Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

Now I have to chime in cause it sounds like this fool might start bad mouthing PO, and I have to preemptively crush him - I am a huge fan of that place. Seriously why waste time/effort cloning when you can get clones from a place like that? Too bad I live so far away...and I'm going to agree with Jin that that guys mother room doesn't look all that impressive anyways...

Anyways I still am obsessed with your grow, despite all the haters that have infiltrated's a pic of my tahoe from PO at day 49 flower, definitely the best og kush I've ever grown
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Edit: abortion survivor...heh

Damn, in all that confusion, I almost missed this post. Props, Fro. Can't rep you again.

Yup, there it is again. Yeah, I feel really, really good about this particular cut, man. It looks like you did an outstanding job with her.
Im still pullin for the larry, not that the Tahoe doesn't, but some strain's vigor can really impress during flower, maybe its just the optimist in me but I think we could still see a pretty good comeback. Either way I'm sure you'll end up with some mediocre bud by the end of it all ;-)
Im still pullin for the larry, not that the Tahoe doesn't, but some strain's vigor can really impress during flower, maybe its just the optimist in me but I think we could still see a pretty good comeback. Either way I'm sure you'll end up with some mediocre bud by the end of it all ;-)

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Maybe Larry does her thing during flower. I've never grown this before, so I just don't know.
Damn, in all that confusion, I almost missed this post. Props, Fro. Can't rep you again.

Yup, there it is again. Yeah, I feel really, really good about this particular cut, man. It looks like you did an outstanding job with her.

lookin good@ jin n juice
lookin good@ jin n juice

Positivity = good
Negativity = bad

Thanks, bro.

I know I've been getting full of myself, and I hope all my journal-friends can forgive me... But hey, this experience has taught me the valuable lesson of avoiding negativity... and it has also brought me back down to earth.
I grew some Larry OG x Larry OG from a friend of mine in Cali. I really liked it actually, from memory I think it was quite a sativa leaning OG the one I got. It was from seed so not sure if the genetics were similar to the one you got. This guys guard his strains so not sure where he oroginally picked it up. I think I still got some seeds left.
I grew some Larry OG x Larry OG from a friend of mine in Cali. I really liked it actually, from memory I think it was quite a sativa leaning OG the one I got. It was from seed so not sure if the genetics were similar to the one you got. This guys guard his strains so not sure where he oroginally picked it up. I think I still got some seeds left.

I'm curious about the Larry myself. I did some research online but didn't find much aside from bud porn.
not sure i got the hang of this strain, it was in less than a gallon pot. larry (oh, it was grown straight into 12/12 from seed.)

lol at the gangsta lean...
Sometimes I can be crap at taking notes, but this one was quite picky, like I said, I never felt I had it dialled in (those sativa leaves look like I was punishing em good and proper). But it came on good in the end so may be patience with Larry is required.
Sometimes I can be crap at taking notes, but this one was quite picky, like I said, I never felt I had it dialled in (those sativa leaves look like I was punishing em good and proper). But it came on good in the end so may be patience with Larry is required.

I hope you're right. I guess we'll all see soon enough.
So there are these spooky photos going around on Facebook lately. As in, "look at the evil spirit my camera accidentally caputured!" I think these are actually clever photoshop jobs, but they're still pretty cool.


I like this one a lot. Perhaps she was one of the little girls from the infamous Donner Party. (The Donner Party was an 87-member group of American Pioneers who set out in a wagon train going westward, until getting bound in by snow in the Sierra Nevadas. Casualties were extremely high and many of the survivors cannibalized members of the party who had already died.)


This one looks a little forced, but it's still pretty cool.


Another forced 'window refelection' one. Still has a spooky vibe, though.


Okay, this one fucked me up. Everything seems fine, right? What the fuck is that hiding under the sofa pillow?


This one can also fuck with you if you stare at it too long. I mean look at the happy, bright day... That face doesn't belong there.

And even celebs aren't immune from camera hauntings. Check out the evil demon, Daniel Craig, lurking back there at Taylor Swift's party... Scary.
this got me krakin up this morning hope you don't mind me sharing it!


since you're the most viewed thread n all, this has got to make some people happy today ;)
Hey Jin thanks for the comment...I think I'm going to have to take her at 56 days flower (isn't that how long you took the last grow?)

I think I would like to take it longer, I'm at day 52 today but time constraints and such...oh'll hopefully still be tasty

After your last grow are you convinced that OG can be cut in less than the 70 days flower that most people say is necessary? Or does it require special circumstances to be done that quickly?
Hey jin whats your curing process like?

Dude, I'm feeling too lazy to photograph my grow tonight, so I'm just gonna answer your question with tonight's update.

I just took a hit off of this, one of my best nugs from my primo jar. It's been a long day of doing nothing. I think I've earned it.

It's really fun to smoke off mid-grade nugs and dip into your finest on special occasions. Like tonight... am I high? Yes.

It's all a matter of relative humidity. This go round the air was super dry after I harvested, so they got ready for their jars in four days flat. But I don't close the lids of the jars. They stay in open lid jars like that (getting shaken occasionally) for another two to three days... in darkness all the while. After that, close up the lids and burp twice a day for first week, once a day for second, and every other day for third, etc...


This shit here has gone through that process. It's clocked in at just over a month cure. Real dynamite shit now. It's like cutting cement. Recall: I have to smoke the best shit possible just keep myself halfway sane. Can you imagine me without my OGK? Don't.