An American in Canadia- A True Story


Well-Known Member
Let me pretext this story by saying: It's long I know, but bear with me it's a true story from my life that had a profound impact on me and how I view other souls in this crazy upside down world and I think we all could use some good vibes today.

It's July 2003. I had just graduated high school after what felt like an eternity of butting heads with rich kids and out-of-touch teachers. I was looking for an escape. As it turns out an escape found me when I was given 2 tickets to SarsStock in Toronto. I had never been to Canada but was really excited to visit the home of Moose and Molson, because thats what I knew of Canada at that point in my life lol.

I invited a friend to share in this adventure with me because upon receiving my driver's license on my 18th birthday I had to surrender it because of charges stemming from an underage at a Tom Petty concert. The only hitch was he had a license but no car. So we did what most 18 year olds do... we decided to steal his older brothers car and drive it to another country lol.

I borrowed my mom's credit card and booked a hostel in Toronto off of whatever major travel site was king at the time. For 4 days it was something like $80 at the time. I rolled somewhere in the vicinity of 10 super shitty joints, stuffed them in a newport box and are adventure began.

Upon arriving at the border we were greeted by a jovial Canadian guard. He asked us what are business was in Canada. Our reply was simply 2 words... "The Stones." He laughed and said sarcastically "no kidding, haven't heard that one today. Welcome to Canada." We were welcomed to Canada with a :smile:.

This is where the story picks up speed and drives my point home. We navigated to Toronto with no problem, other than the QEW is one scary place when you've never been behind a wheel. We get to Toronto and find the hostel. One big problem though... the hostel is no longer a hostel and we have no credit cards. We're kind of freaking out at this point. A man approaches us after hearing our conversation and asks us if we need some help. After telling him the deal, he says that he's actually the manager of the newly-renovated apartments and that they were all full but if we wanted he'd be more than happy to put us up at his girlfriends house. Having no other alternatives we agreed and followed him to the suburbs.

Once we got there, he introduced us to his girlfriend, who looked an awful lot like Shakira. She agreed that it was best if we crashed in her basement as they had just got done renovating it into 2 guest bedrooms and would work out perfect. Here are 2 strangers going well out of their way for 2 other strangers just because they could and felt like they should. After getting settled in I insisted on paying them for the amenities they were providing, after some reluctance he said "how bout $60." I said "great, Canadian or American?" His reply was "oh right $40 American." Awesome here ya go! After getting the business taken care of he said he and the girlfriend were going out for dinner and to make ourselves comfortable.

We decided to take in the city. Which means we went and shoulder-tapped for some XXL and more weed because hey when in Rome! We finally scored some decent cheap weed from a valet boy and scored some brews outside a Subway. We were tired from the drive and decided to head back and relax. The dude, whose name escapes me, and his girlfriend were already in bed. We made our way to the basement where we found brand new blankets, pillows, towels, wash cloths and hygiene products waiting for us. These 2 strangers took our $40 and used it to buy us stuff. All for no other reason than to be a good human being, towards other human beings.

We went to the show and it was amazing but what was really amazing were these 2 strangers that showed a couple of young, confused kids the true meaning of compassion and gave us the benefit of the doubt. We left and said our thanks and goodbyes and thats the last we ever saw them, but I will remember them and the lessons that were taught to me for the rest of my days on this beautiful planet. So the next time you see someone in distress, help them out. I've said it before, you're only doing as good as your neighbor. Life's too short to be wasted being wicked. We need to help each other out or this place and everybody in it is going to fall apart. Nothing but love and light your brother Neosapien out.


Well-Known Member
Nice story. Yea Its not to often you run into people that are willing to go out of their way to help out complete strangers, but that's proof there's still people out there. You ever been to Canada since?


Well-Known Member
Nice story. Yea Its not to often you run into people that are willing to go out of their way to help out complete strangers, but that's proof there's still people out there. You ever been to Canada since?
Yeah, it just goes to show that hope and compassion are contagious. Yeah haha another cool albeit smaller Canadian story. After I was legal, in Canada's eyes, me and another buddy of mine went to Niagara to get sloshed. We ended up at Sundowners and my buddy, who's smoother with the ladies, got one of the strippers to puff us down after she got off then proceeded to drive us too all the different casinos. Haha good times. I should go to Canada more often.


Well-Known Member
In 1983 me a buddy rode our bikes across the USA, every where we went we had a great time, except Vagas, spent the night with a married lady and next morning when leaving on the bikes her hubby walks around the corner and starts shooting, rode the hell out of there real fast. Even the cops who spoke to us or stopped us were great. In NM we were in the National petrified forest just sitting there at a table drinking beer and this man comes out of a big mobil home with 2 plaits of chicken and all the fixens and he says the wife thought you look hungry, just leave the dishes by the door. I chainged my mind about Americans, but people can be kind in just about any countries. I'm glad you had such a positive vibe when in canada, come back anytime. Peace and thanks for shairing....


