My 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Weeds grow so fast!
I curse the dreaded hay fever...poof be gone
Your color looks good

puff puff pass...simon says


Well-Known Member
Thanx Wolfensan :D
It's just on my chest atm - the hayfever that is lol, feels like it's on fire, it should shift in a day or 2 hopefully, as long as I carry on taking the meds x

Thanx for coming by x


Well-Known Member
Day 3 of flower

Well surprise, surprise they've grown again lol,
& I have one deffinate male, it's a real shame cos he's a very nice looking plant :(
Here he is :

I've enlarged his preflowers to make them easier to see, 1 down, 9 to go.

So this morning I upped the dosage of terra florres slighty (only by 1ml) we are now on 6ml per 2ltr water.
Had to move the position of my fan so as it's blowing on their tops now as they'r starting to get a little flimsy with all the fast growing
Nothing much more to report here's those much loved pics :D

I mentioned in another thread that I have a three leaf plant well here ( I really hope it is a she as this has always been my fave plant) she is x



Well-Known Member
Hey GG xx,

Jeez hun those are some beasting plants! Sorry to hear you got a male, I knwo it's gotta be heart breaking to throw it out. Try and make some honey oil out of him :mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
Hey T ! :D
Thankyou v much :D
Yes I'm deffo gonna do something with the males, seems ashame to just waste them, will look into the honey oil, thanx for that :D


Well-Known Member
Looking GREAT for your first grow! i wish mine looked that good my first time round. I was wondering where you learnt to grow? were stalkin the forums for a while before joinin? sorry if you already answered that


Well-Known Member
little bushy fellows...looking nice and green
Thanx & thanx for looking & commenting :D

Looking good, keep up the good work!
Thankyou :D
& thanx for looking & commenting :D

Looking GREAT for your first grow! i wish mine looked that good my first time round. I was wondering where you learnt to grow? were stalkin the forums for a while before joinin? sorry if you already answered that
Thankyou :D
I did alot of research before I started growing, yes I stalked quaite a few forums, watched a few videos too lol.

Thanx for commenting :D


Well-Known Member
Thankyou :D
I did alot of research before I started growing, yes I stalked quaite a few forums, watched a few videos too lol.

Thanx for commenting :D
Looks like you did good with your research, why did you end up choosing skunk mix? what do you think your next grow will be?


Well-Known Member
I went to my local headshop - I was a little wary of ordering seeds online, & they're basically about the only ones they had,

Next time I fancy caramella, bubblicious, & white widow :D


Well-Known Member
I went to my local headshop - I was a little wary of ordering seeds online, & they're basically about the only ones they had,

Next time I fancy caramella, bubblicious, & white widow :D
well if you are still looking for a seed bank, i reccomend the attitude


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna order some fem blueberry from edit I think for my next grow - as I've just discovered I have 9 MALES :cry: & only 1 female :cry:
I suppose it's just the luck of the draw when you get a mixed packet of seeds, I'm gutted :cry:

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
I'm gonna order some fem blueberry from edit I think for my next grow - as I've just discovered I have 9 MALES :cry: & only 1 female :cry:
I suppose it's just the luck of the draw when you get a mixed packet of seeds, I'm gutted :cry:
Oh man.. I'm so sorry Grassgirl! That would kill me! I'm gettin ready for my first real grow.. but its gonna be outdoors. I chose Nirvana's Papaya (One of my favorites!) and GreenHouse Seed Co's Lemon Skunk. Atleast the Lemon Skunks are fems.. I just hope I have better luck than you did with the rest. I'll keep posted once I'm fully set up. I'm already a little behind! :roll:


Active Member
aww so sorry hun i bought feminised seeds for mine as i was afraid that could happen its worth it for the extra bit it costs

buy a 5 pack then top


Well-Known Member
topping dont increase yeild unless that strain benefits from topping like blueberry,,,fems can give ppl nightmares too when they all turn herm,but that usually happens if the seeds where taken from genetic herms (mistaken for stressed females that turned herm),,,,some ppl have a 100% success rate with feminized tho,,,,im sorry your only left with one female,,they were all looking so good too,your a natrual at it,,just didnt get beginners luck i guess,,
dont lose heart tho,,youll get the results you want next time,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna order some fem blueberry from edit I think for my next grow - as I've just discovered I have 9 MALES :cry: & only 1 female :cry:
I suppose it's just the luck of the draw when you get a mixed packet of seeds, I'm gutted :cry:
put it back to veg and take clones. Out of 14 I ended up with only 4 girls. Dont feel bad.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the comments everyone, but it seems I jumped the gun abit, I infact have 3 females :mrgreen::mrgreen:
Don't have time at the min, but will update pics soon x