If you want to be amused, here is a website taking the Electric Universe theories seriously. Some cool pics.
As for the "so many who won't believe physics" remark, please don't take it personally. Almost all hard-core "Apollo conspiracy" believers will hold onto their ideas quite tenaciously despite some very good, plausible counterarguments. You've shown me you are not one such, and I tip my hat.
As far as the 9/11 disaster and the melting point of steel ... the melting point is much less important than the softening point. Steel (even premium tool steel) will lose its temper at 500 degrees or less, and can be productively forged at 800 degrees, a barely visible dull red heat. If it's soft enough to forge, it will have lost its structural strength, and it's still two thousand degrees away from outright melting. cn
thanks cn...you have showed great manners while arguing and i respect that.
ya your right about the steel its not about the melting point..tempering is a process thats done on high carbon steels such as tool steels and HSS (high speed steel)...if your going to temper the steel then it has been hardened and you tempering would relive some stress from the steel and allows it to be more ductile, depending on the tempering process.
its about the yield strength and the tensile strength of the steel..yeild strength is where the plastic deformation begins and tensile is where the part will undergo necking, you can say it is the ultimate strength where after that it can no longer hold the stress applied
heat will cause those valued to drop but thats where engineers come in to do some math!
the truth about 9/11 can be revieled with only a stop watch! thats why i love physics...and i believe that you also do...so if you still remember those boring freefall equations we can use this one: t= sqaure root of (2*d/g)
t = time
d = distance in meters = 415 m (WTC2) Wtc1 is at 417 m which is similar
g = 9.81 m/s[SUP]2
[/SUP]we plug in the number and we get about 9.2 seconds..thats the time it takes for any object to fall to the ground from that height, neglecting wind resistance and assuming a constant gravitational force throughout the fall (the height can be neglected because its not that far away from the surface of the earth.
Now for the important logical part. the number above can be calculated by any one of us and it is 100 percent right, neglecting the things mentioned, which is close enough for our work here.
Imagine 30-stories worth of steel, concrete, and office stuff..if we drop it from that height WITHOUT anything to obstruct its way it would reach the ground at aproximatly 9.2 seconds. for you non physics folks, freefall time is not a function of mass its a function of height soo mass doesnot matter.
Now lets put a structure about 70-stories high in the way of the fallling 30 floors...what can you conclude? just straight thinking, nothing else, can tell us that the structure is going to resist the fall of that lump of steel and concrete (thats if it even breaks all the way

) causing the time it took to reach the ground to increase. and the last 30 floors should somewhat be intact because they must have crushed the rest of the building to reach the ground as they tell us.
the WTCs collapsed in about 10 seconds...thats fast dude!!..you have CONCRETE AND STEEL in the way!!! how is that even possible? (there is an answer for that ofcourse)
That right there is the ultimate and the easiest way that proofs 9/11 has some stories that are hidden!...
please go to youtube and calculate how long it took for the buildings to fall and let me know.
and please watch this vid and let me know of you thought...just look at the still pictures in there...and keep in mind that a buiding is not a piston and cylinder you can't get great compressions to happen in there...