Water Farm G-13 Auto Pineapple Express

I Claim Stoner Moment On The Ph :eyesmoke:No I Havent Made Bubble Hash YET.I'mma Saving All My Trimming Till May Then I Will Attemp Bubble Hash:hug:How Did Yours Turn Out Hey Hook Me Up With The JC Video On Making It Pertty Please :-P Yea Leggs Showed Color A Few Weeks Back But She Showing Little Progress Now.Maybe Im Wrong But It Doesnt Look Like She Will Finish In 75 Days.However I Did My Research And Im Looking at The Pisitils And Trich's.Im Ready For Leggs To Be Done So I Spread Runt Out.Theirs Alot Of Under Developed Bud That Needs Light Bad.Peace And Cookies :bigjoint:
Hi dawg, go to my 12/12 growing journal in my sig. On the last page there has been quite a good convo of posts about bubble hash, a video by mike, which is highly recommended by all. I didnt post the JC vid. If you want it go to youtube and put in Jorge Cervantes hash making.
I have bubble bags but i recommend getting that ice hash machine. I totally fucked up my first batch. real bad.. stupid mistakes. I am understanding much more now and there is quite a few very important techniques that you need to follow for the bubble bags . like not blending it on HIgh, you dont want GREEn foam, You can take your water and filter it 2 or even 3 times to get as much hash from the water as possible.
dude, i used 192 grams of trim and ended up with like only a few good grams of hash... it dont get more pathetic than that. I thought my hash water looked really nice and dank dark green after i ran it through my bags once and was thinking ...hmmm .. i bet this stuff is still good for something. I told my husband that maybe if i took it to the cancer center and had the patients drink it they would be cured. lol.
not thinking very wisely, i watered my outdoor plants with it. I mean maybe the plants will like it, i havent had time to check, but if i just ran it through the bags ONE MORE TIME!!!! i could shoot myself i tell ya..
Bubble hash seemed like an expensive method to me and I didn't expect to get much trim. I opted for the isopropyl alcohol QWISO method. I got a few teaspoon fulls of hash oil from my few runs. I only used about 9 grams of good trim and buds for the first batch and got over a teaspoon of golden gooey hash oil, the second run came from some early Lowrdyer bud but it's still pretty good. Kinda darker and harder but it does the job and really helps stretch out the stash.
Hi dawg, go to my 12/12 growing journal in my sig. On the last page there has been quite a good convo of posts about bubble hash, a video by mike, which is highly recommended by all. I didnt post the JC vid. If you want it go to youtube and put in Jorge Cervantes hash making.
I have bubble bags but i recommend getting that ice hash machine. I totally fucked up my first batch. real bad.. stupid mistakes. I am understanding much more now and there is quite a few very important techniques that you need to follow for the bubble bags . like not blending it on HIgh, you dont want GREEn foam, You can take your water and filter it 2 or even 3 times to get as much hash from the water as possible.
dude, i used 192 grams of trim and ended up with like only a few good grams of hash... it dont get more pathetic than that. I thought my hash water looked really nice and dank dark green after i ran it through my bags once and was thinking ...hmmm .. i bet this stuff is still good for something. I told my husband that maybe if i took it to the cancer center and had the patients drink it they would be cured. lol.
not thinking very wisely, i watered my outdoor plants with it. I mean maybe the plants will like it, i havent had time to check, but if i just ran it through the bags ONE MORE TIME!!!! i could shoot myself i tell ya..

