The Seed Collectors Thread

I think rare dankness lovers are going to hate me! Lol I feel another greenthumb like gang about to get at me!

I dont blame you at all. I live in the Denver area and NOBODY I know grows any RD. I was personally told the seeds are unstable, another person told me Moonshine Haze is just a Bagseed from Amnesia Haze. I'm only saying this here. RD does have some bomb but a wide variance in phenos (each cross is like 3-5 different strains, but the most common is a Trainwreck and Neville's mix.)
I dont blame you at all. I live in the Denver area and NOBODY I know grows any RD. I was personally told the seeds are unstable, another person told me Moonshine Haze is just a Bagseed from Amnesia Haze. I'm only saying this here. RD does have some bomb but a wide variance in phenos (each cross is like 3-5 different strains, but the most common is a Trainwreck and Neville's mix.)

yah, what's that nevilles wreck that it looks like they use in tons of their x's?? is this just a trainwreck x, or something different??
I dont blame you at all. I live in the Denver area and NOBODY I know grows any RD. I was personally told the seeds are unstable, another person told me Moonshine Haze is just a Bagseed from Amnesia Haze. I'm only saying this here. RD does have some bomb but a wide variance in phenos (each cross is like 3-5 different strains, but the most common is a Trainwreck and Neville's mix.)
Lmfao!!!!!!!! They are going to hear more from me now!
Sound like a nevilles haze x train wreck cross

yah, that's what i had assumed as well, but it's not something i'm familiar with for the most part, and i love how they act like it's northern lights or say skunk, and it's something that we should all simply know at the sight of the name of it..
Oops my bad it's MotaRebel I need to re ask not sannie.

on that i can say ... yes.

sannie uses mota gear... & mota stole from woodhorse... who stole it from (if you ask that weed fag) neville. lol!

who also created the canna comunity, herb itself, and even the word itself.

e$ko does mota too.
he was mota's original tester.
loaded with mota's best old gear. pack on packs.

... & not like the shwag he's producing now ...if he didnt "retire".

im not sure if i can divulge current projects.

but let me say something sick with old mota gear is in the works as i type.

many packs cracked.
but only the baddest king kong type daddy & best yielding moms gonna stay.
It's usually both then crossed on something else.

What do you guys think of ClusterFuck by Bodhi....says untested ?

i was just checking them out as well.. i'd say go for it if it sounds like something you're interested in.. i'd still put some of bodhi's untested gear against a lot of other breeders "tested" stuff...
i'd put good money on the fact that a lot of "breeders" out there don't do much testing, if any, it's just that bodhi's being honest and stand up by telling you upfront that this strain is untested..
the way some companies, like greenhouse for example, put out a new strain every month or so, it makes me wonder how much if any testing that they're putting into their new gear..
that's why i like a lot of breeders who may only offer say 5 strains, but they've been around and tested for years and years, instead of trying to put out a new flavor of the month all of the time and not doing any work on them..
plain n simple....if your gonna sell seeds than test em before you sell em lol .. i hate when breeders release stuff liek that, who wants to pay 100 bux for a shitty suprise? lol
i've hated that dude all these years
got mad post count just roasting him.

the rest, imo, is me just pimping gear.

i just took mad lab shots... all current.

maybe i'll post them cause i see so many weed sluts around.

wanna catch my weed jizza bieotches?

ow yes.

if you trade with anydoby overseas that breeds for sannie... somebody we know just got busted!

cant say who.
but if you do ...& email me the name ...& i respond ...then know you could be part of a data chain.

they got his lab, all plants, computers, everything!! fuck the police ;-)

if you DO NOT trade with any of the breeders on sannie shop dont fucking PM for girl talk.
plain n simple....if your gonna sell seeds than test em before you sell em lol .. i hate when breeders release stuff liek that, who wants to pay 100 bux for a shitty suprise? lol

well, i'm kinda torn down the middle on this one dizzle, i don't have any issues growing something so long as i know upfront that it's a tester strain, but i agree 100% that no breeder should be charging that kind of scratch for untested beans for sure.. max maybe like $30 or so for a ten pack, this way if it's bunk, you're not too screwed on the cash flow and are basically only out your time and effort..
well, i'm kinda torn down the middle on this one dizzle, i don't have any issues growing something so long as i know upfront that it's a tester strain, but i agree 100% that no breeder should be charging that kind of scratch for untested beans for sure.. max maybe like $30 or so for a ten pack, this way if it's bunk, you're not too screwed on the cash flow and are basically only out your time and effort..
thats all good the way you put pay 30 for some untested stuff if the parents were swell.....i made a NLxSkunk X Skunk strain along time ago, theres a reason why you never see it around to....they were sub par IMHO so i scrapped em.....sounded pretty fool proof on paper...but i didnt care for the buds at all. I dont mind throwin 500 beans in the garbage if they dotn work out...i just tossed about 600 away last harvest :)