Drug dogs


Well-Known Member

barry cooper im guessing wrote that article huh?
you know it. i was tryin to remember dudes name and I couldnt find that issue. that was a good article, talking about that, and all the shady shit LEO does to obtain warrants and what not...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you know it. i was tryin to remember dudes name and I couldnt find that issue. that was a good article, talking about that, and all the shady shit LEO does to obtain warrants and what not...:mrgreen:
yes sir!!! im all over it! the best way to know your enemy is to study your enemy right?

he also got out 2 videos that i think you should check out!!!!! very informative. he also has a website. i think it is ngb dot com or some shit!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info loudblunts, I wanted to know if he had any other info out to read/watch. I'm all over that. keep your friends close and your enemies closer. if we know how they watch us, we can watch them.


Active Member
Dude. YOU'RE HEATED!!! The best thing you can do keep quiet, and try not to freak out or act strange. Make sure your grow room is airtight, or/and has a good carbonated filter to diminish the smell of the room. The best way to beat the dog, is to keep the dog from coming in the first place. Spray Febreeze close to your front door often, use scented candles, and incense. Cops can post outside your house with a dog, and if the dog smells something, that's probable cause!


Well-Known Member
Things that would completely mask the location of a hidden grow room?

Would a cat litter box at the entrance make it look like the dog is trying to get in the box?

Post your opinions

I've got a friend who's former LEO, used to be K9. Also, neighbor across the street is former K9. They KNOW their dog's behavior, ain't no way in hell you're going to make it look like the dog's doing anything else except alerting. And, honestly, there's nothing that I know of that's going to prevent the dog from scenting in the first place. I agree that it would make a lot of sense to just completely load the area with scent. That said, I have a feeling a dog would be able to locate your stash anyway.


Active Member
The 'only thing that I know of is sprinkling Potpourri on the carpet by it. It works, but I wouldnt do it because it ruins the nose of the dog and that is mean. :P

**edit: not sure if it potpourri, it is that stuff that you spread around carpet to make it smell good. The chemicals in that kill the dogs ability to smell. I only know this because in one of my animal psychology classes a cop and drug dog came in to show how different training worked, he informed us of this little trick that meth heads in Oklahoma use.**


Well-Known Member
You know for a fact this works? Why would it work? Isn't potpourri just a buncha flowers all dried up? What potpourri? Not trying to be a smartass, I'm curious about it.


Well-Known Member
i think he means the powder chemical stuff, it looks like powder washing detergent. not sure if it would work but it is pretty hard on the nose if your smell it(and by smell it i mean put it right up near your nose.kinda burns too)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, ok. One brand is Carpet Fresh. Now I'm wondering if this stuff I got called Odorcide might also be helpful. I found it because my Ridgie will pee in the house, and she always pees right in front of my F-I-L's bedroom door (she's a pretty dominant dog). Turns out this stuff is used by those people who clean up crime scenes. It's not cheap (about $30 for a bottle), but it can be diluted to different strengths and for animal pee it definitely works. Has a funky smell for a couple of days then it's like nothing ever happened.

Good information, thanks. :)


Well-Known Member
Here is an ex K-9 trainer's advice (if you want to read the whole synopsis - it is here:
https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/32388-never-get-busted-dvd-synopsis.html )

The right dog for narcotic detector canine is one that has a strong "ball drive" which is a dog that is naturally "psycho" about finding their ball (or other toy). The officer can scent the toy or ball with a drug and the dog will make the connection between the scent of the drug and his ball.

Barry explains the difference between human and canine noses using "stew" as an analogy. We can see the carrots, corn, peppers, etc.. in the stew but can only smell the combination: the stew. Canines can "see" the different ingredients in the stew with their noses. They smell the carrots, corn, peppers, etc... He says all this to explain that you can not "cover up" or mask the smell of drugs since canines differentiate between the odors. If you cover up the scent with a petroleum product for example, the dog smells gasoline and marijuana - not just gasoline. Masking odors does not work! This includes coffee grounds, mustard, vanilla extract, pepper, fabric softener do not mask the odor of drugs.

Also note that using a strong substance like cayenne pepper or gasoline will cause the narcotic dog to jerk back (because of the powerful scent) which will alert the narcotics officer to something being amiss.

Next Barry discusses how odor permeates its container. So hiding drugs in a gas tank will not work cause over time the odor will permeate the gas tank and a dog will detect the smell. The example he uses is sardines in a zip lock bag. He takes sardines from a can and places them in a zip lock bag at which point no sardine odor is coming from the bag. But after a couple of hours, the odor is detectable because every container is porous to one degree or another and the odor will be detectable by a trained canine. So the dog can't smell "through" anything but the odor does permeate out.
The rate of permeation is different so if you do not contaminate the outside of a container and place a drug inside the container a dog will not alert right away. But over time the odor will permeate anything. So if you are planning on carrying a few joints somewhere get a non-contaminated container (handle with latex gloves) and drop the joints in it and seal it up, a dog should not be able to detect anything for an hour or so.

