How many AK-47 should I fit in a 2x4?


Well-Known Member
Hi folks, I am trying to decide how many AK-47 to fit into my 2x4 grow room that has 2 400W CMH lights. I would prefer to run up to 6 AK-47 from seed if I can do it without problem so I may choose the best phenotype to keep as a mother, and then run the clones in this space.

The space has forced air intake and one hell of an exhaust with many small oscillating fans.

So how many would you suggest I run in this space from seed?


Well-Known Member
I am going to be doing a typical SoG, with most likely soil (I am torn between the ease of soil, and the faster, but more labor-us coco).

so I say one plant in a 2x4.
Personally I prefer more small plants to one large one, just because the larger plants drink SOOOOOO much water, and it gives me more time to fudge stuff up too.

8 square feet. 1 plant per sq. ft. SOG. 8 plants I would say
So by that logic, I should be able to SoG all 6.

Thanks for that, I guess I am off to prepare the room for 6.
i would say 1 plant i have done too many this time and lost half my crop due to light burn and lack of room last time i did 4 i got 30oz this time i did 6 and got 17oz in 1.2m x 1.2m


Active Member
Hi folks, I am trying to decide how many AK-47 to fit into my 2x4 grow room that has 2 400W CMH lights. I would prefer to run up to 6 AK-47 from seed if I can do it without problem so I may choose the best phenotype to keep as a mother, and then run the clones in this space.

The space has forced air intake and one hell of an exhaust with many small oscillating fans.

So how many would you suggest I run in this space from seed?
ak-47 is a very versatile and "bushy" strain,if you went 4 plants in your space,youd be able to maneuver around easier while also being able to add side lighting.Im just letting you know now,when things get overcrowded things get difficult.Spare yourself some space because in the long run youd be glad you did.


New Member
i do 30 plants in 2L bottles 4 wek veg 8week flower under 400 hps and 400 halide. i veg in a 3x3 area with a dimmable 400 i usualy have it on 250 and i can veg 40 clones and 4 mothers. all this inside 5x7x5 tent the dr150 tipped on its side. right now because i had some plants from another grow i have 4 bigger plants in 6qt pots and i could do 12 of them with an 8 week veg. i like more small plants and im trying to get in to breeding im about to build my male male flowering cab soon. in the 2L i see about an oz to 2 in the 6 qt pot maybe 2-4 oz


New Member
i get the same results as hydro with a low nutrient content soil and compost tea if done correctly and watered correctly i could only go to my room once a week and if i set trays of water beneath them i could probably leave for 2 weeks. i choose to go to my room everyday for better results but if i wanted average i could just go in there once week. complete nutrient-less soil is a pain in the ass best left for hempy buckets and ebb and flow as far as keeping maintenance down to 1 or 2 times a week.