I don't speak like that...
But I spend a lot of time with Canadian/Floridian relatives, a heavily-accented Trini grandmother and a Canadian lodger so my accent is all over the place.. But I don't sound like those hoodrats XP
It's crazy. Some of the Jamaican slang confuses and terrifies me lol. Thanks April. Cockney is something I know I will NEVER quite understand. I guess it's because I hear people talk like that on tv if ever. The street shit is funny though.
Wow, thanks for the PM Kuroi-chan. That's a hell of a way to wake up in the morning.
You have a beautiful body.
She does have a very nice body.
where in canada your relatives kuroi ?
/awaits April
kuroiiiiii....jus sayin whats up, hope all is well with u.... its ight here, jus cloudy out here looks like it might rain, maybe night lil cooler today
Time to get the snow bunny boots out, eh April
Not gonna happen my skidoo boots are safely packed away in a giant tupperwear bin back in Canada![]()
Hey, how did you get into Cali.....I thought we had our borders closed off better than that. Damn Kanucks LOL.
Hey, how did you get into Cali.....I thought we had our borders closed off better than that. Damn Kanucks LOL.