Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

An unexpected side effect of the 2010 flooding in parts of Sindh, Pakistan, was that millions of spiders climbed up into the trees to escape the rising flood waters; because of the scale of the flooding and the fact that the water took so long to recede, many trees became cocooned in spiderwebs. People in the area had never seen this phenomenon before. (Courtesy: National Geographic)
that is a fucking amazing picture!!! and whats with the little boy/girl ??? doing under that treen? is she blind? collecting dinner?? ohh man that sounded kinda bad ey, LOL please people take that as humour......gritting teeth, no shit amazing stuff, imagine them running on the ground, cheap budget horror movie for sure

and you got mad nutts not only posting a pic of yourself but making it your avitar!!! hahahaha JIN FOR GOVERNER OF CALIFORNIA!!!!
wow alot happens in a couple of hours, fuckin chill ey, what you guys jealous u dont have even slightly close to the erb jin produces?? go waste your time on your other web pages u have

umm i mean this site is about weed, not fuckin retards ey
wow alot happens in a couple of hours, fuckin chill ey, what you guys jealous u dont have even slightly close to the erb jin produces?? go waste your time on your other web pages u have

umm i mean this site is about weed, not fuckin retards ey

It's not a problem, mate. This is a blessing. Any such drama just stirs up shit and attracts more views. It only helps me.

But that stolen photo of me is peculiar. That picture of me was stolen off of gmail. I have communicated with only three members here via gmail. 1)Mensabarbie, I'm sure it's not her 2)My investor Sleezy1, I'm pretty sure it's not him. 3)Slivers. He's the only question mark, the bloke who was acting like my web designer for a while. Hasn't been seen on the site since mid-December.
you're the boss, i still say put up a bit of fluff for you avatar ;)

man, u got some krankin views man, you're like the fuckin news, people are gonna freak when they see my lady in full bloom this time round!, i'm not fussed on views but i like to get my growing style out there!
you're the boss, i still say put up a bit of fluff for you avatar ;)

man, u got some krankin views man, you're like the fuckin news, people are gonna freak when they see my lady in full bloom this time round!, i'm not fussed on views but i like to get my growing style out there!

Yeah, this shit does get a lot of views, huh? Post pix of your lovely ladies here all you want. Man, you've earned it, brother. Alright, I'll take my ugly mug down just for you.
Jin, not to talk shit but i prefer pics of women and weed.... Back to the journal... in your tote would you ever consider 3-4 plants instead of 2? I would think you'd veg a shorter time to fill up the screen?
Jin, not to talk shit but i prefer pics of women and weed.... Back to the journal... in your tote would you ever consider 3-4 plants instead of 2? I would think you'd veg a shorter time to fill up the screen?

Motherfucker! Jojo to the rescue.

Yeah, back to the grow journal. No shit.

Yes, I was thinking about increasing number of clone sites to shorten veg time.
Im currently building one right now... its a pain the ass the make those 6" holes... im going to stagger the clone sites and do 4...
Don't fight it... Join us.

This is all an online game... and sometimes things get out of hand. I'm guilty of it myself big time. But Feminized Culture is larger than petty online squabbling... and it's not just about me. It's about making the world a better place for each and every pot smoker out there... even the ones that 'hate' me. And really, you don't hate me, just like I don't really hate you or SFguy or Skunkd0c or any of the others I've fought with. This is all illusion. But FemCult is real. And it's for everyone. I hope when you actually see the thing, you and all the others I've pissed off will find it in yourselves to look beyond me, Jin Kim, and enjoy the site for what it is.

I extend a heart-felt apology to those I have offended. And I'm saying this with a picture of my face attached to it.

And sorry for accusing you, Slivers... if you're out there.

There really is no need for apologies Jin Kim COO of Fem Cut.. In reality this is the internet and people on here don't pay my bills so im not to worried neither should you be. In business speaking from expierence the larger you get the more haters start to come which is a sign of success the more haters the bigger your getting. Like Katt Williams says let them haters hate its their job and if you have 10 haters you better have 11 by the end of the day, he said something like that.

Now back to weed... how about you clone me a little fellow from that tahoe ay?