Lots of dying leaves 30 days into flowering


Active Member
My humidity day is around 38 nite around 50 actually have had those hairs since end of week 3 though they go back and forth white orange etc...


Well-Known Member
Should b ok on that front then ?
maybe it's a diffrent pheno type 2 mine
just seems a bit odd u have all those orange hairs
so early in a 9-10 week strain


Active Member
Yeah not sure myself really. Seeds are from bc king they seem to be growing well. Had some medijuana do the same thing last summer outdoors. And all turned out well with that grow. Could it be my well water? Well is 400 feet deep no filtration taste and looks great. High ph though around 8


Active Member
Hey bud your question was quite similar to mine. Before I ask questions on here I first google it and if I am not satisfied with the info I then do a search on here. Then if I am still not sure then I ask for help.You should try this approach also! You should think about growing up a little talking shit about peoples parents. Just another internet warrior! Grow up bud!!!
You should think about not being an asshole. Whatever dude. Tell yourself what ever makes you feel good. All I got to say, Fuck You


Active Member
These are supposed to be a 8/9 week strain.My daytime temps are around 77 nites 60. Going to drop down to 72 day 58 nite the last 2 weeks heard it really brings out the color in pk. Not sure on the ice water deal yet. Anyone had any luck using it for purpling?


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt try the ice water, sounds pretty gimmicky and certainly would shock the shit out of them...you are on the right path with your temp drops. I believe around 55 degrees is when P uptake is greatly impeded, so your plan sounds about right.....


Active Member
Shouldnt be a problem dropping down to 55 at night. They are in my cellar which stays about 55 unless I run the woodstove. And I think I will ditch the ice water method it does sound rather extreme. Once again thanks cowboy.


Well-Known Member
No worries, and I would stick with the 58 or so, you just want to slow it a bit, not shut it down altogether, bud are still fattening up and eating some.......maybe the last 5 days or so chill them out to 55 or so.....Cant wait to see your results......


Active Member
I am with you on that.Had any hairs go orange on ya early in flower? Like 3 weeks? Did some reading I guess it isnt uncommon though I am a little concerned. They do however seem to fluctuate between orange and white.Also, do you use molasses at all?


Active Member
okay wasnt sure he just commented on another thread about molasses and was being ignorant. Making lots of friends on RIU im sure! People like him is why this sight gets a bad rep. Thought he was just some punk kid turns out he is retired. Must of been a joy for his coworkers!! LOL Dozer


Active Member
You got to be kidding right? Do some reading look in organics go from there
I can see how this could appear to be a dig but I can tell it wasnt meant to be, because the meaning of tea is soaking organics in water........ so.... its self explanatory. kvn, smoke a bowl and relax before jumping to conclusions. To make tea, people use a pillow cover with several pounds of camel dung or some shit, and soak it, sealed so the dung doesnt exit the bag, in a large drum or barrel of water for days.. sometimes also aerating it with an air pump and a stone.

Some shit cant be used for tea, like dog shit or human waste..


Active Member
Love my teas been using it outdoors for over 20 years.Though gave my girls a little too much seabird guano 10-10 4 the other night.Burned em a little.Watered yesterday with just phd water.Any idea how long I should go before feeding again? Have been feeding half strength organic bloom nutes.


Active Member
Depends on what she looks like.. How bad was the burn? Usually half strength for a few waterings and then gradually elevate for the next few. Also, bloom nutes often dont have enough nitrogen, which is what your bat guano is for. If you start seeing early N deficiency, then u could have started the guano again, sooner.


Yer plants look fine, remember this shit doesn't have to be FDA Approved. Usually the ladies turn yellow around the lower half of the plant for 3 reasons. First is its the last 2 weeks of flowering and thats just the way things are. Alot of growing plants leafs change colors by the end of their season. Another possibility is a nutrient lockout, which is caused by over nuteing you soil. I remeber my first grow i gave nutes every 3 days. This fucked my plants and caused hardly any buds and shitty quality. Finally it could be a Nute difficiency. Personally i nute my plants 1x a week and water only if they are sad. Also, make sure you feed yer plants the best, it pays off. I use Advanced Nutrients and honestly i have only used the 3 base and they work AWESOME. I never check my PH on the soil and i haven't had any problems. Some suggestions if it is over Nutrient problem would be to run literally 4x the normal ammount of regular tap water. Then mix up a normal nute batch and ph it down ti 5.5 (u might have to get some testers). Feed the plants and pray. But honestly just let them rock out for 3 more weeks and cut em down.


Active Member
Dont really want to do a flush right now. They dont seem too beat up.Just a little burn.I also have a good 3-4 weeks to go. I am using GO nutes with lots of teas in between. I think my soil is cranking with life. Want to stick with Uncle Bens advice and not let them dry out.I am used to plants outdoors yellowing alot before final chop but, these just seemed a little early to yellow out.Think I might have it under control now.Thanks for the input.Might look into advace nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I am with you on that.Had any hairs go orange on ya early in flower? Like 3 weeks? Did some reading I guess it isnt uncommon though I am a little concerned. They do however seem to fluctuate between orange and white.Also, do you use molasses at all?
Plants make their own carbs. And the bennies present in the medium should be surviving and feeding off the nutes we buy and feed our plants....