Dont Be So Hard On Yourself,Atleast You Gain Some Knowledge And You Have A Few Grams To Smoke Way Cool :bigjoint:But Hey I Dont Think The Outdoor Plants Minded Getting High Of That Hash Water.Now The Cancer Cure Might Be A Brilliant Stoner Moment BRILLIANT I TELL YA :idea: And It Was Kinda Funny Too Cause It Reminded Me Of Tommy Chong In The Cars Movie Selling His Black Market Special Fuel :bigjoint:
Peace And Only Fairies Wear Boots :leaf:
like what movie are you talking about with tommy chong?
i looked and cant find the car movie with tommy chong.. got a link brotha?
Im Not That Computer Literate.The Cartoon Movie CARS.Speed Mcqueen KA-CHOW.You Know Tommy Play A 60'S Burn-Out VW Micro Bus And He Had Some Special Fuel Man.Peace And Free Bird :bigjoint:
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Man This Camera Sucks Major Ball's.Well Folks These Pics Are Leggs Last Pics In Full Dress Cause She Will Get Chopped This Weekend.For The last 3 Days Ive Been Adding R/O Water Only Trying To Lower Her Ppm And Getting Her Ready For The Final Flush.I'm Also Perplexed About The Chop Cause I Have Some Amber Trichs As Well As Some Milky Plus Some Clear's One As Well.I Bought An EcoPlus 30x Microscope And It Sucks Balls.I'm Using A Hand Held Magnifier. The Hydrogemeter/Temperture Gauges From EcoPlus Sucks Balls.I Didnt Post This Early In My Thread But When I Thought My Temp Was Low It Wasnt Actually It Was 15 Degrees Higher Than What These Shitty Gauges Said It Was.But Inspite Of All Of My First Hydro-Grow Rookie Mistakes My Ladies Hung In Their And Im Going To Be Rewarded With Some Fantastic Bud In A Few Weeks WAHOO.Peace And Children Of The Grave :hug: :hump:
Great job Dawg. Been following since the beginning, gonna pull some nice weight off of them. 1 question not pertaining to the grow if I may? Has SCOTTYBALLS done another grow since the pineapple express? If so can someone post a link , been searching for a couple of weeks now with no luck.thanks in advance and sorry for hijacking.
Great job Dawg. Been following since the beginning, gonna pull some nice weight off of them. 1 question not pertaining to the grow if I may? Has SCOTTYBALLS done another grow since the pineapple express? If so can someone post a link , been searching for a couple of weeks now with no luck.thanks in advance and sorry for hijacking.

Thanks For The Complements Crystal Toy Its Been A Very Fun And Rewarding Grow For Sure.Im Hoping To Pull Atleast 2oz Dry From Leggs.I Havent Seen Scotty Do Another Journal.I Will Provide You With Some Great And VERY Informative Grow Journals That I Have Booked Marked For Further Reference And Study.And For Me The Waterfarm Is The Only Way To Grow.Peace And Happy Growing :bigjoint:

Hi Dawgie! I hope your having a blast harvesting this weekend.
Im honored you included me in that list of waterfarm journals. thank you.
I havent seen Scottyballs post in a long time. Its unfortuneate not to have him around .
Actually quite a few of my first waterfarming friends, the ones that inspired me so much, are gone. kinda sad.
But a lot of new waterfarmers like yourself are here and thats awesome. You have been such a great friend , great inspiration, great teacher, great positive spirit. Thanks Dawgie.
Sorry to hear of the technical difficulties you experienced with some of your equipment.
Your girls love you and they look fabulous.
Be sure to take pictures of your harvest and your big colas . what are you going to do with all your leaves? i forgot what you told me, sorry.

I have an oz of grind up DeepBlue sitting in my freezer.
Im off to the store now to get some Ghee butter to make some cannabutter outta it. I have not done well with the effects of cannabutter in the past but im hoping if I lower my doseage to this one ounce instead of the 2 i usually throw in. i might be able to use it. It will be a mostly Indica med, which should be helpful for sleeping if my body excepts it..

Take it easy dawgie, and Congratulatiions of your amazing grow and impressive harvest.
take care, catch ya later , woof woof
peace and canna butter grease,
Hi Dawgie! I hope your having a blast harvesting this weekend.
Im honored you included me in that list of waterfarm journals. thank you.
I havent seen Scottyballs post in a long time. Its unfortuneate not to have him around .
Actually quite a few of my first waterfarming friends, the ones that inspired me so much, are gone. kinda sad.
But a lot of new waterfarmers like yourself are here and thats awesome. You have been such a great friend , great inspiration, great teacher, great positive spirit. Thanks Dawgie.
Sorry to hear of the technical difficulties you experienced with some of your equipment.
Your girls love you and they look fabulous.
Be sure to take pictures of your harvest and your big colas . what are you going to do with all your leaves? i forgot what you told me, sorry.

