In need of some Tent Vent. co2 advise

So im growing in a 5x5 tent with a 1000watt hps, 330cfm extraction fan & carbon filter, 2 passive intakes with pantyhose to help reduce negative pressure and two oscilating fans moving air around in the tent. Recently i bought two of these exhale co2 bags, they seem to be helpin out but i dont have a co2 tester to see what my levels are actually at. Right now my venting goes.... light--fan--filter... the filter is outside of the tent and the whole setup is working like i want but i want to keep my co2 levels up. Anyone out there usin co2 in tents have any ventilation tips? i would have hung my filter in my tent but i was scared of the weight of it hangin in there


Well-Known Member
I would run my lights sealed from the grow - duct outside air into the lights and back outside so the fans could run constantly for them. then I would hook my fan & scrubber to a thermostat so the fans run only when needed to get rid of heat. if you are adding CO2,you wont need to keep replacing air. just use the fan for temp control
thats what ive been kind of leaning twords. So lets say i do that then, i just need my fans moving air around in the tent,
one intake and no exhast for the tent itself?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
maybe use a thermostat or a timer that triggers your exaust when u want it too. that way your plants will use the co2 your giving them.
they make a syringe that u put a co2 reader on it. pull the syringe and i tells u the ppm. there cheap. co2 tester kit. 14.95
maybe use a thermostat or a timer that triggers your exaust when u want it too. that way your plants will use the co2 your giving them.
they make a syringe that u put a co2 reader on it. pull the syringe and i tells u the ppm. there cheap. co2 tester kit. 14.95
definatily a good idea but can i do that with one exaust fan and how would i set that up with my carbon filter? It seems like the only way is I would have to buy another fan for my carbon filter/ exaust if my light is set up like i was saying ( pulling air from outside the tent,---throught the light --- out the tent ....)


Active Member
Carbon filter should recirculate room air with a fan on it so co2 isn't vented out. I am not a fan of co2 bags and similar unregulated solutions. Without a meter running a closed room with co2 supplementing, how can u tell if it is providing better than ambient co2. I would just maximize airflow and dial in other aspects if I wasn't going to regulate co2 to ideal levels. If you have to compromise on aspects such as proper ventilation, you could better maximize growth potential in other ways. If u want to go tanks, burners, or water cooled and can dial in ideal amounts, then the other sacrifices are worth it.


New Member
i just had to buy another filter to exhaust grow room during the time co2 is off and a few time thru out the day to keep humidity down. my other filter just scrubs the air. and during the summer all my lights are ventilated separate from rooms internal ventilation.