LED Lights Vs. HPS

Getting kinda wordy here aren't we potroast. Gave me a chuckle the first time I read it too. Never seen a thread close so fast and I thought you gave good answers. VV
the power use is way less then a hps and just as good i have a ufo and it works great

If you've actually done a full grow with the UFO and could provide some information I'd be VERY interested. I'm currently using LED panels for sprouting/early vegging and as a supplement to my CFLs. If I could do a straight-up LED grow I'd be happy and my electric bill would be happy too.
why some people think that 250-400 watts are something to worry about. a fuckin computer is 450-600 watts minimum and i don't think anybody shut down his computer because of the fuckin' electric bill. Just a thought :D
why some people think that 250-400 watts are something to worry about. a fuckin computer is 450-600 watts minimum and i don't think anybody shut down his computer because of the fuckin' electric bill. Just a thought :D

The problem for me isn't so much the power from the lights -- it's the power drawn by fans, not to mention the noise caused by fans and the hassle of venting etc. A UFO grow could be done in a lot of places where you simply could not put any kind of HID system -- or where HID would require a whole bunch of structural mods etc.
LED Marijuana Grow

Complete grow with HID and UFO.

To me I'm not sold on it yet. The UFO cost $600, while a 400 watt HPS only cost about $150. You get more grams per kwh of electricity with the UFO, but you would need two UFOs to get the same weight that you get with a 400 watt HPS. That means you would have to shell out $1200 for two UFOs to match the 400 watt HPS. That means you would have to save $1050 in electricity just to make it worth it, and it would probably take like 5 years to do that, if not more. Wait for the price to come down, then they are worth it.
If you've actually done a full grow with the UFO and could provide some information I'd be VERY interested. I'm currently using LED panels for sprouting/early vegging and as a supplement to my CFLs. If I could do a straight-up LED grow I'd be happy and my electric bill would be happy too.

From what I've heard, and I'm not an expert on this, but I've read that LED panels are great for vegging, but suck for flowering. I've also heard that they don't work out quite so well on seedlings and fresh cuttings. But I don't know from experience.
i have always used metal halide for veg and hps for flower, done it this way for last 10 years. But i bought a Ufo and replaced a 400 watt hps. Its 3 by 3 the space and im growing afghani hash plant. its just starting week 5 and the density of the buds is as far as im concerned equal to hps. Also the plants look so much more vibrant under led than hps. Imm that impressed that im investing in 4 more ufo's. There is alot of crap being said by people about leds and most of them dont actually grow with leds they just wanna sound like they know so they say what they hear as if it is gospel. So what im saying is im almost done my first led grow and am very impressed. The top cola on my best Afg is gonna be at least a 2 oz bud. The main thing im so happy with is the density of the bud. But the best part is that once ive replaced all my HIDS with LEds my power bill will go frow almost 330 a month to like 130 a month and to me that is awesome. The thing is SOME people are just simply set on using hps and i feel that these types of people will never be willing to use anything else.
Then there are the people who are too cheap to buy them so they just bad mouth them. Led technology will only get better and more cost efficient as time goes by so it seems to me that an LED revolution is on its way.
Hope this helps those of you trying to decide whether or not to give them a try.
MY honest opinion as a life long grower/smoker is they are more than worth it .
As with any light you cant try to cover a larger space than intended or you wont get proper results. .
i just read that a new process to let more light out of an led blub should be done in about a year from now.the holes are measured in nano meters smaller than a human hair, i for one, think in a few years leds will be the way to go
i just read that a new process to let more light out of an led blub should be done in about a year from now.the holes are measured in nano meters smaller than a human hair, i for one, think in a few years leds will be the way to go

Can you give the source?
Greatwhitehunter. Can u post pics of your UFO plant(s?). I was very intersted in buying one, but then decided not to because of that Youtube Video, not saying that I know a whole bunch, because I don't. But my Hydroponic shop also told me that the UFO was coming out with a 200w Model of the UFO, which would be more than a 600w HPS!?!? Now that would be worth the $$$$
I have a 600watt HPS globe and I just wanna start growing in soil under the light. Can I put a CFL in there aswell to get the best light spectrum for good growth and how long does it take to grow a plant just under HPS?
kinda the wrong forum to put this under. But whatever. If you have a 600 watt HPS that's all you need. You don't need to suppliment with a CFL, and doing so would be quite unnecessary. To answer your second question, it depends largely on the strain that you use, if it's soil or hydro, and mostly on how long you veg for. But to give you a very very general idea, somewhere around 3-4 months.
I personally would really like to see pics of a 2 oz bud grown with leds , that would be of great intrust to me , how the lumens factor works with led thanks in advance.. no pics makes it bs....