LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Undercurrent, I am poping seeds right now under 430 watts t5. Don't get to close to the light. They like it just fine.

I got to say that all my plants under the t5 are doing very well. Thy are one week behind the plants under 600 watts HPS. and
have way more bud sites. And I am still looking for the right bulbs. But the bulbs I got now have the leaves standing strati up.
I hope to get another fixture soon. This is expensive, but I am having fun with the t5s.
You really cant tell that the t5 plants are a week behind the others.
BlueB, I saw that same chart but they don't tell witch bulb is the bottom chart, or graph. To me the bottom graph looks promising.
BlueB, I saw that same chart but they don't tell witch bulb is the bottom chart, or graph. To me the bottom graph looks promising.

The bottom one is the Aqua Medic Plant Grow, I have 2 coming by fedex on Tues. Gotta watch when you're looking up their SPD's, those charts are correct but the charts they printed on their own packaging is dramatically incorrect. It shows all the peaks shifted about 50-60nm to the left, so the 660nm peak appears to be the very common 611nm peak, but when you line up the mercury spikes that are common to triphosphoric fluoros, the 554nm and 420nm spike are both shifted waaay off. I dunno why they havent corrected it, but you can find the correct spd's published online, but the graphs they print on their packaging are not correct.

plantGrow.jpg<-- incorrect, you cannot find a bulb anywhere with a spike in the 490ish, or 350nm range? (350 would be a reptile bulb with warnings about UV exposure) This is the graph printed on their packaging.

aquamedic plant grow.jpg <-- correct, although unsure if this is the plant grow or possibly planta spd, I know when they re-did the planta into the plant grow they tweaked the red spectrum abit, but it's still supposed to provide the 650-660 range.

Update on my bulb fiasco... So after my order with AS was cancelled, I ordered 4 Red Suns from HelloLights.com. Then waited for a week before calling them to ask where my tracking number was, which was when they said they were out of stock until??? So I changed that order from 4 red suns to 2 AquaMedic Plant Grows that I should be getting on Tuesday. I then ordered 4 Red Suns from ReefCorals.com... 5 minutes later (right after cancelling my red sun order with them) HelloLights calls me and says "oh we do have them in stock" then why the fuck was I waiting for a week for you to send them!??? So I say "Too late, I already ordered 4 from someone else when you told me you were out, Ive been waiting since early December to get these". Then 2 days later ReefCorals.com emails me and says "oh our dropshipper is out, no one carries these so you can wait or cancel" So I cancel with those idiots, then call HelloLights back to ask about the Red Suns that they supposedly did have in stock afterall... They're out... but are supposed to be getting a shipment in tomorrow, so I have 4 shipping out tomorrow. Damn, since Dec11 and I still dont have my replacement RedSuns from those first two that went out. Anyway, +4 Red Sun and +2 Plant grows this coming week, then some Rosettes are next in line. Im gonna have 2 RedSuns, 1 CoralWave and 1 ReefWave in each 4 bulb panel in the flowering box, until eventually swapping the reef wave for a rosette (or maybe a plant grow) Im gonna put the plant grows in the veg box first though.
BlueB, I saw that same chart but they don't tell witch bulb is the bottom chart, or graph. To me the bottom graph looks promising.
That bottom bulb is the aqua-medic Plant Grow bulb. I know it looks a little different than the one on their site. I think it is the previous version, the Planta bulb. Either that or it was just an old spectral analysis that was taken with the bulb a little bit closer to the optic fiber sensor on the spectrometer. Like I've said before, these graphs will shrink and grow as the light source gets closer and farther away from the optic sensor(the Y-axis on the graphs stands for intensity and as we already know, the further away a light source is the lower the intensity). I really think that it is for the old Planta bulb though.
oh shit, didn't notice the previous post. so yeah.

hey the aqua-medic plant grow bulb rocks the shit, but it's pretty much identical to the cheaper flora suns. any reason not to get the flora sun bulb? can't wait till the ultra growth pepsi cola bulb comes out or whatever its gonna be called, should be a good one to mix with 50/50 actinic/ultra growth wave.

something tells me this would be the ultimate bulb mixture,


maybe 60/40 or 75/25?
not sure. I guess what I really don't understand is that if in fact this Ultra Growth wave is for plant growth, along with all the other plant growth types of bulbs, then why didn't they include the actinic wavelength in there if actinic works for plants? does actinic only work for cannabis? maybe they are all just guessing like we are.

BB I had a lot of bleached leafs (all over the plants) under 2/8 Coral Waves. Not 100% sure I can blame the bleaching on too much CW though, so be careful, and keep us posted.
well on a positive note, when i took the red suns out of the fixture and put in the coral waves the twisted leaves straightened out. I have 4 coral waves and 4 flora suns in there now and all the leaves look good(last photo i posted). the red suns seemed to make the leaves twist and cause some irregularities. it sure is cool how the slightest change effects the plants within 24-48 hours and then you are able to change it back to normal. i think i'm done with the red suns. it kinda sucks cause i have 8 of them. maybe some other strain will like them. i'm going to wait on those new ultra growth wave bulbs to try any additional changes. i'm gonna do the 50/50 coral wave, ultra growth wave because that will hit all the key wavelengths and i would expect some phenomenal quality growth. the coral waves sure look purple next to the super actinic. must be that IR peak in them. bleaching huh? not sure what would cause that. how hot is your canopy??????

