Sativa, Indica Possibly Useless Terms?

as a guy who grows near pure sativa, i can tell you there is a difference, yes the ancestry is similar, but its kinda like saying a poodle is the same thing as a gray hound, in a way yes they are both dogs, but the traits are so different we need to name them diff names to specify ,
mjeh, i think in about a 1000 years, man will realise utopia on earth.

and its gonna get slowly better till then.

i think id rather stick with that thought than running around naked in the streets going "we are all doomed i tell ya! doooooomed!"

which, people btw, have been doing for, like, forever..

in the year 1000 there was this guy on the corner with a sign "the end is near"

and people talked of the end of the earth and antichrists and saviors on the way.

actually hasnt been a year, someone didnt go "we are dooomed, dooomed i tells ya!"

the angry crazy potatos cant come near the insanely powerful weapons of war anyway.

all the rulers are greedy little powerhungry pigs that would never ever touch that button.

no sir, they want to live forever and rule it all. (or at least fuck as much of the pie/cake/whatever as they can before checking out of our great rundown motel of a hotel.)
yes but when it comes to marijuana amount of trichomes varies seed to seed and every other factor you can think of .and farming techniques very much change amount of thc on a given plant. if its been grown for anything other than resin and bud production they wouldnt care for thick heavy resin coated plants that would fall over, eventually leaving a plant good for fibre but not bud as to diferent effects that can be attributed to the terpens in the trichome. take a gander at aroma therapy, citris and pine are used to create energy. now when i think of a typical sativa i think of citris and pine and sativas give an energenic high.

look at a country that has been cultivating cannabis for many many generations, even in your own garden you can take indica or sativa seeds grow them you can get many diferent phenos. some that woould be defined as indica and others sativa, if you cahnge enough growing conditions youll see even more changes that would change the bud from sativa to indica without having cross breeding. so which one was it a satica or an indica. its all on how its grown

I think they are 2 distinct types of the same thing...I mean a husky is a dog and so is a chihuahua...if you breed them together at first you get some that have traits of one or the other or both...lets say you want characteristics from would keep breeding the dogs that exhibit both until every puppy (seed) everytime looks just the way you want it this point it is a 3rd type. It is a mix of the Indiva if you will...which is what most strains people grow now are...I mean you can get full on sativas, or full on indicas, but most strains are a mix of the 2 by different degrees. I totally don't think is is the way they are grown...if you take a handful of seeds and throw them out some are going to look like sativas and some will look like indicas and some will look like Indivas...and then the farmer or gardener or whoever keeps only what they want....which means only the ones they want breed, so the next year the handful of seeds will be more what they want with fewer indica or sativa traits and more Indivas....or whatever...I think they were saying that it used to be thought that Indicas and Sativas were from different regions but now they are able to grow wherever...because they are all mixed it really isn't indica and sativa it is whether you got a Sativa/Indica or a Indica/Sativa...
mjeh, i think in about a 1000 years, man will realise utopia on earth.

and its gonna get slowly better till then.

i think id rather stick with that thought than running around naked in the streets going "we are all doomed i tell ya! doooooomed!"

which, people btw, have been doing for, like, forever..

in the year 1000 there was this guy on the corner with a sign "the end is near"

and people talked of the end of the earth and antichrists and saviors on the way.

actually hasnt been a year, someone didnt go "we are dooomed, dooomed i tells ya!"

the angry crazy potatos cant come near the insanely powerful weapons of war anyway.

all the rulers are greedy little powerhungry pigs that would never ever touch that button.

no sir, they want to live forever and rule it all. (or at least fuck as much of the pie/cake/whatever as they can before checking out of our great rundown motel of a hotel.)

wow that avy is so funny i just almost passed out laughing. wow . i must be too high :eyesmoke:
as a guy who grows near pure sativa, i can tell you there is a difference, yes the ancestry is similar, but its kinda like saying a poodle is the same thing as a gray hound, in a way yes they are both dogs, but the traits are so different we need to name them diff names to specify ,

yeah, i grow pure sativa (have one lol, well and a clone im hoping roots)

and this dog analogy is rather apt.