Well-Known Member
In 1983 me a buddy rode our bikes across the USA, every where we went we had a great time, except Vagas, spent the night with a married lady and next morning when leaving on the bikes her hubby walks around the corner and starts shooting, rode the hell out of there real fast. Even the cops who spoke to us or stopped us were great. In NM we were in the National petrified forest just sitting there at a table drinking beer and this man comes out of a big mobil home with 2 plaits of chicken and all the fixens and he says the wife thought you look hungry, just leave the dishes by the door. I chainged my mind about Americans, but people can be kind in just about any countries. I'm glad you had such a positive vibe when in canada, come back anytime. Peace and thanks for shairing....
I got married in Vegas! If I got shot at I'd imagine my view would be different too. :bigjoint: Yeah I've had the good fortune of being able to travel to alot of different countries and I always managed to surround myself with good people while there. Thanks for listening.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Im glad that there are poeple out there like that! I wouldn't go that far to help someone due to all the crazy people but I will go out of my way to help others if I see someone having car trouble or walking on the side of the road! I also hook up sacks heavy EVERY time! Spread the love people smoking is supposed to be fun and it kills ya when you get home and your bag is short! Even an extra 1-1.5 grams will make someones day! ;) The sad part is that I wouldn't help people if I wasn't packing a 45 on me! The world is scary and people should help others but just be carefull out there! Nothing worse than someone dieing trying to help some fucking psycho out!


Well-Known Member
Im glad that there are poeple out there like that! I wouldn't go that far to help someone due to all the crazy people but I will go out of my way to help others if I see someone having car trouble or walking on the side of the road! I also hook up sacks heavy EVERY time! Spread the love people smoking is supposed to be fun and it kills ya when you get home and your bag is short! Even an extra 1-1.5 grams will make someones day! ;) The sad part is that I wouldn't help people if I wasn't packing a 45 on me! The world is scary and people should help others but just be carefull out there! Nothing worse than someone dieing trying to help some fucking psycho out!
Fo' sure. We were just talking about hooking people up in another thread a few days back. And yeah the wrong people have guns do I. ;-)


Ursus marijanus
In 2003 I went on my big cross-country bike trip. Many stories from that one, including ten days well-spent in our neighbour to the North.

One thing i'm remembering is seeing a lady in a three-footed Toyota by the side of the road. I was still young enough to rassle a bagger to the ground (and back up again, if the slope went the right way). So I stopped and helped her work the lug wrench. her initial "oh shit - biker!" look went away as I undid and redid her lug nuts in the approved pattern, and kept up some oddly mellow, articulate chatter for a, well, y'know. At the end of it she gave me $5, which I tried to refuse, citing a moral duty to feed Karma, but she insisted. So basically she bought me the next cheeseburger, which was extra tasty. cn


Well-Known Member
In 2003 I went on my big cross-country bike trip. Many stories from that one, including ten days well-spent in our neighbour to the North.

One thing i'm remembering is seeing a lady in a three-footed Toyota by the side of the road. I was still young enough to rassle a bagger to the ground (and back up again, if the slope went the right way). So I stopped and helped her work the lug wrench. her initial "oh shit - biker!" look went away as I undid and redid her lug nuts in the approved pattern, and kept up some oddly mellow, articulate chatter for a, well, y'know. At the end of it she gave me $5, which I tried to refuse, citing a moral duty to feed Karma, but she insisted. So basically she bought me the next cheeseburger, which was extra tasty. cn
Nice, for some reason I couldn't quite figure out what a three-footed toyota was at first. Then I was like o neosapien you high fucking idiot lol. I read your journal, i think it was your journal, acouple days ago. I liked your story too.


Well-Known Member
great memory dude. people arent all bad

In N Conway NH, I was with a bro, on lunch break, seen an old man and woman with a flat tire. They looked a little distraught by the event.....

So I drove by & flipped em the bird. :finger:

No I didnt, geesus what kind of guy you think I am? I grabbed my floor jack outta the back of my jeep and zipped their spare on likity split. they wanted to pay me and shit, but really,its good to help some one once in a while....

Pulled people outta ditches, I do all kinds of stuff for people and never expect payment You gotta enjoy the simple things in life.

The people around the world generalize the populous together with the governments. Wouldnt it be a different world if the goverments actually represented the people and their interests?

besides, i never had any issues with canadians....