Roll it up Users ............ putting it out there ....

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1 piece of whole wheat toast, sliced avocado on top, drizzle a bit of olive oil on it, some salt n pepper, drizzle on some hot sauce.
i'm telling you, i saw it on tv today... it's to fucking die for!

fun fact: avocados and olives are fruits.
Oh btw if you dont like me its ok just say so,at least I know where I stand.:D I love avacados!Try a turkey bacon sammich with slices of it,and some mayo. woot woot!
I have tremendous respect for dirtsurfr on the "serious grow mojo" side of the site ... and I also place Jack Harer in that category. The stories they have told ... just wow, y'know? Two others who impress me as men with whom I'd be honored to smoke a bowl are potpimp and RavenMochi.
Carne Seca's dry wit and insightful posts in re society and politics are always a pleasure to read.
Heisenberg in SS&P is the warden of rationality whose posts are machined from solid tungsten/rhenium ... and yet he is almost never snippy. And eye exaggerate is just plain fun. (In a good way ... just in case there be any ambiguity.)
Sooo many others, and I'm bound to have missed some real gems. To the worthy but unmentioned, I apologize.

On the negative side, I have only one thing to say. I won a contest a month ago, and the host has not mailed the prize, has answered a PM but pointedly non-answered it, and has also not responded to a public inquiry. If RIU allows a contest or other event involving prizes/merchandise on its site, it needs to have a rule that the goods exist and will indeed be shipped in a reasonably timely manner. I have been patient, but no more. cn
JUst for you buck


O ya Homebrewer,Unclebuck,Albfuct,Spider avatar guyDB56ks or something is pretty cool 2.
Did anybody say, Beansly? He stirs things up a bit too.
Awwwwwww :oops: Thank for the mention. You're post always get my blood boiling, in a good way. If i ever start my planned revolution, it's gonna be after reading something you post :lol:
So many cool people man. I like the regular guys like Dura72, Sambo/newuserlol, 3eyes a lot. I've also had the pleasure of sampling a few cool ass RIU members' product. JoeDank and MrStickySissors (who's fighting a case in Cali right now God Bless), gave me a shout on their ways through Vegas, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that the cannabis world is being propped up on the glory of their gardening. Literally. They're amazing growers. I've never had bud as sticky and sparkling as MrStickie's GDP, and I've never had had such an interesting high and better tasting bud than JoeDank's Diesel x Green Crack x OG.
Who else man, there's so man cool people. Captain Kron, Cannawizard, MelloKitty, KuroiTaima, Collective Gardener, Hellraizer, Fdd2blk off the top of my head...
CryptKeeper, TipTopToker, ML75, budda webb, Mugan, Philosophist, TheSKunkMunky, Carne Seca, Urca uhhhhhh brain...hurt...
sorry if I missed you but I'm sure you're awesome

Who sucks?
Shinfaggy is a mess
Gutless can suck a bag of dicks
Serapis is a jerk
Brick Top is a jerk
Illumination is a bitch

I guess that's it for now.

Edit: I guess Kevin Murphy is alright...:mregreen:
Another thread i'm gonna close, and ps mods should not be insulting members , making lists of people they dislike is very petty
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