Co2 help


Well-Known Member
Or a Budget way is the "sugar , yeast , water in a Bottle " method , takes some refining , but can work in smaller Op's.....
research it on here umbre ......


Active Member
I have been looking into co2 bags that you just hang in your grow room. I have heard they work pretty well and priced pretty well. Quick, easy and cheap works for me.


Well-Known Member
I have been looking into co2 bags that you just hang in your grow room. I have heard they work pretty well and priced pretty well. Quick, easy and cheap works for me.
Not heard of those , but beware of gimmicky products umbre ,
I bought some co2 tablets and they were complete bullshit.
Post a link , let's see them ?


Well-Known Member
Here is just the first link I found real quick.

I have talked to people who have used similar and say they work great. And they have pretty large grows. I have seen them for around $30 and I will be giving it a try soon. Will let everyone know how they go.
I can't find a UK stockist , hmmmm , worth a try though , try doing a 2 plant comparison , 1 with , 1 without , maybe make a thread,
i am still dubious ,
People will say they work , because they spent the money already,
it often runs like that, the only way to be sure is try it,
keep us posted...

Ps , i would not call $50 cheap ....


Active Member
will do. I have no idea how to actually measure the co2 either, so I am not sure how I will know if they work or not, but I guess if the ladies turn out nice, it didn't hurt. I think the ones I was looking for were around $30.


Active Member
Well good luck if you do and I will be posting pics as things progress...5 weeks veg right now, so a while to go.....Cheerz back to you CloneX...and I should revize from "cheap" to "relatively reasonable"!