Monkeys or Aliens?

Afrawfraw - I will make a large assumption here as to the fact that you don't proof read your posts for misleading, erroneous or dim witted content...

I know quite a lot about rape... ;-)

Forced - in this context we can safely say is defined as involuntary

and copulation - as you and I know is sex

so Forced+Copulation= Rape

You can attempt to spin it whatever way you want as it is to do with animals that are not of our species so you can put it away in your compartmentalized head space as something that is not the same as rape for human beings, but you yourself contradicted yourself in your most current post with 'Rape is almost never about sex'

Where as I would counter that argument and say that it is almost never about the act of procreation, but rape as it is, is definitely about sex, whether it is using sex to dominate someone physically and mentally (Prison shower sex) as apposed to the gang rape of a young woman (Having a few laughs with like minded deviants while you get your rocks off) or even the small percent that is to get somebody pregnant... It is all about sex, sex is the tool used in all rape scenarios, it is just the intent of the use of the tool that differs...


I myself have not personally heard of many people that did not struggle to get away from their own forced copulation...
Afrawfraw - I will make a large assumption here as to the fact that you don't proof read your posts for misleading, erroneous or dim witted content...

I know quite a lot about rape... ;-)

Forced - in this context we can safely say is defined as involuntary

and copulation - as you and I know is sex

so Forced+Copulation= Rape

You can attempt to spin it whatever way you want as it is to do with animals that are not of our species so you can put it away in your compartmentalized head space as something that is not the same as rape for human beings, but you yourself contradicted yourself in your most current post with 'Rape is almost never about sex'

Where as I would counter that argument and say that it is almost never about the act of procreation, but rape as it is, is definitely about sex, whether it is using sex to dominate someone physically and mentally (Prison shower sex) as apposed to the gang rape of a young woman (Having a few laughs with like minded deviants while you get your rocks off) or even the small percent that is to get somebody pregnant... It is all about sex, sex is the tool used in all rape scenarios, it is just the intent of the use of the tool that differs...


I myself have not personally heard of many people that did not struggle to get away from their own forced copulation...

Actually, you just supported MY post. OOPSY!

You are assuming that dolphins and foul react the way you do! LAUGHABLE! Actually, they react the way you do when you are charged money at the DMV, and the DMV says, you HAVE to pay it. You are forced to commit an act, but you get over it. Animals who are forced into copulation do NOT suffer prolonged depression or lay down and die. They return to their daily activities, much the way you do after renewing your license.

The difference is less in the physical act, but rather the effects and motives.

A human rapes for self empowerment, to terrorize, to demoralize. An animal forces copulation to reproduce. Almost 50% of foul reproduction is forced copulation! Educate yourself please, before popping off at the mouth.

I understand you have probably been victimized, and I'm sorry for that. I think RAPE is disgusting and rapists should be relieved of there miserable lives.

If you don't see a clear difference AFTER READING UP ON BOTH, go to the store, buy a bunch of "RAPISTS" from the frozen section, and eat them as REVENGE!

I can commit the exact same violent act on 2 women. One woman pays me, the other doesn't even know me. Both INVOLVE SEX! But only one is ABOUT sex. The other is a terrorist action.
We are nothing but animals...

and could you please enlighten me as to how I supported your argument with my post?

WOW, you read fast. I will not be your educator! Please learn about species behavior FIRST. Then tell me I'm wrong.

You called me dim witted, yet you attacked out of shier ignorance. Then you misinterpreted ABOUT to INVOLVES. Please read a book first, PLEASE!?
You are wrong...

I did not attack out of sheer ignorance...

I agree that the majority of documented human forced copulation does not appear to be about reproduction... But that does not remove the cases that are from the argument...

and just because they would fit in your narrow view of forced copulation being about reproduction does not make it any less rape...
You are wrong...

I did not attack out of sheer ignorance...

I agree that the majority of documented human forced copulation does not appear to be about reproduction... But that does not remove the cases that are from the argument...

and just because they would fit in your narrow view of forced copulation being about reproduction does not make it any less rape...

Your lack of education is apparent.

It's not JUST whether it's about reproduction or not. AGAIN, it is the reaction, not the action, which makes it RAPE or FORCED COPULATION.

