quick question


Well-Known Member
nute burn comes from your nutrients being too abundant in whatever medium you are growing in and the root system has the capacity to suck in too much nutrients giving you burn.


Well-Known Member
if the ppm is to high is it what causes nute burn?
mass is on it as usual!
ppm= parts per million of food. ppm is "basically" your food levels. too much of anything will kill them or fuck them up real bad.

(General info for all...)
scientifically , there is no such thing as "nute burn" , thats just slang for putting too much food in the medium. your plant cant actually eat too much an get burnt from it. what happens is all the extra salts (ppm's or food...all the same) fuck your medium up an make it toxic , then when you start seeing "burns" , its actually deficiencies because it cant eat what it needs to.

so im not sayin there is no such thing as overfeeding , just that "nute burn" is the wrong wording.

soil :bigjoint:

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that plants in nature also sometimes have access to more nutrients than they need. Do they just keep eating till they burn and die? That doesn't sound like a very good survival adaptation. Surely plants have the ability to regulate what they uptake. If not, why don't my pot plants in hydro, just "eat" the entire week's nutrient supply when it is given and burn from that?


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that plants in nature also sometimes have access to more nutrients than they need. Do they just keep eating till they burn and die? That doesn't sound like a very good survival adaptation. Surely plants have the ability to regulate what they uptake. If not, why don't my pot plants in hydro, just "eat" the entire week's nutrient supply when it is given and burn from that?
correct smile!
a plant is just like most other species of human / animal. they will only eat what they need, an leave the rest behind causeing probs in the medium.


Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
correct smile!
a plant is just like most other species of human / animal. they will only eat what they need, an leave the rest behind causeing probs in the medium.

I'm thinking hydro and wondering if nute burn isn't just a garbage term that describes all kinds of things none of which are simply a matter of too many nutes. It sort of doesn't make sense that plants are physiologically compelled to take up more of any nutrient that it needs, especially to toxic levels.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking hydro and wondering if nute burn isn't just a garbage term that describes all kinds of things none of which are simply a matter of too many nutes. It sort of doesn't make sense that plants are physiologically compelled to take up more of any nutrient that it needs, especially to toxic levels.
it is somewhat of a garbage term. the term itself is all wrong , because a plant simply can not be "burned" by food (unless you spill it all over them) and your right "nute burn" could be anything , all that term tells you is that the prob started by putting too much food in the medium.

i dont dissagree with the whole nute burn thang , but the wording is horrible. bottom line is if you stick too much food (or anything) in the medium it will hurt things but the spots an "burns" an necrosis is acually from a def , not a "burn"

i guess lockout would be a better term then burn , but not quite up to science par.
