Clone prob big bulb


Well-Known Member
Ive taken clones before and 100% of them rooted I took some more recently and almost all of them have a big white clump where the roots should be growing kinda like a tulip bulb or something what the heck is going on? I think the soil has been too wet maybe this is just the roots and they arnt having to work for water so they are just making a big bulb?


Well-Known Member
Come on anyone? Its like a big white clump at the bottom of the cutting.


Well-Known Member
I have had this prob, but I honestly dont know what the reason is. Its def unhealthy, I had a horrible success rate when it happened, but that was when I was just learning. I had manuy issues that cloneing. I kept lights to close, i used rockwool which I dont anymore, and I think it was to damp. plus now I use heating pads and get explosive growth in 7-10 days.



Well-Known Member
Im Jus Taking An Edjucated Guess But If U Think Its Because They Dont Have To Work For Water Then What If U Put A Dome On Them And Only Misted Them And Let The Soil Dry A Lil More Inbetween Waterings?


New Member
you'll quickly learn to stop misting the plants. If you see water vapor actively collecting on the dome, then you are good as far as humidity goes. The more air around the cut, the faster they will root. Rapid Rooters = the shit.


Well-Known Member
you'll quickly learn to stop misting the plants. If you see water vapor actively collecting on the dome, then you are good as far as humidity goes. The more air around the cut, the faster they will root. Rapid Rooters = the shit.

Rapid Rooter Plugs all the way, def the best besides having a cloning/propagation machine!



Well-Known Member
I have had this prob, but I honestly dont know what the reason is. Its def unhealthy, I had a horrible success rate when it happened, but that was when I was just learning. I had manuy issues that cloneing. I kept lights to close, i used rockwool which I dont anymore, and I think it was to damp. plus now I use heating pads and get explosive growth in 7-10 days.

Damn the plants I took them off are already 5-6 weeks into flowering now... I will prob have to start from seed again......................


New Member
the white bump is where the roots will come from. if the mother plant was so far into flower it can take 3-4 weeks for its clones to show roots. just make sure the clones are under VERY dim light.

next time take clones in veg.


Well-Known Member
Damn the plants I took them off are already 5-6 weeks into flowering now... I will prob have to start from seed again......................

Cloning from a flowering plant is too stressfull, its hard and takes way longer to root WAAAY longer. its really not even a good idea cause it takes away from your yield as well.



Well-Known Member
I took the clones as soon as they started showing sex, which is the way I have done before and got 100% to root. And I doubt it would decrese yield it would just make whatever is left bigger.


Well-Known Member
I took the clones as soon as they started showing sex, which is the way I have done before and got 100% to root. And I doubt it would decrese yield it would just make whatever is left bigger.
Sorry man it's just common sense and logic, if you cut a growth tip off a plant that is about to bud, then that branch will not grow and turn into a cola that would later be harvested if never cut. Its just math, if you had a plant with 10 branches and bud it you will get more than the same strain plant next to it with 9 branches.

Just keep a mother plant that easy.