

Well-Known Member
Telepathy would definitely be one of my top choices, mind control would be sweet.

Shape-shifting would be bad-ass also, you could become anybody or anything.

I'd have fun with invisibility but I'd want to be able to turn it off at will.


Well-Known Member
Telepathy would definitely be one of my top choices, mind control would be sweet.

Shape-shifting would be bad-ass also, you could become anybody or anything.

I'd have fun with invisibility but I'd want to be able to turn it off at will.
Fuck yeah for telepathy! Why would you need x-ray vision when you can just make them take their shirt off! We all know thats what we'd use x-ray vision for anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm scared shitless of heights, even if I could I don't know if I'd want to. I bet it'd be the freest feeling in the world though.
I either have a fear of heights or a fear of falling. Not sure which it is. Planes, tall buildings and whatnot I'm fine, but get me on a ladder even 10ft off the ground I start shaking bad and it almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Needless to say I don't clean my gutters very often lol. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i would wield the Force with everyone in sheep mode nowdays jedi
mind trick would work on all plus all the other cool shit you could do with this one power

smokey de bear

Active Member
The ability to make things sleep...i would use it on my son....all the damn time
YES I VERY MUCH AGREE, last night the little bugger woke up at 12am and stayed up to play till 530am, I dunno why I guess he was just exercising his super powers which is to physicly and mentaly drain much larger beings of their energy in no time which I think he feeds off of to drain me of more kinda like a patience vampire lol.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
YES I VERY MUCH AGREE, last night the little bugger woke up at 12am and stayed up to play till 530am, I dunno why I guess he was just exercising his super powers which is to physicly and mentaly drain much larger beings of their energy in no time which I think he feeds off of to drain me of more kinda like a patience vampire lol.
Of course thats what theyre doing...why do you think they are growing so fast? Its cause they can vampirize all the energy out of a whole house. then they give you that troublemaker look that a poker player can give you to fuck with your head....

smokey de bear

Active Member
Of course thats what theyre doing...why do you think they are growing so fast? Its cause they can vampirize all the energy out of a whole house. then they give you that troublemaker look that a poker player can give you to fuck with your head....
Yep and when their loosing and your will is getting stronger and your resisting their powers thats when they give you the flu but the smart little creatures first give it to themselves so you must work overtime taking care of them draining your energy at an exponetial rate. Then right when your weak they give you the flu and they recover to full energy and some from the resting. While your restrained to the bathroom they have free range of the house, dont underestimate 18mth olds and he's got a 4mth old sidekick.


Well-Known Member
I would want super speed. Sonic the hedgehog kind of speed, I would be able to run around the world in a matter of minutes, run across water and all that good stuff. :bigjoint: