this


Just saw and watched the 'spirit molecule' yesterday, and it will not disappoint you in the least bit... Have yet to finish norml life though.


Ah good to see a new face post here ;-)

GoGrow!! Havnt seen your post in over a year! Good to see a post by you man
well, hopefully you'll be seeing me around again; i've been here too long to give up ;) Got a few things to get outta the way and i'll be back to my old antics. Just been a really long, really bad year for me bro.


Well-Known Member
Great movie. I've seen it several times. I could not believe they were doing that kind of stuff in the early 90's.

Another one to check out it Entheogen: Awaking the Divine Within. A lot of the same people are interviewed for that one, but that is more of an anthropological documentary.


New Member
Ok im changing this to hopefully gather enough people to make this a full blown DMT topic. I just got done watching this and i think most of what they said on the movie, but some interviews with them just blew my mind how they interpreted the mystical experience. I was baffled!! Such a great movie!


Ok im changing this to hopefully gather enough people to make this a full blown DMT topic. I just got done watching this and i think most of what they said on the movie, but some interviews with them just blew my mind how they interpreted the mystical experience. I was baffled!! Such a great movie!
after the whole part explaining the study done in a medical setting, has me reconsidering needles for certain substances.... I cant stand smoking dmt, maybe it grows on you, but i doubt it. My next psychotropic journey will be with ayauasca; orally sounds a bit more pleasant and with a long enough duration to make something out of the intensity and depth of what is given.


New Member
after the whole part explaining the study done in a medical setting, has me reconsidering needles for certain substances.... I cant stand smoking dmt, maybe it grows on you, but i doubt it. My next psychotropic journey will be with ayauasca; orally sounds a bit more pleasant and with a long enough duration to make something out of the intensity and depth of what is given.
Dude lol i thought the same thing. Im deathly afraid of needles but smoked dmt is like smoking plastic. i deff want to hit up ayahausca! Let me know how that journey goes.

I need to break through so i can start gathering knowledge. I can get morphing walls and floors and the blasted off feeling but never the full blown trip


Dude lol i thought the same thing. Im deathly afraid of needles but smoked dmt is like smoking plastic. i deff want to hit up ayahausca! Let me know how that journey goes.

I need to break through so i can start gathering knowledge. I can get morphing walls and floors and the blasted off feeling but never the full blown trip
i've only smoked it 2x, but my first time was worthwhile. I didnt quite 'break through', but i was right there, and didnt need trip reports to tell me that. just cant get past that as you say, plastic taste... no other way to describe it. Even makes your throat/lungs feel like there is a plastic deposit on them afterward. My research into the ayahausca brew gives me notions of a trip much more like the trips most folks are used to... a few hours, giving time to dwell on what is trying to be conveyed/taught, thus making more possibility for genuine growth. I believe smoked dmt is good for some things, but is NOT something for someone who is not highly familiar with the substance.... no matter what your other hallucinogen exp. may be, smoked dmt will fuck your mind and leave you wanting more time "there" to figure it all out.

I'll (god willing) be ordering all my goodies for the brew on wednesday.... if you dont hear from me, its not gonna happen here.... if you do, well, i'll make the best report I can afterward, and shoot the shit until then. ;)


Well-Known Member
Weird you should post this.. Last night was the first time I did dmt in YEARS. I'd done this ayahuasca brew that one of my friends had made, he also had dmt from mimosa(this was at least 4 years ago..) and it was literally one of the best days of my life.. Now yesterday, a buddy of mine who is usually really sketchy and scary to buy drugs from offered some dmt.. I figured I might as well see what he is doing, so I bought 100mg. Then I tried the lightbulb thing and it didnt work.. Like at all lol, but then, I just thought it was fake or something so I put some in a sandwich of weed.. Holy god face dude.. I forgot how intense that stuff was.. I wasnt really expecting it to work, so I smoked it in my parked car next to my friend.. Then he didnt even realize I had smoked it and kept trying to get my attention but I was gone.. It was just beautiful, I want to start making it or something.

