DWC BuBBLEPONIC Tanks Tangled Roots


Well-Known Member
Can you cut roots that are tangled if it would be very helpful to move a plant. I need some opinions though I am thinking to go for it.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I dont know the answer but I have been wondering the same thing as I think I will have to move some also, I would think there would be some type of shock but it shouldn't kill them... hopefully :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
root trimming is very common in hydro it might set you back a few days but thats about it.


Well-Known Member
Trimming roots are one thing. Cutting roots to untangle and remove a plant WILL stress your plants. I've done it.


Well-Known Member
I just completed a DWC grow with four plants in a single rubbermaid. One of the plants was male, so I chopped the plant out and cut out the roots from the tangle in the reservoir. I added extra superthrive and H2O2 to the reservoir to help the lady plants. The super thrive was to help the plants deal with the stress and the H2O2 was used to add extra oxygen to the water to help reduce stress and also to kill any decomposer microbes in the reservoir (to avoid root rot). Two of my plants were just fine, the third one hermied. The hermie only had a few sets of pollen flowers, so I trimmed those off and still got an ok yield from that plant, like 1.25 oz. So from my limited experience, I would say it is fine to cut out roots in DWC systems.


Well-Known Member
You can always chop the plant and leave the roots & stem in there. But you will have to get some hygrozime or some enzyme product to eat away the dying roots. It will turn dying plant matter in to food for your living roots.


Active Member
It sounds as though you're still 7 or 8 weeks from finish. I don't know if I'd want any remaining dead organic matter left in the pot. Is it possible to simply move your plant/netpot to a larger container. I feel you want every inch of root you can get. That's what dwc is all about. I think if it were me, my next grow would be in a larger container. I only use 5 gal black buckets for single plants, and 18 gal tubs doubles. I've been doing dwc for around two years...Brussels

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Interesting thread... I've been doing DWC, but want to switch to Hempy Buckets, so I will need to de-tangle/cut some roots. So I will be hanging around for some of your answers.



Well-Known Member
You can do it. Two of the 3 plants in my tank ended up male. I cut them untangled the third and transplanted it to another spot. And oh so far that 3rd one the girl, is entirely healthy. I would just do what you have to do. It's a controversial issue, but the only thing I would say is don't waste time. ASAP just in case. Thats what I did and nothing happened.

Interesting thread... I've been doing DWC, but want to switch to Hempy Buckets, so I will need to de-tangle/cut some roots. So I will be hanging around for some of your answers.


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
You can do it. Two of the 3 plants in my tank ended up male. I cut them untangled the third and transplanted it to another spot. And oh so far that 3rd one the girl, is entirely healthy. I would just do what you have to do. It's a controversial issue, but the only thing I would say is don't waste time. ASAP just in case. Thats what I did and nothing happened.

Thanks Kaosisglobal - that's what I wanted to hear! Did you put anything extra in the tank like Budsworth did in post #9?

Thanks again



Well-Known Member
I did a transplant from DWC to Hempy buckets roots were tangled i just eased them apart, never had to cut them, I lost a little bit of root mass, nothing major and my plants are fine........


Well-Known Member
The girl that I untangled has now started to flower, so definantly ok. And I think she looks a lot better now too, then when she was tangled up, maybe I'm wrong. I have also changed their enviroment, much better for growing, but still needs perfection.