My Lazy Arsed Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
hahah ... nice quote there sambo ;)
Glad you enjoyed it you , all smoked out now though ?
finished it this afternoon m8, really nice if i could bash ya about it u no i would lol but carnt that had flavour n a real nice high and when the early chop is taken in to consideration then really carnt wind up cause nowt to? lol


Well-Known Member
Reported. lol.

I'm good i gues :p
Reported to whom ?? The Law ??


lmao ...

im glad you guess your good ;)

Take it by good you mean , bored , skint , lonely , fed up and generally depressed .... well thats what i mean when i say "im good" lol

i think you got a admirer in uk thread mate ... no names mentioned but SHE seems to love anything n everything you post ;)
check out mr lover man !! hahah


Well-Known Member
lol looks like ive done it again ... said what others dare only think ;)

lets see how much trouble it gets me in and who falls out with me this time :P

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Robbie killed his own thread. What a tool :lol:

She does indeed seem to have an obsession with me in a box in the basement, i'm still not quite sure if this isn't simply an innuendo and ti's being repeated till i react accordingly :lol: With a 10 year age gap or something though, i think it's safe to assume nothing :D "safe to assume nothing" wouldn't that mean it's safe to assume anything? The cold's been fucking with my brain of late, been stood at work calling staff members by the name of other staff members :D