Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!


Active Member
Cant we all just get along..

I would love to, man. I really would. But due to my gift, or as some would call a "handicap" I can pretty reliably predict what someone is going to say... based upon prior actions or speech patterns. Tha tis why I replied o him the way I did, the first time.


Well-Known Member
I would love to, man. I really would. But due to my gift, or as some would call a "handicap" I can pretty reliably predict what someone is going to say... based upon prior actions or speech patterns. Tha tis why I replied o him the way I did, the first time.
That is pretty cool. So, you can pretty much tell if someone is an assclown, right away?


Well-Known Member

Sry bro i had no idea


Active Member
That is pretty cool. So, you can pretty much tell if someone is an assclown, right away?
For the most part. I have to look around, though. Like I looked at dick-wad's prior posts on the forum and could tell after the second one I read he is an ass, just form the inflection in what he said. The reason I chose to major in psychology was to better learn how to use my gift, and to learn about the way my brain works.... all to better whip all the non "handicaps" out there. LOL.


Well-Known Member

Sry bro i had no idea

You do realize, you are doing the very thing you are here accusing everyone else of, right? That's called hipocrisy. And what YOU are doing is completely uncalled for, beligerent, BS.


Active Member

Sry bro i had no idea
How would you feel if I said I had to type with a microphone? Yeah. I have to talk into my computer to get it into text, since I have no use of my hands. I hope you feel really fucking good about yourself. This was al fun and games until now. It was all in a light hearted spirit. You upped the anty, bud. That was cold and evil. P.S.- I lov ehow it took you 28 minutes to come up with that reply. Dumb ass.


Active Member
No, Slim Jim. You are not a phagot. A bundle of twigs would have far more decensy than you. And trying to delete your post before I called it will not save you. It was trapped in internet limbo by some one else's quote.


Well-Known Member
Hhahaha nice you can change someones original post in quotes u just figure that one out? Good for you. He stated himself he has autism so not to sure why im the bad guy just showing everyone what autism is dont like it make donations to the search for a cure foundation for autism.


Well-Known Member
No, Slim Jim. You are not a phagot. A bundle of twigs would have far more decensy than you. And trying to delete your post before I called it will not save you. It was trapped in internet limbo by some one else's quote.
I have not changed a single post of mine on here thats the mods abusing power.


Active Member
Hhahaha nice you can change someones original post in quotes u just figure that one out? Good for you. He stated himself he has autism so not to sure why im the bad guy just showing everyone what autism is dont like it make donations to the search for a cure foundation for autism.
In case you didn't realize it, there are verying degeees of autism. They range all the way from mild cases of asberger's all the way to examples of what you posted... some times even worse. I can't use my hands, and I can't talk very well, but my mind is better than most people's. I use MJ to treat the worst of my symptoms. I come hear to be around friends and lime-minded enthusiasts. MJ has changed my life. I grow my own pot, even thoug I don't do it directly. I tell my wife what to do and all of the specifics, and she does the physical aspect for me. I'm sorry you don't view me as an intelligent human being, but I assure you I know far more about you than you think you know about me.


Well-Known Member
You just said I was mentally handicapped, man. And talking down to me is not hte way to effectively deliver your point. The more you talk, the more you sound like a self centered ass hole. You just keep proving my first post.... post and post again. I am beginning to think that you are the one that can not understand what I am saying, not the other way around.
Autism is a mental disorder there for classifying you mentally handicapped you have stated you can't work and you speak into a microphone so your physically handicapped too only facts my man not name calling that's what your disorder classifies you as not me but the medical community and the government if you want to have that changed take it up with them.


Active Member
Autism is a mental disorder there for classifying you mentally handicapped you have stated you can't work and you speak into a microphone so your physically handicapped too only facts my man not name calling that's what your disorder classifies you as not me but the medical community and the government if you want to have that changed take it up with them.
Clearly you don't know when to stop.

Take your provocative language elsewhere. This was a hilarious thread and you've ruined 4 pages of it. Your hate for members and the way they act is in no relevance to your life. They can have fun wherever they want. It's not your job to dictate others laughter.

As for your problem with everybody, I think I speak for everyone when I say




Well-Known Member
In case you didn't realize it, there are verying degeees of autism. They range all the way from mild cases of asberger's all the way to examples of what you posted... some times even worse. I can't use my hands, and I can't talk very well, but my mind is better than most people's. I use MJ to treat the worst of my symptoms. I come hear to be around friends and lime-minded enthusiasts. MJ has changed my life. I grow my own pot, even thoug I don't do it directly. I tell my wife what to do and all of the specifics, and she does the physical aspect for me. I'm sorry you don't view me as an intelligent human being, but I assure you I know far more about you than you think you know about me.
Where does it state me calling you a non intelligent person i have only stated facts buddy. You called me horrible names and told me to stuff pine cones in my bum think about it really hard you say your smart you'll figure it out. Your first post towards be was worse then anything i have said or stated im only going off the facts you have been so kind to share about yourself.