Things to do before 21


Well-Known Member
Minajay twa?

I say...
Drink :D
Smoke weed...
Find your family. And I'm not talkin biological :D
There's more, but I don't want to think...


Well-Known Member
Menage a trois aren't all they're cracked up to be, Shaggy. The only time I would recommend those would be if none of the people involved had feelings for anyone else involved. But definitely drinking and smoking. If for no other reason than just to have the experience, not necessarily even doing it more than once if they don't like it. I would say have had at least one relationship longer than 6 months. Done at least one thing you've really really regretted. That's all I can think of.


Well-Known Member
I decided I wanted to travel before I was 21...genius idea!!!! Join the navy to see the world and booze over seas in some of the most beautiful places that I will probably never be able to see again


Well-Known Member
Menage a trois aren't all they're cracked up to be, Shaggy. The only time I would recommend those would be if none of the people involved had feelings for anyone else involved. But definitely drinking and smoking. If for no other reason than just to have the experience, not necessarily even doing it more than once if they don't like it. I would say have had at least one relationship longer than 6 months. Done at least one thing you've really really regretted. That's all I can think of.
No feelings is a must