What is the Answer?


Active Member
A paradigm of what? cn
Now that the fog of cheap liquor has cleared my brain, I must confess, that even though I was able to pull a rather brilliant justification for my use of paradigm out of my ass what I really meant to say was paradox. The question is a paradox. Your confusion was quite justified. I am shamed. ( hangs head and swears to stop swilling boxed wine . . . *hic* )


Well-Known Member
Nobody is perfect. I actually called a paradigm "para-dij-em" and a mosquito a "moss-quit-toe" the first time I read the words (and for some time after until someone corrected me)...I still think your post was yummy. I remember being so thunderfucked and thinking "I would lick her brain like an ice cream cone and hope something seeps in"...not like a sexual brain lick though. The other kind. =)


Active Member
Nobody is perfect. I actually called a paradigm "para-dij-em" and a mosquito a "moss-quit-toe" the first time I read the words (and for some time after until someone corrected me)...I still think your post was yummy. I remember being so thunderfucked and thinking "I would lick her brain like an ice cream cone and hope something seeps in"...not like a sexual brain lick though. The other kind. =)
you can lick my brain cleavage anytime ;)


Ursus marijanus
Now that the fog of cheap liquor has cleared my brain, I must confess, that even though I was able to pull a rather brilliant justification for my use of paradigm out of my ass what I really meant to say was paradox. The question is a paradox. Your confusion was quite justified. I am shamed. ( hangs head and swears to stop swilling boxed wine . . . *hic* )
For that, I'll have to assess a charge. cn

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
That question is unanswerable because there isnt enough information to determine. In order to know your statistical likelyhood of randomly chosing the right answer, you must first know which is the correct answer in order to randomly chose it. Its just made to confound you


Well-Known Member
That question is unanswerable because there isnt enough information to determine. In order to know your statistical likelyhood of randomly chosing the right answer, you must first know which is the correct answer in order to randomly chose it. Its just made to confound you
It worked. I was confounded. Phillipe said fuck a riddle.


Pickle Queen
LMFAO i laughed, snorted and even drooled, bravo everyone..... sorry i have nothing to add for now.......


Pickle Queen
Oh April, just spread your brain cleavage that will get them going you know how much dudes like a nice firm cerebellum ;)
OMG my short bus kitty was born with a small or malformed cerebellum, but she's sweeter than high fructose corn syrup ;)


Active Member
OMG my short bus kitty was born with a small or malformed cerebellum, but she's sweeter than high fructose corn syrup ;)
very clever girl. . .let's just skip to the pussy. Your poor puss! Does she just wander around bumping into things?