Hey man, I had written a thread about Rocklock like a month or 2 ago.... I got em from Attitude... DNA Genetics... Feminized pack of 5.. Only 3 germinated, and out of those 3, only 2 were strong enough to grow... I Vegged em HUGE for like 2 months.... Flipped them into the Flower room... About 8-9 days in, I was out there looking at them, and I had noticed that something didnt look right... There were like little bulbs or balls popping up everywhere... I was confused, because in order to hermie, it would have taken weeks... I waited another day, and it was even worse... I put trash bags on them so they wouldnt pollinate any others.. and chopped em both down... I took them outside and gave a full inspection... I came to the conclusion that these were NOT feminized seeds... They were MALE... DNA may have mad a mistake when packaging, or the whole Rocklock strain they are sending people is fucked up... This is the 3rd person to have this happen besides me... I say cut your losses short... Get them outta there... Or at least post a pic so we can help