Active Member
I buy mine in nearly pure/powdered form so I don't have to deal with unknowns.whoaaa, you a smarty pants guile ! thanks man, good to see a serious mind here.
I buy it already diluted, because I never learned how to drive a calculator
I didn't go digging for a calculator either (if I messed up that's why) all the math here was a factor of 10, all I had to do is move the decimal point (the kind of thing you feel comfortable doing in your head when you are stoned). Its partly why i didnt want to get into figuring out everything's specific mass to use volume and density to sort it out... Especially since it felt like I was going to have to do all the looking to get the figures I needed... and it would have required that I payed attention to my math....
but with water having a specific gravity of "1" (meaning a liter weighs a kilogram) it just made all the math simple (a factor of 10, so I only had to move the decimal point). The only other consideration is that ethanol has a specific gravity of about .780 (meaning a liter of it weighs about 780 grams).. Its my understanding that alcohol (drinking alcohol) is not flammable at room temperature in concentrations under 50% (100 proof).. meaning that the base solvent couldn't be more than half ethanol. Half the difference in specific gravity between water and ethanol is 11% so your margin of error dealing with the unknown base solvent would be less than that (10.something at the most).. this would translate to similar accuracy in your final solution.. Besides you are only accurate as you can prove, anything beyond that is strictly speculation...