Watch what you say on here!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Is it mandatory to be pro-hallucinatory substances to post in that forum? Or must one be blindly in favor of every single synthetic that drops out of the oil can without regard for human safety?

no it isnt

and i wasnt asking for blind appeasal

i was just asking for the posts that are not discussion or debate to cease

i have no problem with you if you choose not to participate in the stuff as others

but i have a problem when people start judging othesr for doing so when its IN a forum for discussing it

again i was jsut letting ppl know that blends ARENT bad if used properly

if you dont know what properly is i cant help that


Well-Known Member
You have a future here, kid, but only once you learn to go "clutch out" on brain *before* going "right foot to floor" on the ol' testes. cn
Please don't ever go right foot to the floor on the old testes. You might have a slip, trip or fall accident.


Well-Known Member
OmG! RIU has ego monster mods.. who would have thought!!
now ima ego monster?

haha loving it

you guys get so hyped up over all this

i think BT put it well earlier

"i get off the computer and dont give a shit about you guys"

so hate on homie hate on


Well-Known Member
no it isnt

and i wasnt asking for blind appeasal

i was just asking for the posts that are not discussion or debate to cease

i have no problem with you if you choose not to participate in the stuff as others

but i have a problem when people start judging othesr for doing so when its IN a forum for discussing it

again i was jsut letting ppl know that blends ARENT bad if used properly

if you dont know what properly is i cant help that
What can I make of this? You say it isn't then say you have a problem with it in a forum devoted to discussing it. Well, is it mandatory or not?

There was lots of sharing of personal experiences, some bad, some neutral. And some comments or characterizations of those posters rashness in over-dosing through ignorance apparently. So, I just thought your arrow missed the mark when you closed the thread. You can do more educational good in an open thread and I do believe there is quite a bit of danger involved in ignorant use of these chemicals, yes? And the negative experiences posters reported, you believe area a result of ignorant use. jesse pinkerton, on the other hand, called you a drug addict insultingly and repeatedly and you did nothing to correct that violation. No one else had anything that was not a contribution to the discussion, negative or positive. Answering this kind of fast, I have to run off for a while.

Your last sentence, "if you don't know what properly is i cant help that" is argumentative with me in a way that I don't feel is justified.


Well-Known Member
becuase the forum is devoted to talking about it doesnt mean you have to be devoted to it

their are diff sections of the forums for that reason

so you can organize the talk


and that is not what i said

and my point in all this is if your using it in the first place you should have done the research

alot of the problems from synthetic cannibinoid use was the fact that they are full agonists and people think they can smoke tons of the stuff

the reason you cant OD on bud is becasue thc isnt a full agonist its only a partial

you can od on synthetic cannibinoids because of this fact

now again if the person read up their shit they wouldnt have to worry about seizing to death

same goes with everything you put in your body

if you dont read up on it before hand your only doing your self the harm

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There's no rule stating that but it should e common sense.. If a thread was closed for a reason why make bother one complaining about it..
So why is there a moderator telling us that this is a rule? that is my point here. A week or two back i had a moderator telling me that the rules mean nothing and they're just there as legal protection and don't actually need to be followed, and now we have a moderator simply making them up instead.

I'm not arguing that this thread isn't pointless or contrary to common sense, i just have a thing about mods not understanding what the rules are and sprouting any old nonsense.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
heres were they got it covered...

  • The owners of have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.



Well-Known Member
So, there you go. We have to live by the rules of this site.

And I have no problems with the site owners protecting their asses in any way they see fit.


Well-Known Member
Is the best way to stop a redonkulous thread to completely derail it, or does that just inspire the donkey to make more because "it got 34 poasts!!!!one!!! EPIC!!!"?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
heres were they got it covered...

  • The owners of have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

Which does not in any way prohibit the creation of a thread quesitoning the deleiton of a thread ;)

making more threads about deleted threads is also against the rules,
Hence me calling RK out on making things up out of thin air unless there is a set of rules i'm unaware of. And people wonder why folk are always making threads about cowboy mods.


Well-Known Member
I'm still blown away by the fact I'm talking to people via wires. From wired up soup cans to this. I tell ya.



Well-Known Member
Which does not in any way prohibit the creation of a thread quesitoning the deleiton of a thread ;)

Hence me calling RK out on making things up out of thin air unless there is a set of ules i'm unaware of.
i pretty much agree with you
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