Read my other posts, I have switched them a few times.

Ok? Is this right? 3 Red Sun, 4 Flora Sun, 1 Actinic? How do you have them arranged in the fixture? I don't see a photo of your light configuration anywhere. Your plants are looking badass though, I would really like to use the red suns since they are soooo red, but it seems like they are causing some irregular growth, not sure.
Pre-harvest teaser....


She's coming down on Tuesday, all T5ers are welcome to join!
Ok? Is this right? 3 Red Sun, 4 Flora Sun, 1 Actinic? How do you have them arranged in the fixture? I don't see a photo of your light configuration anywhere. Your plants are looking badass though, I would really like to use the red suns since they are soooo red, but it seems like they are causing some irregular growth, not sure.

Those were the bulbs for weeks 5 and 6, didn't have flora suns at all before that. Finished with 4 flora Suns, 2 Red Suns ans 2 Actinics. I have not seen any weird growth from the Red Runs, I have switched bulbs lots ways in the fixture, just try to spread the spectrums out.
Full View of the t5 setupIMAG0645.jpgOne of the larger colasIMAG0644.jpgIMAG0650.jpgIMAG0646.jpgIMAG0649.jpgHPS GrowIMAG0643.jpgIMAG0651.jpgOne of the larger onesIMAG0642.jpgDrying about 70% of the T5 harvestIMAG0652.jpg The HPS and the rest of the T5 should be cut down in the next couple days.


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Those were the bulbs for weeks 5 and 6, didn't have flora suns at all before that. Finished with 4 flora Suns, 2 Red Suns ans 2 Actinics. I have not seen any weird growth from the Red Runs, I have switched bulbs lots ways in the fixture, just try to spread the spectrums out.

haha yeah, i wouldn't have been able to figure that out from your posts lol. so how do you have them arranged in the fixture? i switched mine out AGAIN today to try out something new, 2 flora sun, 2 red sun, 2 coral wave, 2 fiji purple. i really need a fixture with like 12 slots in it. i would really like to be using 4 of the flora sun since it has the 660nm that is supposed to be so important. i would REALLY like to know how important that 660 really is. i mean, hps doesn't have any 660 any they still grow fat ass buds. it makes me wonder if those red suns are as good if not better than the flora suns. hmmmm, hey undercurrent, do you have a photo of a finished bud from your grow??????
Pre-harvest teaser....


She's coming down on Tuesday, all T5ers are welcome to join!
What happened to all your fan leaves? They are all yellow and crazy looking. Did you have a bug problem or heat? Do you think you are lacking in the far red spectrum? What is your opinion on the 2 fiji, 1 red sun, 1 blue that you are using? Do you think the plants are needing any other wavelength? There is no 660 in your setup, but I'm questioning the importance after seeing your grow and how juicy your buds look. Still, do you have any idea why your fan leaves got the way they are?
BlueB. Sorry dude, but when a plant matures, it fan leaves die off.

OOHHH Waite you were just blowing smoke. I thought you where for real.??

Man I am so dum.
Does anyone here realize that the aquaflora peaks at 630 nm. it does have a little red at 650. not much more than the fiji. i like the colormax more. it has 60% red at 660nm and has red running from 610nm to 700nm and less green. it covers Chlorophyll A, B, C.... it has more energy in the red rather than the blue like the others.....

phototropicresponse.jpgView attachment 2029001View attachment 2029002FLU-Colormax.jpg
BlueB. Sorry dude, but when a plant matures, it fan leaves die off.

OOHHH Waite you were just blowing smoke. I thought you where for real.??

Man I am so dum.

lay off the ammonium choloride,......dude...... or at least get yourself checkededed out, at least quit smokin your fertilizer. No, but really, you're not seeing the same picture, I know what fan leaves do before harvest time, this seems a little excessive though like something happened during the grow. It was a question for Calrt, not you. LOL funny though
Does anyone here realize that the aquaflora peaks at 630 nm. it does have a little red at 650. not much more than the fiji. i like the colormax more. it has 60% red at 660nm and has red running from 610nm to 700nm and less green. it covers Chlorophyll A, B, C.... it has more energy in the red rather than the blue like the others.....

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the colormax is a good one. really makes me want to have a 12 bulb fixture.
lay off the ammonium choloride,......dude...... or at least get yourself checkededed out, at least quit smokin your fertilizer. No, but really, you're not seeing the same picture, I know what fan leaves do before harvest time, this seems a little excessive though like something happened during the grow. It was a question for Calrt, not you. LOL funny though

That looks like its being very under watered. Leaves curl upward and turn crispy and yellow very fast when they don't get enough water. Leaves do not fall off unless they are deficient. I'd say loosen up the top soil or till it. Then feed it more water. Pull off every single one of those leaves. They are diseased so and that's a waste of energy. Slows the growth of the rest of the plant

When I chop, every leaf is still green. I'm 100% oraganic and I flush for a week.