12/12 cfl First Grow ever!


Well-Known Member
Warped are you perpetual? How many plants do you keep going at once? I don't think I can grow more than 4 at a time and that would be pushing it. If I need to be done growing by June 1, what is the last day I should be popping seeds?


Active Member
No I'm not really perpetual. I just have the extra room after harvesting the 1 plant, and since I'm going 12/12 from seed this time I'm just filling my space as seeds get tails. I'm growing in party cups this time, so I can fit about 10 in my cab. I'll pull the males and pop more seeds to fill the spaces left from the males. You have autoflowering seeds don't you? I'm using regular seeds and I'm thinking they'll take 11 weeks to chop. I'm guessing you'll want to get your seeds started around the middle of March roughly.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I was thinking by the end of this month at the latest just in case I have some slow growers. I have all feminized. The one auto I have is a critical+ automatic, I'm not popping that one. I'm thinking about the pineapple.


Active Member
Ok I thought you had mostly auto's. I'm with you then, give yourself the extra couple of weeks and start them at the end of the month. I'm interested in seeing that Pineapple Express grow.. I might have to try that for myself


Active Member
hey guys so ive decided to use an hps light when my ladies are ready to move from the cfl cab i have to the closet... do you think the difference in my light bill would be much greater if i got a 600w hps rather than a 400w hps???


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of getting an HPS. It will be much smaller though to fit my space. I'm looking at the 250 dual HPS/MH. It looks like I'm going to run out of space on my veg shelf, plant is getting close to lights. I might have to put it on the flowering shelf after next week. That will be 4 weeks of veg. That should be enough? I will only be at 15/9 on the count down before going into 12/12.


Well-Known Member
That was a freebie. I think it is from DNA. Also got a moby dick, critical + auto. Northern lights X big buds, fruity chronic juice, and mk ultra. I only purchased the pineapple and caramel ice. Everything else was free.

had any issues germing the freebies yet?
i got the same from attitude and maybe 6-8 of the 12 freebies dident even germ


Well-Known Member
How do you guys store you clippings? I didn't have enough off my one plant to do anything with so I have to save them until I get some more. How should I do that?


Well-Known Member
had any issues germing the freebies yet?
i got the same from attitude and maybe 6-8 of the 12 freebies dident even germ
Hadn't tried germing any of them yet. Hope I don't have the same issues. I'm not the best at germing as it is so difficult seeds want help me at all.


Well-Known Member
How do you guys store you clippings? I didn't have enough off my one plant to do anything with so I have to save them until I get some more. How should I do that?

wat u mean like for hash?
u use the stuff from harvest u dont save up from start of the grow mate coz about now thers like -999% thc so not really much point plus ud have to keep them moisturised or they would just tuyrn to dust at the end
for hash only ofc


Well-Known Member
Hadn't tried germing any of them yet. Hope I don't have the same issues. I'm not the best at germing as it is so difficult seeds want help me at all.
all i can advise is this
BUY A NEW PLASTIC TUB WITH LID if thats how u do it and DONT use scented toilet roll
the closet i came to germ was either the nlxbb or the juicy one i think
the plate in a tied up plastic bag worked best
wet tissue and i mean wet on a plate put ur seeds ontop put in a carrier bag/plastic and ties then put werever ur boiler is in the dark
new plastic tub with sealed lid wet tissue on bottom seeds ontop then wet tissue on top then into the boiler cupboard again no bag needed


Well-Known Member
wont u have heat issues with mh is ur small space?
if not id do the 400 hps if so u may as well buy a dual spek 250-300 cfl?

and wen u talk cost its all about the ampage not actuall watts


Well-Known Member
UKRG. Yeah my cuttings are from a plant I harvested, just don't have enough to do anything with. I want to make cannabutter.
Getting a MH is going to cause heat issues but It is cold in my basement right now. I am actually running a space heater in the tent to keep it warm enough for the plants. I might be able to get away with the MH and a fan.


Active Member
Tik I put all of my trim in a ziploc bag and toss it into the freezer. I'd like to make some BHO, but I'm leaning towards bubble bags too lol. I guess i have some time to make up my mind


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, getting some pics ready of my plants growing. I popped a pineapple express(p.e.) this weekend, it's growing good so far.

Sorry for the big picture. I got about four nugs like this off of my skunk 44.


Well-Known Member
here are the buds i got off my skunk 44

View attachment 2046938I got about four of these off my big girl. The rest was moldy.

My new grow has already started here are some updates of the plants i have going.
View attachment 2046956View attachment 2046959View attachment 2046960100_0883.jpg
California Orange: Growing 12/12. I did some LST'ing and I Tried to FIM it also, it was getting too tall. I also transplanted to a 2gal pot. It looks like she took well to my messing around. Still don't have any sign of sex. She is recovering from nitrogen toxicity and that slows maturation so hopefully in a couple of weeks she is already about 8 weeks old, but looking more like a 6 week old to me.

View attachment 2046961100_0878.jpg
Juicy Fruit: 3rd week vegging. Growing in MG potting soil, best growing plant i have had so far. Hope its a girl!

This is my Pineapple Express, three days old; looking good. Growing in MG potting soil. It is a feminized seed


Well-Known Member
Some of the pictures are not showing, not sure what happened. Should be able to click on the attachment.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys need some help with humidity. Mine is way too high. I have a 6in fan blowing in my tent, a space heater set at 75^f, and a huge dehumidifier sitting right outside the tent. I'm still getting humidity at 60 and 70%. All three of my girls are flowering so I need to get these numbers down bad. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.