Oh and just for you time, I was on an obnoxious amount of dxm when this was done


Well-Known Member
Read the book, so much was missed in the movie. Then read Inner Paths to Outer Space, also by Rick Strassman. Maybe check out Supernatural by Graham Hancock after that.


Well-Known Member

  • Theres no such thing as a obnoxious amount of dxm. I love dxm!

I dunno 2000mg is pretty obnoxious lol :p But thanks man! It was a great experience! I think Im about to go buy more


I got my hands on some 5-meo-dmt. Wasn't really prepared for it.

I toked it.

Upper left shoulder started hurting supppppppppppper bad (funky body load) and then boom.

Holy shit.

Like, holy fucking lord.

I threw up, stared at my throwup, fell on my back, procedeeded to throw up laying down straight up in the air and it was fucking crazy looking.

Hands down craziest experience of my life. I just stared at my throw up lying on my back with my head titled to the right and my vomit looked like a fucking crazy ass universe. Keep in mind, at the time I had no idea I was throwing up or anything, this was old told to me after I got super embarrassed half way thru the trip and shedded my clothes and jumped into the shower and pissed myself.

Anyway, fucking crazy experience. I wasn't prepared for it, but after 4 months I want to find some more of this shit.

I'm telling you, what I experienced was ineffable. Like holy fucking christ. Crrraaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyy shit guys.


I got my hands on some 5-meo-dmt. Wasn't really prepared for it.

I toked it.

Upper left shoulder started hurting supppppppppppper bad (funky body load) and then boom.

Holy shit.

Like, holy fucking lord.

I threw up, stared at my throwup, fell on my back, procedeeded to throw up laying down straight up in the air and it was fucking crazy looking.

Hands down craziest experience of my life. I just stared at my throw up lying on my back with my head titled to the right and my vomit looked like a fucking crazy ass universe. Keep in mind, at the time I had no idea I was throwing up or anything, this was old told to me after I got super embarrassed half way thru the trip and shedded my clothes and jumped into the shower and pissed myself.

Anyway, fucking crazy experience. I wasn't prepared for it, but after 4 months I want to find some more of this shit.

I'm telling you, what I experienced was ineffable. Like holy fucking christ. Crrraaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyy shit guys.
I cant really imagine smoking the 5-meo after my first experience with nn-dmt.... I'm nowhere near as well versed on my chemistry as many folks here, but I can say from experience that the 5-meo-xxx version of any chemical I've encountered has always been more intense, and a much lower dose than the 'normal' version of same chemical...
But your report above is the exact reason I'm not doing any dmt until I can try an ayahuasca brew. My dmt (smoked) experience was very profound and enjoyable (after the initial fear subsided), but it was too much to take in and process in the short ass duration it lasted... It felt like an entity, not a drug, trying to teach me volumes of information in just a few minute crash course, and I was not ready to process it all; moreso just overwhelmed with the whole experience.....

dmt is the only drug outside of that evil salvia that felt like it had a mind and soul of its own... at least dmt's spirit wasnt menacing, only feared because of its power; the salvia on the otherhand felt more like a malicious, dark soul that was trying to take me to somewhere I didnt belong. Dmt feels more like its trying to show you things that you already do, or should know, just dont have the right perception to see....

Sorry if none of this makes sense, but its my feelings..... I got a continuance today, so i'm ordering me some goodies to do some jungle juice in the next few weeks; and will SURELY make a nice report about my experience.... and the wife's if she doesnt puss out on me :p


Well-Known Member
Damn, watching this vid now, gonna have to score me some of this. Is it legal, whats the easiest way to try it ?


Well-Known Member
Damn, watching this vid now, gonna have to score me some of this. Is it legal, whats the easiest way to try it ?
The materials needed to do the extraction are legal, but dmt itself is illegal. It's not a very common on the street, so you would most likely have to make it yourself.


Well-Known Member
Can someone please explain to me what 'Ayahuasca' is along with 'Caapi'? Also, are these two things combined in boiling water to create an activated form of DMT? Lastly, are those the same plants that can be bought on ebay?