recycling my soil


Well-Known Member
i grow in soil and im tired of throwing my $ away on new soil everytime, i want to stick with soil (because i like tha taste of grown in soil better to growin hydro), but i need some one that does reuse to let me in on your process:hump:


Well-Known Member
i grow in soil and im tired of throwing my $ away on new soil everytime, i want to stick with soil (because i like tha taste of grown in soil better to growin hydro), but i need some one that does reuse to let me in on your process:hump:
I have never recylcled my soil, but I did just read an article comparing cannibus depleting soil to corn/grapes etc, as far as nutrients go and its basically impossible. Soil was tested 20 years later after back to back cannibus growing in the same soil and there was virtually no/very little depletion as far as the quality of soil goes.
I have read some where on here just to flush your soil to get out all your old nutes and it should be good.


Well-Known Member
...and here's some more info here GROWFAQ sounds like I know why I never reuse my soil(pain in the butt and take too many chances..).

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
^^^^ thanks fellas for tha help, it just seems dumb to throw away soil, maybe im being cheap, but good soil aint cheap!


Well-Known Member
^^^^ thanks fellas for tha help, it just seems dumb to throw away soil, maybe im being cheap, but good soil aint cheap!
Hey, and dont get me wrong------I dont throw it away.... I am fortunate enough to have a compost pile and outdoor gardens to use the soil up in. And I still flush the hell out of it.

My post should have clarified that I dont "reuse" with my MJ------- sorry


New Member
if you don't grow organic, you won't be successful reusing soil. chemical nutes kill off the microherd and cause salt buildup.

If you have gone organic the whole plant cycle, you can simply pull out large chunks of rootball, mix in some compost, and go at it again immediately.


Well-Known Member
if you don't grow organic, you won't be successful reusing soil. chemical nutes kill off the microherd and cause salt buildup.

If you have gone organic the whole plant cycle, you can simply pull out large chunks of rootball, mix in some compost, and go at it again immediately.
im all organic, so ill try this, thanks! maybe i can save sum green to spend on my green!(need a new 1000 watt)


New Member
i see a lot of people who think they are growing organic, and are in fact far from it. just check out the organic section for examples, lol. maybe you can describe your method?


Well-Known Member
^^i use pure blend PRO grow for veg,,and i use tha pure blen PRO bloom for flower, it says a prenium one part organic plant food, the only time i use something other than ''organic'' is to clone , im old schoo, i still use the powder to clone,from clone dome to styrafoam cup, to 3 gallon pot,then after harvest i throw the old soil away,can i save it and use it again?


Well-Known Member
PBP isn't organic.
i guess your right ,im reading the ingredents and i see amino acid,rockphosphate,potassium carbonate,magnesium carbonate,calcium carbonate,, but if i leach my soil for a couple of weeks u still think it will retain tha ferts, not to be ablr to use (recycle) again?


New Member
try putting the soil in the oven on a low temp for a while as well. You must also worry about any contaminates or left overs from the last plant. Always sterilze soil.


Well-Known Member
well i would think if you got a 5 gallon bucket and drilled in a few holes at the bottom, then lined them with cheese cloth you should be able to flush the soil pretty well, run it in the tub/shower for a good while, then make sure to bake it to kill off any bacteria, mix in some organic compost, worm castings, some guano ext, and i would think it should be fine


Well-Known Member
try putting the soil in the oven on a low temp for a while as well. You must also worry about any contaminates or left overs from the last plant. Always sterilze soil.
i use a lot of soil, that would be a pain in tha ass, i shoot for 30 to 50 plants a grow, in 3 gal pots, isnt there a way to put in a big trash can and treat the souil in there?


New Member
the PBP has already killed off the microherd, it is already sterilized. if you want to reuse it, you'll have to break it up, pull out the rootball, and flush with water. maybe just soak it in a tub of water for 24 hours. Then when you go to reuse you'll want to innoculate with mycorrhizae.