Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)


Well-Known Member
does she have obvious pre-flowers? My dudes are 2 days into 12/12 hopefully one is really a pussy. hopefully today they will have shown their hairy critters off


New Member
Yeah.....she sure does man....What I did was go 12/12 from seed...

THEN, the MINUTE I saw hairs I flipped to 18/6. (Whist killing the males/re-potting my lady)

I wouldn't recommend it of course, because it is not ideal, but it does work....

Just snapped this (horrible quality) photo, lol.


......Sidenote: Hit this bong, brother! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Looks good mid won't be long. Old lady got s 3week veg lemon skunk grow stop ln. Search first indoor grow lemmon skunk. Thread started by kytokingirl get time going be fun grow I'm helping but she in cjarge. Its that fim I wanted you to check out. Done good two nice tops. Well roll me one smoke it stop by doggies.


New Member
Hmmm...I really wanted to check the grow but...

I typed in "kytokingirl" and it only brought up this thread...because we talked about it, lol. Hmmm...


Well-Known Member
Well shit I have her post in your thread you can hit her sig,,how's your beast doing. Good I'm sure. She looks nice.


Well-Known Member
Hey mid my iphone broke, can't figure out how to like. not snubbing u onlikes just not able to currently. Can rep though lol +rep to ya if I can migjt not let me yet


Hey nice plant! Just wanted to stop by & invite u to take a look at my little lemon skunk and pls feel free to give advice/comment on her. I'd appreciated ur thoughts on her. As I'm sure Ky has said she had a bad spell where there was no growth for nearly 3 wks. I think she's looking much better theses days. Thanks ;) happy growing & Tokin'.


New Member
Hey mid my iphone broke, can't figure out how to like. not snubbing u onlikes just not able to currently. Can rep though lol +rep to ya if I can migjt not let me yet
Hey....no problem man, I am just glad you are stopping by and chatting and what not! :D


New Member
Hey nice plant! Just wanted to stop by & invite u to take a look at my little lemon skunk and pls feel free to give advice/comment on her. I'd appreciated ur thoughts on her. As I'm sure Ky has said she had a bad spell where there was no growth for nearly 3 wks. I think she's looking much better theses days. Thanks ;) happy growing & Tokin'.

I will be stopping by your grow shortly!

-Yeah, she is doing great....I even added an additional cfl today to add some light in there!

I forgot to snap some photos today and now she is in dreamland....:)

Have yourself a great night! Thanks for stopping by! Should be a little bit more interesting here in a week or two when some buds start to develop, stay tuned.


Active Member
Hey Mid, I saw where you asked 0calli in the Doggies thread a couple days ago abt where he got his big cfl. Were you still looking for one?


New Member
Hey Mid, I saw where you asked 0calli in the Doggies thread a couple days ago abt where he got his big cfl. Were you still looking for one?
I found some at "Home Depot" for 10$ a piece (44 watts or something like that)

If you know where to find some cheap bulbs I would be super stoked!


Well-Known Member
Ok these were at Lowe's. It's a 150w equivalent, Daylight (5000K). Here's a link...http://www.lowes.com/pd_346991-75774-LBP50/150T/5K_4294801215+4294796090__?productId=3336236&Ntt=compact+fluorescent&pl=1&currentURL=/pl_Daylight_4294801215+4294796090__s?Ntt=compact+fluorescent&facetInfo=Daylight

They've got a few others (up to 300w equivalent) but they arent 5000K, they're 2700K.
I just picked up 2 64 watters (300w equiv.) from Lowes myself. They did only have the 2700k in the mega size :)


New Member
Fuck yeah...Thanks for the "Lowe" down! ROFL.....

Added some more light to my set up last night to total me out at: 146 watts for my flowering room....

Here is Mrs.Monroe all happy under her new lighting! :D

