The New World Order...Hardware Stores...


Well-Known Member
I think if there's an apocalypse of some sort (nuclear, religious, etc), the government will be itself and will have an authoritarian following, but everyone else will be left to themselves mostly...Except major cities, with large underground sewage, and water systems. The government isn't gonna let go of what they built to start this country (Freemasons founded the water systems of NewYork etc). So the Government will be the government, and some people will still be adherent to them, so what comes next doesn't apply to those people.

I think that places like HomeDepot and Wal Mart will be the governments of the new world.
People will have to leave their homes after a while, and I think when they do, they will find that Home Depot and Wal Mart have become like makeshift towns.
And they will have to join one of the Hardware stores, or at least make friends with the residents around them, in order to do ANYTHING...

There will be other smaller communities of gun holders, and food horders, but the main focus of people will probably be around Hardware/Wal Mart stores.

Malls will be crazy too...
But a lot will probably just become like rich people apartments...

Everything else will go to shit, and the bears will take over.
That's how it should have been in the first place though...
We still have a chance though, we've still got our tools, and thumbs...
Let's just hope nothings been living underground waiting for it...
Or in the sky...

It'll be fun though.
I hope it happens with zombies. :D
Not like hell hounds, or mutated alligator people or anything though...Fuck that.
Now this sounds like a cool video game...Or movie...Or something...
But that's not what I was thinking when I wrote this, so...I'll stop before it gets moreso...
What would stop the people from swarming the stores? It's hard to control angry mobs, you know. That's why the government doesn't like secret meetings. Unless they're hosting or something. What are you smoking this morning Fin?
What would stop the people from swarming the stores? It's hard to control angry mobs, you know. That's why the government doesn't like secret meetings. Unless they're hosting or something. What are you smoking this morning Fin?


Some stores may just have small groups, that are super defensive, and they could keep everyone out.
But they would be just as bad as the other people.

And once the hardware stores have been mobbed, and the people have nothing but building materials, and heavy machinery left, they'll fortify the buildings with all the materials to protect themselves, and start collecting stuff from wherever else they can, or farming...

I've got a couple Indicas.

Waitin for 4:20 :D
Ah. I'm more of a sativa fan. For now. Got some green queen. Couldn't wait lol. I'll smoke again at 4:20 though. I think I read this in a book. Gimme a second...Parable of the Sower?
This reminds me of a game I used to play on other forums. You're locked inside a Home Depot at night with 9 other contestants and only the emergency lights on. Each player gets to choose three items off the shelves to attack/defend whatever, but the idea is to be the last alive person. If you choose something like a gas powered chainsaw, gas must be one of your three items. What do you choose, and what is your battle plan? It's called Home Depot Battle Royal.
This reminds me of a game I used to play on other forums. You're locked inside a Home Depot at night with 9 other contestants and only the emergency lights on. Each player gets to choose three items off the shelves to attack/defend whatever, but the idea is to be the last alive person. If you choose something like a gas powered chainsaw, gas must be one of your three items. What do you choose, and what is your battle plan? It's called Home Depot Battle Royal.

OMG that sounds so fun. OK somebody lock me in Home Depot and try to kill me.
With my Weber grill, axe and secret weapon I will smite that ass...I saw some brilliant poison gas weapon ideas but I would run through that holding my breath and axe it up.

LoL does secret weapon count? I mean, if it does, why can't I just have three secret weapons that always trump yours?
LoL does secret weapon count? I mean, if it does, why can't I just have three secret weapons that always trump yours?

Because it's my game god damn it! Norly, I change up my third weapon a lot, depending on my opponents. In this instance I'll choose a shielded helmet as my third so you can't ring my bell with a hammer or shoot my head with a nail gun. With the lid from the grill as a shield, the chicken spit as a stabber and my axe as a basher/general weapon of death, I run relentlessly thru the aisles ending one dream after another until I win.
My first plan was to just grab a fork lift, go to the first aisle and knock it over, causing a domino effect that kills everyone but me. They weren't having that shit. I adapted. Also, climbing up top and dropping things on people's heads was outlawed. Only your three choices can be used. Do you sit in ambush with silent weapons until you have to move? Do you make poison gas and go low? Do you run the aisles sending souls to hell? What is your plan?
See? Someone chose that. I waited in an aisle hidden in a bath tub (also awesome defense choice) and used my axe on the head of the lawnmower driver. Ez game.

Ah ha! BUT riding mower and broken lamp are only TWO! You missed my THIRD weapon! A defensive something or other I found in an isle I was lost in that BLOCKS YOUR AXE! Sorry, did my lamp go into your unprotected artery? Good thing you got that helmet on, huh?
Ah ha! BUT riding mower and broken lamp are only TWO! You missed my THIRD weapon! A defensive something or other I found in an isle I was lost in that BLOCKS YOUR AXE! Sorry, did my lamp go into your unprotected artery? Good thing you got that helmet on, huh?

Sorry, but my axe already ended your game. You are currently dead and I am scouring the store for milk because you are poured into the lid of my Weber grill.