Lots of dying leaves 30 days into flowering


Active Member
Hey everyone have spent all morning trying to figure this one out need some help.Purple kush in soil GO nutes just started feeding 3\4 of whats recomended a bunch of leaves are yellowing and dying.They arent dried up either I know its somewhat normal for fan leaves to die off but alot of smaller ones are dying also.Have been giving them half stength grow every other feeding hoping this would help.Started with light feeding of cal mag the other day.My water is well water with no filtration ph runs about 8 i adjust to 6.5 my soil ph is an even 7 worried cause its 3- 7 leaves a day im losing over the last week.more n? more cal mag?I still have at least 4/5 more weeks till harvest dont want a charlie brown plant Thanks for any help or input will post a couple pics later. Dozer


Active Member
I've had many fan leaves go yellow/brown and drop off, mostly in the last week, and I'm in week 3. Its about 4' in height. I was told its normal and should expect leaves to drop during flowering.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
do a run-off test to see whats going on in the soil, some strains will yellow at the 30 day mark i have a bubba cut that likes to turn yellow-orange over a few weeks


Active Member
my soil ph is an even 7 and yes serial violator they look just like that so what to do? Give em some n? I am using GO nutes the grow is 4 3 3 i think. Should i use some seabird guano 10 10 4 instead how much and how often?Anyone else have any input waiting for wifey to get home so I can take some pics Thanks

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
They were my auto critical mass i did and i found the canna nutes i was using didn't have enough N in them so i bought some canna mono nitrogen to put in the feed. you can feed them with some veg nutes to give them some N as they normally have more in them, i would get sorted asap as its shocking how quick they leaves fall off


Active Member
Yes I will wait its only a couple days till watering probably go with half strength seabird guano the grow nutes i have been using are pretty low on n. Good old birdshit always worked for me outdoors.Should i still feed bloom nutes with the guano?

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
what nutes you using? i'd give them a good dose of just water and guano and keep adding some to each feed after that. until you see an improvement


Active Member
General organics never got them up to full nute schedule recommended by company during veg. Was worried about roasting them started with my own super soil it's a little hot. Less is more i guess. Next grow i will crank em up more.Still very happy with go nutes the pk buds are looking awesome for 30 days since switch to 12/12 from 24/7


Active Member
Oh yeah how about a little cal mag?Have well water high ph I also give them molasses every 3 watering's.I did add a little lime in my soil from the get go.I've asked this question on here a few different times now that i'm flowering wondering if i should add some?Heard it fattens up the buds.


Active Member
This is DANK! STINK BUDs ... Uhmmmmmmmmmmmm
On the other page from dozer777 Damm


Active Member
Just wanted to do a comparison shot for everyone showing whether to top or not to top.Alot of people say not to top pk well i topped em once except the one in the middle.Left it alone for comparison Not even close.My lady on the right has 12 nice colas going.Uncle Ben knows his shit!!! Dozer

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
you fucked you ph is to high for how far in to flower you are, your soil sould finish @ ph of 7 right now it should be around 6.1 your locking out alot of nutrients, which are just as important as your base npk ratio
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Active Member
Well I didnt do a ppm test.dont even have a meter.Thought soil at 7 was okay.Should I feed and water with 6.o water?Have been giving them phd water running 6.5 will this help?Guess I need to get a ppm meter.Will pick one up tomorrow.And thanks for the good info drifter.