I'm still here to Help!

Still no ansewr to my last question. LOL !

With minimal amount of daily water usage and rising ppms with steady PH can I just remove some water and add Ph'd non nuted water to bring the ppms back where I would like them or do I need to waste all my nutes and rez water and change out the Rezes ? Or Is it all salts left in there ? I only once have had my larger plant actually drop the ppms on a big water usage day. About 2"s of water was used that time.

Thank you.:bigjoint:
sorry m8 i thought some one answered ya question, lease explain to me the problem :)
Thanks for adding reputation to this user. May you be lucky enough to receive the same Reputation back in turn. <<<<<just for the inconvenience :)
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This one, yes for the most part if you could confirm though.

Silly question : Using tap water, do I count the solids out of the tap in my nutrient count I'm trying to achieve or should they be added to that total amount. Hope I explained it right? Example: tap 200 TDS : I want 500 parts of nutes, so I only mix 300 ppms for a toatal of 500 ppms or a total of 700 ppms ?

This is the one :

Heres another one. What is happening or why is it with minimal water usage, a half inch to an inch on a good day (plants still small) my ppms climb by 30-50 or so ?

Just seems like a big increase for hardly any water use. Is it best that I take some water out and add non nuted water to the ppms I wish and PH it again ?

Thanks Wimb, TWS ;-) :-P
This one, yes for the most part if you could confirm though.

Silly question : Using tap water, do I count the solids out of the tap in my nutrient count I'm trying to achieve or should they be added to that total amount. Hope I explained it right? Example: tap 200 TDS : I want 500 parts of nutes, so I only mix 300 ppms for a toatal of 500 ppms or a total of 700 ppms ?
when i used to get water for my girls i just had a bucket of water at the side of the tent, never measuered ppm ph just left it, when i wanted a certain pm reading i would get how ever many i needed and add nutes untill i got to were i needed, its safe as well cause imo its best to gove less than too much

This is the one :

Heres another one. What is happening or why is it with minimal water usage, a half inch to an inch on a good day (plants still small) my ppms climb by 30-50 or so ?

Just seems like a big increase for hardly any water use. Is it best that I take some water out and add non nuted water to the ppms I wish and PH it again ?

how many weeks old is the plant???

Thanks Wimb, TWS ;-) :-P
any time sorry for before :roll:
2 weeks in the buckets from clone. About 8-10" but LST'd. They have done some great growth.
2 weeks in the buckets from clone. About 8-10" but LST'd. They have done some great growth.
with you lsting that can sway the ppm as well, as the plant forgets to drink nutes and repairs its self, but if your ph is fine and no defencies seeable then just add plain water and ph ya buckets and see what they like in a week :)
Thank you Wmb Sir. I havent changed the water in two weeks, Think I will today though for something to do.

I'll be back !
Wiimb, Hows it going? Looks like i need to give up on dirt and get me some 5 gal buckets;-)
Hey wiimb, hope your hanging in there. I was wondering if you, or anyone else for that matter, has any idea how many drops of GH Down it takes to lower the PH 1 whole point? I just use a old visine bottle and go a drop @ a time until I get it where I need it but never sat around and counted how many it takes. No big deal, just wondering.