Buddy Broke my Pipe :(


Well-Known Member
Man... :( my buddy left my place thismorning and when he grabed his bud he knocked over my favorite pipe. I mean its a piece of glass but still he didnt say shit and iv had that pipe for a few years. I had it the longest of any piece iv owned... Super sucks. Well i guess i got a an excuse to get a new one :/ why would he not tell me it broke??? Idk ppl suck some times i guess


Well-Known Member
My brain is having a hard time connecting 'buddy' and 'broke my pipe'...a real friend would have split his head open diving to save it. Remorse...


Ursus marijanus
If you're not too high to find, recognize and operate the door ... you're not to high to 'fess up to a buddy. I call coward. cn


Well-Known Member
Lol true that. Naw not stoned... I would understand that but he had just woke up. I know if i broke someones pipe (cuz i have b4 on accident) id tell someone and buy em a new piece. I heard him knock it over and shit and it didnt sound bad and he took of right after that. So bumbed


Well-Known Member

I have a sign that says that in my living room (where i sesh)
anyone breaks my shit they know whats up ;p

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
While as the person doing the breaking he should buy the replacement, i can happily say i've smashed all kinds of shit drunk sober stoned and not been aware of it till i've sliced my foot open on it. Shit can happen :)


Well-Known Member
Maybe he didn't notice..or maybe he did.
Really not a big thing.... if you are really friends.

I once broke my friends wife...we are still friends.....;-)


Well-Known Member
i see a glass piece droping...

my brain goes into over ride and i turn into a damn cat making it wont break like even a dampening of the fall would have saved it

ive had my foot save many a peice from a concrete graveyard

but yah total foul on his hand as if he was a real freind he would have made the action of at least telling you

looks like hes not gonna be smoking around the good peices any more huh?


Well-Known Member
My aunt broke a pipe of mine that I bought myself for my bday didn't say sorry or shit broke in half 1 single split sucked I was pissed.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if you confront him and he acknowledges it and tries to make it up to you, then fine, but in my experience people who try to act like they didn't do anything don't react very civilly when confronted.

he needs to at least acknowledge it and make some kind of remorseful gesture. my friend once broke a pipe that i lent to him and he was really torn up about it. i had no doubt that he was really careful with it and he just had an accident. he didn't have any money to buy me another one but i suppose i realized that when i lent it out. it wasn't my nicest bowl anyway and his remorse was good enough for me. he gave a shit and that's what was important to me.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha thanks guys. I like the upgrade rule lol yeah im gonna ask him about it cuz i was n my living room and heard that shit so i know for a fact he heard it and it wasnt more than 2 feet away on the ground from the counter. Just shows ppl arnt always what they seem i guess. Hopefully hes cool about it and hooks it up but i doubt it