Contamination should be discussed since touching an illegal substance will contaminate whatever you touch afterwards like the car door handle (and anything else you touch!) which will cause the canine to alert.

Good ideas for confusing a drug detection canine are: hiding in food (the dog handler may think the dog is just excited about food), an animal in the vehicle being searched (or just the scent of an animal), hunter's scent lures and odors (spray the tires and all around the vehicle), and even nearby roadkill can confuse a drug dog.

False alerting is a real problem in that the handling officer can use their voices (and physical cues) to cause their canines to false alert. and they can then search the vehicle. So even if you do everything right, you can still get screwed.


Well-Known Member
the easiest way to fuck with a K-9 in your home is to contaminate EVERYTHING!

rub an old baggie that held weed over every fucking thing. the dog will be worthless.


Well-Known Member
Find out what the dogs treats are... (what the trainers feed them)
put a whole bunch arround your neibhors house...hahahaaa..

It's hella mean but if you really want them to go away..... antifreeze....
would you rather kill a dog or spend 3 years in jail?


Well-Known Member

Everyone has given good advice about confusing the drug dog, but there is a more serious issue here. The police suspect or know you are growing marijuana...PERIOD. Them showing up at your house asking about an electricity bill and about some girl or whatever, they know man. What my question is, why haven't you written this grow off by now, take your losses and move on until shit cools down? Have you been to jail before? Do you want to go to jail?

I don't care if no one knows about this super secret place your growing in, with a search warrant, the police will find it. You found it, correct? My advice to you is to ditch this grow and let the dust settle. Honestly, IMO weed is not worth your freedom. If you continue this grow I would advise you to retain a top notch defense lawyer because in time they will get you. Sorry if I come across harsh, but seriously I would rather you be offended and take my advice rather than behind bars like a caged animal.


Well-Known Member
one thing that works for all dogs, you take the urine or hormones of a female dog who is in heat(ready to bear puppies) and rub that shit every where except by your grow room.... this is like porn for dogs, they go crazy sniffing and what not...

and rub it on the ground where a cop may step so the dog sniffs him too

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member

Everyone has given good advice about confusing the drug dog, but there is a more serious issue here. The police suspect or know you are growing marijuana...PERIOD. Them showing up at your house asking about an electricity bill and about some girl or whatever, they know man.
Damned right. They're onto you, man. Somebody ratted you out.

Cops don't come around knocking on people's doors at 2 AM with made-up stories just for the hell of it. They're looking for an excuse to come into the house. I'm betting they were hoping that when you opened the door, you'd be so sleepy you wouldn't have noticed you'd left a bong or a bag on the coffee table, or that they'd smell marijuana smoke or something like that. At that point, they'd have had probable cause, and could legally enter and search your apartment. While they were talking to you, did they spend a lot of time looking past you into the apartment?

Get rid of everything before they gather enough information about you to swear out a warrant. And until you do, don't open the door for anyone. Period. If they've got a warrant, let 'em kick the door down. If they don't have a warrant, fuck 'em. Once you open that door, all they have to do is say they saw or smelled something that looked or smelled like an illegal substance or drug paraphenelia, and they can bust you for everything you've got in the house. Good luck, bro.


Active Member
Yeah i am about to ditch it and there is no possible way they would find it. because it is an area that is completely sealed off. They did do alot of looking past me and i probably did smell like pot. Cops in my town dont know how to find stuff very well. Also my room mate has a dog that could go in heat any day now. But would the cops think of that and get female dogs? Well its been a week and a half since they have been around. Someone told me that they were walking by the house a few nights ago but i am still not sure.


New Member
Yes very true.
A dogs sense of smell is so far beyond our comprehension but ammonia will through them off but mess them up good for a while.
Not nice but it works:?
the only chance you would have would be to neutralise the dog's ability to smell. there is no way a trained drugs dog would miss the vast amount of odour emitted by a grow room.

The only thing that will do the job is ammonia. if the dog unwittingly takes a sniff of that stuff it will effectively put the dog out of action for a while.

the only problems you have are the placement of the ammonia, as you do not want to spike it directly at the door to the grow room, concealed or not, but on the approach to the grow room.

and secondly, you will have to explain the helpless whine the dog lets out when the ammonia hits it's mucus membrane! lol. Obviously, no permanent damage would be done to the dog, it's smell etc.. would be back to normal by the next day.