Lace and Frills <3

Yeah, I'm looking at her outfit and thinking about you X3

But Budzski, if you set a date, I can find an excuse for it! But it's just figuring out how to get away for a long enough space of time to make the money worthwhile lol.
I'm quietly sitting here in my undies quietly waiting for someone to come and get me...

I started getting into my jammies... Then I rolled a joint... then I rolled another and now I'm still not in my clothes.



I hear mj is good for upset tummy or some hay with barley and molasses. You still hung from Monday I think it was?

I can't do my Job high... I would lose my job and face possible prosecution...

If I would just get fired for being high it would be fine... but for what I do at the moment I would most likely face further action if I was caught out...
Flight from Europe to Cali is like.. 700+ bucks one-way ticket it seems.. Sheesh. >.<

Love isn't Cheap damnit.

i had an american woman pay for my flight out there, a genuine offer i mean as shes older not begging
the benefits of financially stable women... and having an english accent

(a proper one, the queens English... None of this... London riff raff.. that those youngsters speak... a blight on ones country)

Long gone are the days of pip, pip cheerio... now its.. wastegash... peng.. nang... etc..

Right kuroi? jk

I don't speak like that...

But I spend a lot of time with Canadian/Floridian relatives, a heavily-accented Trini grandmother and a Canadian lodger so my accent is all over the place.. But I don't sound like those hoodrats XP