Dizzle Frost
Well-Known Member
i like the first one most...the last as sexy as hell to....the matte leather does look good but it would be on the floor very quickley
~​SaosinLace, silk, cotton, polyester; it's all coming off so it doesn't even matter
Sexy but is that bitch in a wheel chair?
Sexy but is that bitch in a wheel chair?
Oh I see. it's just a photo op for dudes in wheelchairs like girls who take pics on top of cars for gear heads. I thought she was trying to pretend she was disabled.
@Kuroi: I knew she was n't disabled and I thought she was pandering to people in wheel chairs. That's why I called her a bitch
#2 fo sho. she looks mean... i like thatthats easy ... 2 wins !
theres loads of sexy native american girls here...im lucky i guess
i like #1 but she looks like she's hawaiian or phillipino to me. same with #2. are they really native american?
I have been a bad dog, but I'm usually the one doing the spanking. For you though, I'd make an exceptionOkay, in that case, I'm sorry and you're right :3 I 'jumped the gun'. I like that she has natural boobs though and had the same bra size at my age... Mayb there's hope! Okay, I was wrong; can I still spank you though?