pics pics pics


Active Member
Flora grow is no longer used. I would suggest going to GH website, they have the feeding schedules there.


Well-Known Member
Are the pics recent? The plants look healthy, but it doesn't look like you have hardly any buds. Forth week, you should have buds at least an inch long.

No idea on the nutes, since your using GH.


Well-Known Member
pics were taken today

Are you sure your light is kicking on and off when it should, and only running 12 hours a day, and there are no light leaks? Sure you just didn't mess up your dates?

It just doesn't look like you plants are flowering, or if they are, it looks like they just started.


Your plants are fine dont let ppl spook you. You are growing a strai that leans heavy on the sativa side thats just how they look at 4 weeks. I have a jack33 that is 4 weeks today and it looks just like yours. Your plants look healthy.

Do you have a ppm pen?
And what nutes are you running?
And just to make sure you are running a 12hr on 12hr off light cycle rite?
What is your ppm's right now? When shifting from mid flower to late you should be lowering N a little but not too much. You should be bringing up your PK but if you are using Koolbloom a very very little goes a long way. If you have ran chemical fertilizers up till now you might as well finish with them.

Make sure your flush is at least 10 days if not 14.

Besides the buds looking small (might be your strain but check for light leaks) a couple leaf tips are hooking down.

Without knowing your ppm/ph temp and humidity that's about all I can tell you.


yes to the ppm pen and my nutes are the flora series
When growing pot keep in mind everything and all advice is just guidlines. It took me a long time to realize this.

So Here is what I am at with my 4 week flowering stage you can compare and change things as you see fit.

ppm 600
ph 5.8 I let it drift up too 6.3 b4 bringing it back down
temps are the biggest variable you will have I try to keep mine under 85. I try but sometimes unavoidable

On my nutes I would use your flora bloom and if you have flora micro I would use it as well. I would add the micro to a rate of 250ppm then top off with the bloom up too 600. If they dont like it then back it down. But I woulnd't go over 600.

Change your water every 10 days

Note: ppl will bash the 600ppm at this stage of flowering with statements like quote: you should be running 1400ppm by now or at least over 1000.
I call bullshit on that. even if you can get away with it its just a waist of money and only causes problems with your plants.
By keeping your ppm lower you will never have nute lockup and for someone learning that is a very big advantage.