220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

i might try iso oil...
i dont think roots can absorb thc skin , lol that'd be pretty cool tho.i bet all the little micro-organisms get baked as hell too lol.The point is i dont think soluble THC would have a positive or negative effect,you could try,but your better off making yourself a nice oil and theirs a bunch of really cool threads on how to do itbongsmilie
damn! looks like so much:) cant wait to see the next one man ur gunna be swimmin in bud hahahah

oh got my update done as well if ya wanted to peep it.. not much coulpe shots under hps, personllay my least fav way to take pics with my cam anyway.
ok bro no problem but the next time you have a problem bro pm me dont blast me on my page for something i dont know about im just now figuring out what yalll talking about when you say subbed ok bro
Dude no offense, but PLEASE stop spamming my visitors page, Iv had to delete like 10 messages. PM next time please dude.
yea ima stop by bro thats shit smells like mango s and have a lavendar color to it
damn! looks like so much:) cant wait to see the next one man ur gunna be swimmin in bud hahahah

oh got my update done as well if ya wanted to peep it.. not much coulpe shots under hps, personllay my least fav way to take pics with my cam anyway.