READ! PLEASE!? Pick up a book on animal behavior. Please? Please?
Didn't cave man club club their women unconscious and drag them back to their cave to have sex with them?

Not exactly like that, but yes.

A great example would be going to a predominantly MUSLIM country, and start advocating for the woman to be able to wear pants in public. The WOMAN will look at you just as shitty as the men. THIS IS NOT THE EXPECTATION OF THE WOMAN IN THIS CULTURE!!! They don't feel "Trapped" any more so than a Christian feels "Trapped" into praying on their knees. You see it as wrong BASED ON YOUR CULTURAL UPBRINGING.

The female cave dweller does not feel raped because there was never an expectation of consent.
I just got a mental image of dolphins in line at the DMV ... and hoping I'm not the guy behind them ... cn

Just don't make any effeminate behaviors. Dolphins sometimes separate a female from the pod and as Shannon so quaintly believes, "Gang Rapes" her.
You are wrong...

I did not attack out of sheer ignorance...

I agree that the majority of documented human forced copulation does not appear to be about reproduction... But that does not remove the cases that are from the argument...

and just because they would fit in your narrow view of forced copulation being about reproduction does not make it any less rape...

Shannon, if I may be allowed to try pouring some oil on these waters ...
You are talking about human forced copulation, which in the great majority of cases is indeed about power and not sex.
Different species have different protocols surrounding, and responses to, sex.
Ducks, for example, don't court as such, but "grab and hit". From a human perspective it's pretty icky, but (and i presume here) from a duck's it's just what it is.

Sea otters have a similar set of habits ... the male clamps onto the female's nose with his teeth, often quite hard, and manuevers her into assuming the position. She doesn't go down too easily. It's not beyond imagining that natural selection has programmed the males to seek "fighters" as a token of reproductive success.
And scorpions - ! Have you seen vids of scorpion lust? It's nearly indistinguishable from a rage-soaked fight to the death. (So you want some TAIL, eh??)

To misquote Worf from Trek TNG:
" ... this IS sex!"
Shannon, if I may be allowed to try pouring some oil on these waters ...
You are talking about human forced copulation, which in the great majority of cases is indeed about power and not sex.
Different species have different protocols surrounding, and responses to, sex.
Ducks, for example, don't court as such, but "grab and hit". From a human perspective it's pretty icky, but (and i presume here) from a duck's it's just what it is.

Sea otters have a similar set of habits ... the male clamps onto the female's nose with his teeth, often quite hard, and manuevers her into assuming the position. She doesn't go down too easily. It's not beyond imagining that natural selection has programmed the males to seek "fighters" as a token of reproductive success.
And scorpions - ! Have you seen vids of scorpion lust? It's nearly indistinguishable from a rage-soaked fight to the death. (So you want some TAIL, eh??)

To misquote Worf from Trek TNG:
" ... this IS sex!"

If your not in education yet, perhaps a possible avenue for you. You seem much more empathetic than I at explanations.
Dang, afrawfraw, that is quite the compliment.
I am however old and disabled ... not sure i could handle a teaching job ... especially disciplining unruly kids. That requires "command presence", which I can fake online but do not have in meatspace. Even so, I smiled. cn
You don't let slaves grow to our numbers.
If there are aliens that created us surely there are more aliens then? Why wouldn't more aliens come? Such superior beings that thought of us as cattle or slaves wouldn't be worried about invading it.
You couldn't let us live as a botched experiment. It'd be like letting a parasite grow, or letting a virus spread. You don't do that, you kill it.
Ongoing study, eh, that's somewhat reasonable but still...our doesn't seem rationale to let your experiment get that far out of hand.
And I would think beings of such superior intellect wouldn't even have televisions anymore...
what if we are being raised like cattle? when you grow crops you want lots of crops to can up and get through the winter.
what if we are being raised like cattle? when you grow crops you want lots of crops to can up and get through the winter.

Well then the Internet is our mightiest defense! It is the mortal enemy of good taste. You still would like your crop to not taste like troll in porn sauce. cn
So if I force a woman to get preggers against her will, is that rape? My whole intention was not to inflict suffering or gain control, just to impregnate. I bet the judge would agree that it was rape.