though more along the lines of say, great dane compared with those small mexican dogs.

pure sativas are really more reminiscent of amphetamine than indica (in effect. they make you want to go dancing or doing something instead of plonking down and watching tv or playing videogames, though you dont get "wired" its a more relaxing affair)
Hell I have 2 mixes and one is like 80% Sativa and 20% Indica...and then I have the that is 80% Indica and 20% sativa and I can tell you from seed to after harvest they are 2 totally different plants in everyway...
that might be a bit tricky but, yeah.

there is nothing, Nothing on the market (even the supposed Near sativas..)

that comes close to the effect of the pure sativas.
Hell I have 2 mixes and one is like 80% Sativa and 20% Indica...and then I have the that is 80% Indica and 20% sativa and I can tell you from seed to after harvest they are 2 totally different plants in everyway...

pure sativas are even more different.
mjeh, i think in about a 1000 years, man will realise utopia on earth.

Only if somehow we dismantle all nukes...

There are countries just NOW developing nuclear technology, just NOW getting into it...
It's spiraling down...

And America is THE WORST of the terrorist nations, and without World War III to prove to us we aren't the big bad ass' we think we are, we'll continue to be who we are...

Have you seen an American Naval commercial recently...
Their motto is, "A Global force, for good"

And they don't mean "good/bad" "good", they mean. "I'm not leaving, I'm here FOR GOOD"
Just smoked some of the more indica-y ones for the first time...and ughhhh...I don't know how i feel about I mean it is nice but different than what i am used to which is the more sativa...I feel really first I felt kinda tired and then sick and now I feel kinda like Huh?
Think about what you're saying in human terms. If 2 purely German people with blonde hair and blue eyes have enough kids are one of those kids eventually going to be black with brown eyes and a fro? No. Because they don't possess those genes to pass on. Sure, you can get many variations, but there is a limit to that. That limit is producing offspring with genes neither parent possess.

but thats my point. they are only german because you put them in germany. if you took 2 germans put them in a completley diferent Ppart of the world, in a diferent growing medium with diferent nutes diferent amount of lights and diferent temps over time, with thoughtful breeding practices you could have a plant that could look like an asian but grow like an african but smoke like an indian all in the time frame that it takes to grow a white guy.
just becuse we came up with the terms indica and sativa we feel we need to fit all types of cannabis into these 2 catergories. but we invented to terms and now we are trying to hammer a square block into a round hole with every diferent strain we come across saying its 20% this and 45% that. so how do we know that we are suposed to catergorzie these 2 types of marijuana based on plant size and shape when seed to seed plants will never grow the same, and can be manipulated far easier than most plants.

And Indica and Sativa do a great job of defining what they define.

Big leaves, less stretch, denser buds. Indica.
Skinny leaves, more stretch, lighter buds. Sativa.

Like how black people have denser pigment, and some have sickle cell...They are humans, and mixed kids are too. But black skin is black (brown), white skin is white (peach)...And white people all have round cells...

It's just to say "That looks like that"
Genus, Species, and Strains don't really even exist anyways.

They are just plants and animals, and as psychotic monkeys obsessed with speech, we feel everything needs a label for us to say outloud.

It popped out of an Indica mommy, and an Indica daddy.
They bred skinny leaves out of it.

But it came from Indica's, and therefore, must itself be Indica.

Just because 2,000< years ago, they decided to separate one from the other, in NO WAY means they should ALL still be different now.

A mixed baby isn't a new race.
It's just half black half white.

And if a albino pops out of a black lady, and had a black dad.
It is still black. Even though it's white.
Just call it all weed, and you won't have a problem...

It's really just for breeders...Or connoisseurs that really can tell the difference in taste and everything.

People change the names all the time in the stores and on the streets.

That link youhave may have just been an uneducated breeder, that actually got a sativa phenotype, and still thought it was indica...Recessive genes can trick people...