Club 600

I been checking this thread out, FDD got pinched by the Feds eh. Has been in 3 weeks so far and has been moved to another Fed detention centre. Seems like he sold something across border, then the Feds arranged to buy some as the guy grassed him out, then the feds turned up at his door. Not nice!!!

Hope everyone else in the 600 is safe.

Yo, Kingdevin, there is all sorts getting smoked in the 600, personally I don't do BHO I prefer grain alcohol extraction, much less painfull on my grey matter.

Have a great day 600!!!

Peace, DST
That is fucked up shit.
They better arrest the sellers of apples & carrots & soda pop cans (among almost any of a thousand different items), because I've made more toking apparati out of those than I've ever bought "official" smoking devices.
But I think it was weed, not glass....
That is fucked up shit.
They better arrest the sellers of apples & carrots & soda pop cans (among almost any of a thousand different items), because I've made more toking apparati out of those than I've ever bought "official" smoking devices.
I was given a hash pipe with one of those glass dippers (whatever they are called)... It's in my closet, I haven't even got the thing out... I know I will bust it.

I'll get too high and have it on my lap and stand up real quick thinking "I need some fucking ice cream" then SMASH... busted glass and too pissed for ice cream... lose lose.
lol, I do that with my phone, forgetting it's in my lap and jumping up. Good thing I invested in a hardshell case for it.

Nice video D. Good way to start the morning off. I just popped over to that help FDD thread. Don't know what to say about any of that, both the FDD situation and the haters who are kicking him while he's down. I think I have a better understanding now of your sudden phobia of the "like" button and how hazardous it could be in a hot forum like that.
It sure is a crazy world out there, much hate and mistrust mate. You should never wish for anyone to have their freedom removed! Horrible.
I was a bit of a know it all (still am, lol) when I was in my early 20's, but then I had civility as well, some people these days just lack care or thought for their fellow person. But then are quick to go on about family this, blood that, christ these people do not realise we all had the fukkin same Mom millions of years ago so just get a bloody grip of yerself.
I fancy glass blunts :-)

Bass~ fdd is a glass blower x mod... One of his pieces was used for the first 600 contest, it smokes nice hehe ;-)

who makes them?
i need a few.


and i got my eye on you devin.
So I was doing some weeding in the cab yesterday, lol. My compost heap must pick up grass seeds (of the non MJ variety) and what not up when they are out cutting the grass, trimming trees etc around my house. Anyhoo, I found these two little things poking out of one of my trays so I hauled it out and lo and behold, it was a little bit of potatoe skin, lol. Don't you just love nature, it finds a way, yesh! SO I replanted it in it's onw little pot and stuck it next to my tomato clones I have been keeping indoors.


So when it snows, some peeps in Holland take laternative mens of transport, like a sledge. Others however, just keep on riding them god dam bikes, lol. (me incs when physically able, lol).

And just to finish off this crazy snowy day. Just finished clearing a fair few inches off the top of the greenhouse. Here's the holiday worm my wife made for 30 celcius in Cape Town today, woohoo, please stay that warm for me, nice breeze from the Table Mountain....can't wait.

Peace and warm sun rays to all....

Doob's, everytime I watch your videos I have this big stupid grin on my face, lol. They just make me smile!!!!

This one was especially humorous (sorry if it wasn't supposed to be, lol) with that music, it just made me think you were in a rush, breaking in or something, "hey everyone, quick, check these, gotta go, quick quick, dum de de".

Quick vid update.
Sorry about no captions. :-)



And it's looking fairly freaking jungle in there bru!!!!