I have an oz of grind up DeepBlue sitting in my freezer.
Im off to the store now to get some Ghee butter to make some cannabutter outta it. I have not done well with the effects of cannabutter in the past but im hoping if I lower my doseage to this one ounce instead of the 2 i usually throw in. i might be able to use it. It will be a mostly Indica med, which should be helpful for sleeping if my body excepts it..

Take it easy dawgie, and Congratulatiions of your amazing grow and impressive harvest.
take care, catch ya later , woof woof
peace and canna butter grease,

Thanks Doc For The Kind Words.You Are The Most Diversed Gardener I Know.No Matter What Meduim You Chose To Grow In You Always Nail It.Ive Learned Alot From All Your Grows.Yea I Wished Scotty Would Hang Out with Us But I Belive He's A Nomad Just Popping In Every Couple Of Years to Share His Knowledge With The New Crop Of Growers.But Were Here To Keep His Method Of Growing Alive.The Funny Thing Is His Method Is Often Debated But When Followed It Prodeces Amazing Results.Ive Followed A Mod's Grow In The BubblePonics Section And He Has Yet To Complete A Single Grow Although He's On His Third Attempt????:?

I Belive All But One Equipment Failure Was My Fault.Im Always Trying To Improve On The Original Manufacture's Design.:lol:

Leggs Is Still Running But She Will Get Harvested Tomorrow.Now I Take Back the Stoner Moment On the Ph Dropping Problem.Ive Read Where 1 Sign Of Root Rot And Or Dying Decaing Roots Is The Masssive Ph Drop.Leggs Dropped From 5.65 To 3.94 In 24 Hours.So This Am I Had To Take A Look At My Roots And I Was Supprised My Roots Look Sad No Funkey Smell But Auto's Are A Life Cycle Plant Sort Of Like A 1 Night Stand(1 And Done)Sincker Sincker :-P

I Will Be Saving My Sugar Leaves And Small Popcorn Bud On My Next 3 Grows To Make Some Bubble Hash :hump:

Once Again Thank You So Very Much For Checking In On My 1st Hydro Grow Your Inspiration And Kind Words Mean Alot To Me.By The Way I Ran Across Some Utube Vid's Of Your Oldman's Glass Skills And When You Get Settled In After Your Move We Have to Talk About Picking Up One Of His Works Of Art.I Really Like The Blue One's He Made.1 Reminded Me Of the Talking Tree In Lord Of The Rings.Peace And Im All Greased Up.:weed:
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:arrow:Check This Shit Out Yall.:hump: :hump:Going In This Grow I Was Hoping To Have A Sucessful Grow(Not Kill The Plant).I'm About Half Way Through My Harvest And I Was Hoping For 2oz.By The Looks Of Things I May Hit 4oz Off Leggs Or Atleast It Will Be Close.The Harley Tin Is 3x7 And So Far My Biggest Bud Is 7 Inches Long.I Took A Pic Of The Main Cluster Of Buds To Show How Massive It Was And what It Looked Like After Trimming.Fudge Puppies Its 6am Ive Had Way Too Much Fun Tonight Err This Morning.I'm Off For A Nap Then Back At It More Pic To Come Tonight.Pork Chops And Pineapple Sauce. :weed:
Fuck Shit piss, Now i am going to burn my autos... wow man ..lol My auto in the dir did not get that big,.lol lucky to get a zip off mine :(
Thanks Brother.Now Dont Go Commenting Harry Khrisna On Your Sexy Lady's.Just Go out And Get Yourself A WaterFarm And Some G-13 Genetics.Its The Only Way To Grow.Peace And Happy Harvesting :bigjoint:
hey partner what ph did you have yur water at through this grow!! good looking grow man!!
Good Morning olblue.I Belive My Plants So Tall And Healthy Because Of The Heis Tea Formula And I Managed To Keep My Res Temps Between 66 And 70 Degrees.I Got Half Of What Was Left Over On My Harvest Done Had A Job To Do And I Will Complete It Today.I Will Post Pic's This Weekend Plus AS Pick Of My $7.00 Wamart Humidor.Peace And Happy Harvesting :bigjoint: