MASTER CFL Grow Room (Pictures)


Well-Known Member
Hey, i got a ?

What spectrum do you use?? (numbers), and is it best to cover entire plant with CFLs?
Also, what is the ultimate positioning of CFLs to maximize? Horizontal? Tilted? Vertical?

awesome grow btw... inspriing


Active Member
i want to thx you all for the comment, i apreciate that !

Hey, i got a ?

What spectrum do you use?? (numbers), and is it best to cover entire plant with CFLs?
Also, what is the ultimate positioning of CFLs to maximize? Horizontal? Tilted? Vertical?

awesome grow btw... inspriing
the spectrum... all i can say is "normal white" cfl next grow i add 12 "cool white" 42Watt CFL

the ultimate positioning to cover the plant is as you like it depend of what kind of fixture you got, and how you are instaled, never get a cfl in place, you must always have to move them.

the 42w cfl have a 2 feet 100% eficiency and after 4feet is almost none.
just clean the area of Big leaf and alway check if the plant have light at the bottom... its not a 1000w.

make a balast like mine, open it and change the wires into, the original wire are made for 60w only/slot i triple the gauge of the wire.
and add a reflector (if you remark i aint have one)

on my next grow i add refector, 2 balast, 12 42w cool white clf and i remove those small cfl

In that last pic it looks like you've got some red stems, possible N,P,K, or Mg deficiency. Otherwise those pictures are absolutely beautiful.
No deficiency, i give them enough nute, when the leaf get old, the steem get red and more red etc.... its normal


Well-Known Member
Cool, this is pure CFL right? no hps?

Do you mean you are only using one spectrum??
I assume that they are ones around 2700ish kelven.
Did you vegg with the same spectrum?


Active Member
Cool, this is pure CFL right? no hps?

Do you mean you are only using one spectrum??
I assume that they are ones around 2700ish kelven.
Did you vegg with the same spectrum?
100% CFL !
same spectrum vedging/flowering

next grow i will upgrade my setup a little :P


Active Member
well i had to remove the picture of a server.... suspicious server activity... i take no risk... more pictures to comme laterz !



Active Member
Great looking setup Dragoneye, thanks for sharing. It's great to see someone successfully using cfl's.
If you, or anyone else is interested, here's a method of wiring cfls together so you no longer need to use light sockets.
Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos
I don't know the cost of sockets where you live, but the cheapest I can find are $2.50 each so this method appeals to a cheapskate like me! Sockets can be a substantial cost when you're planning on using 40 or more.


Active Member
Very sorry all for the community to not post furter pictures, since i have moved, divorced, re-maried (lol)
at late grow i was having spider mite issue (never solved) and i was getting a half pound of dry magic after every grow (even with spider mite)
when i was do my last grow my server was getting "hacking" issue so since i whasnt sure this was not the police i have just stop posting and visiting RIU site.
paranoid is not a crime but growing weed in there is it. lol

well, now i have annother account and i have stoped to grow with CFL since i now got a house and a nice basement and good experience.
so im growing with hydroponic, 1000Wdigi and i got my clone facility ! :)

see ya RIU !


Well-Known Member
spider mite issues us this recipe i found works great 1 qt water, 2 tbsp of itialian seasoning, 1 tbsp ground cinnimon, 1 tbsp ground cloves bring to simmer turn off add 2 tbsp of crushed fresh garlic let set till cool add about a 1/2 tsp of dawn dish soap strain tru cloth or filter actually a pain & put in spray bottle spray every 3 days underside & tops of leaves for 2 weeks with the light on should be fine after 2 weeks should be gone then spray every 2weeks after that i had spider mites my 1st grow this grow dont have any check out my grow