Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!


Well-Known Member
No they are allowing to talk to me in that manor because he is part of their wolf pack thats abuse of mod power plan and simple i dont care if he is retarded or not theres no excuse for his first post he wants to call me a faggot ima call him the words i choose to use for his kind just as he did to me but the simple fact im not a homosexual and he is retarded makes my day I've been laughing since he stated the fact. Now if i had said i sucked dick then it would have been ok for him to call me a fag but i did not and I needed the laugh as well.

Thanks to all it was a blast now im going to go use my arms to smoke my bong maybe play some computer games wish he could say the same or maybe i will use them to type some more and help some of the newbies on this forum like i choose earlier to do but found this spam thread instead.


Well-Known Member
No they are allowing to talk to me in that manor because he is part of their wolf pack thats abuse of mod power plan and simple i dont care if he is retarded or not theres no excuse for his first post he wants to call me a faggot ima call him the words i choose to use for his kind just as he did to me but the simple fact im not a homosexual and he is retarded makes my day I've been laughing since he stated the fact. Now if i had said i sucked dick then it would have been ok for him to call me a fag but i did not and I needed the laugh as well.

Thanks to all it was a blast now im going to go use my arms to smoke my bong maybe play some computer games wish he could say the same or maybe i will use them to type some more and help some of the newbies on this forum like i choose earlier to do but found this spam thread instead.

Just making sure you don't escape these words. You are a World Class Douche Bag, deserving of all the worst in life.


Well-Known Member
Can you guys please cut this out. SlimJim, may I suggest you create a thread. If someone enters and sparks up negativity, by all means have @ it.

as for in here lets end it, I honestly do not fallow where any of this came from.

No wolf packs, conspiracies or cults involved here. I honestly saw it as pointless bickering from the get go that did not even warrant intervention. You obviously want the last word so have it & lets be done with the empty insults.


Well-Known Member
If he does not want to be called extremely offensive names then he should not call others them I don't care yes i said that shit i have someone in my family with extreme autism im the only person she will talk to the only one that understands her. He says he is educated then he should fucking know better then to start shit and not expect it in return. Quote that shit! I called you all trolls and thread spammers thats what this thread was started for OP has already stated he has a full grow and this was just bullshit a joke i called it how it was and timmay jumped all over me called me all sorts of extremely offensive names that was the first time i called him one so i could care less if you Quote that shit big fucking deal he and others have done it more then a dozen times. Names are all the same retarted is no worse then faggot so choke on it.


Active Member
If he does not want to be called extremely offensive names then he should not call others them I don't care yes i said that shit i have someone in my family with extreme autism im the only person she will talk to the only one that understands her. He says he is educated then he should fucking know better then to start shit and not expect it in return. Quote that shit! I called you all trolls and thread spammers thats what this thread was started for OP has already stated he has a full grow and this was just bullshit a joke i called it how it was and timmay jumped all over me called me all sorts of extremely offensive names that was the first time i called him one so i could care less if you Quote that shit big fucking deal he and others have done it more then a dozen times. Names are all the same retarted is no worse then faggot so choke on it.



Well-Known Member
And the simple fact they are mods and allowing you to talk to me in this manner hmmm i think that speaks loudly enough about their character and the blatant abuse of power on this forum.
Hun, what the matter...did somebody not get picked for the mod team again? Ya know, I hear TCH Farmer is a great website. Why don't you go play over there with the other special kids. I understand that they don't have any fun over there.


Well-Known Member
Can you guys please cut this out. SlimJim, may I suggest you create a thread. If someone enters and sparks up negativity, by all means have @ it.

as for in here lets end it, I honestly do not fallow where any of this came from.

No wolf packs, conspiracies or cults involved here. I honestly saw it as pointless bickering from the get go that did not even warrant intervention. You obviously want the last word so have it & lets be done with the empty insults.
Thank you! Wow. This was a cool thread. It was fun. As a newbie, I gotta tell ya, my first grow didn't look a whole lot better than Clayton's first pic... but I learned FROM PEOPLE HERE... some of these same people, and I am prepareing for my 3rd harvest. Since I started growing, I have been able to sleep more than a hour at a time without pain, my other medications seem to work more effectively now that I can rest and growing has been a life-saver for me. And I learned HERE. But there is nothing to be learned from bashing, namecalling, and nitpicking.

For me, lessons are best learned when I enjoy the lesson. This thread was a huge enjoyment...at least until it went sour.


Well-Known Member
Dude weed growers must have a certain gene that makes them prone to argument because I have seen it sooooo many times on here it is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
No they are allowing to talk to me in that manor because he is part of their wolf pack thats abuse of mod power plan and simple i dont care if he is retarded or not theres no excuse for his first post he wants to call me a faggot ima call him the words i choose to use for his kind just as he did to me but the simple fact im not a homosexual and he is retarded makes my day I've been laughing since he stated the fact. Now if i had said i sucked dick then it would have been ok for him to call me a fag but i did not and I needed the laugh as well.

Thanks to all it was a blast now im going to go use my arms to smoke my bong maybe play some computer games wish he could say the same or maybe i will use them to type some more and help some of the newbies on this forum like i choose earlier to do but found this spam thread instead.


Well-Known Member
Might want to spray down most of the people on here including yourself. My rep is earned except some that you trolls gave me might try helping the new guy instead of making fun of them and spamming the forum. You all rep each other as much as you can but for what ruining this forum hmmm right on if i was rolli i would be pissed that a bunch of trolls ruined my forum and made it a joke this is for info and help not to form a wolf pack and go around rollitup trolling and flaming any and everyone. I was a part of this wolf pack until i realized and i left your shitty pack. Fab was right about most of you, you even sucked Goten into this nonsense if you want to have friends and spam shit go to facebook or a forum for lonely sad saps like most of you on here. I come on here to help people ya'll come on here just to spam and talk shit try being part of the solution and not the problem. What you gonna attack me cuz im pointing out the facts hahahaha typical and i shouldn't expect anything less from the majority of you.
Well your first post I understand. You have no sense of humor, but you have chosen to open the thread a second time and that's only 2ndpage. Clayton's thread instead of trolling it,moveon sir don't stir shit instead you choose to keep opening up the wound. .+REP CLAYTON because I can

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Goddamn does slim have a fucking mental issue or something, coming here startin shit, I myself am gonna watch this grow +Rep


Well-Known Member
And page seven first thing I see when page opens is a post by you good sir. still stirring I see. Just move on slim its funny let's have a laugh and keep harvesting and leave this behind nonsense cause hard feelings.we are not in high school are we.


Well-Known Member
lol nice m8

nice set up .. although you have room for a maglite in that space
better still ...
print out this picture of the sun
use your printers highest DPI setting and high quality glossy photo paper
hang it vertically in your stealth box

your yield will triple ... guaranteed

peace :)


Well-Known Member
I could give a fuck less what anyone in the wolf pack thinks im tired of the worthless spam you fill all over the forum its not a fucking real grow OP has already stated such and if you are stupid enough to not see how this thread was created to be offensive thats not my problem i know everyone on here i have stated this before i choose to leave their shitty group after they turned on a good friend of mine because he also got tired of there spamming.

And no i have never applied to become a mod that is pointless i hang around here to help the newbies and thats what i do between kevs thread and the other ones like this that this group continue to make it gets super fucking annoying and they all banned together and made almost everyone of their group a mod so they could control the forum. Not to sure how you say this isn't high school when this group goes around like a wolf pack praying on anything and anyone who stands up to them and they feel that they can say and do anything they want on this forum fuck that I'll be here every time they spam and to call them out for what they truly are "trolls".