
Active Member
So i've been browsing some old posts on the boards and I see alot are interested in knowing what a $20 bag of weed looks like, well here you go.

This is shwag by the way, I am not a fan of smoking shwag I usually get the exotics but today I decided to try some shwag to compare with the more potent hydro (granddaddy purple)

Now I know that there is no way the shwag would compare lol but still, I'm curious to find out WHY so many of you hate smoking shwag.

But the reason why i'm posting this is because I am no expert at judging bud even tho I can tell what good weed is when i get my exotics hah but anyways I would like to know what you guys think of the pics of the shwag, like if it looks like crap, crappier than crap, decent, etc be honest

The buds are dank, has a decent amount of seeds, smells skunky, blah blah, check them out



Well-Known Member
Looks like someone tried to add on some weight by lettin that girl seed before harvest. Pic one looks like its full of seeds. Judging by that, I'd say its not gonna be as good as others becuase if a plant is allowed to to seed before harvested all the plants energy goes into making seeds. It looks smokable though if you get rid of the seeds and stems... :)


Active Member
yea it's deff smokable lol no headach so far hah smoke wasn't harsh, not much taste to it, but it does have a light sourish taste, not bad tho. i seem to be stoned lol i'm timing myself to see how long it lasts.

This probably came from mexico, outdoor grown, growers didn't really care to get rid of the males pollinating the females that's why I guess there's so many seeds...

Question tho.. I know for a fact that a bunch of these seeds would sprout and grow... suppose i was to grow them indoors hydro and feed them proper nutes, and basically take good care of it. I know i'll have good bud but how much difference do you think I will gain in potency, beauty and taste..???
Would these seeds be able to grow potent buds if grown properly? I mean, potent as in the exotics out there such as white widow, blueberry, etc can it be great DRO?:blsmoke:


Active Member
85? lol how so? haha i'm deff an 80's kid, but i enjoy listening to old school 70's classic rock when i'm high hehe

I wonder if there is anyone out there who has saved up original 70's strains/bag seeds



Active Member
30 minutes i'm stilled stoned off this shwag lol i'm so happy i'm watching grandma's boy lmao that scene when he was baking in his grandmas oven and went to take a bong hit after, then went to check it lmao i don't wanna ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet hahahahahahahaha :mrgreen:

"Do I have deer antlers?" hahahaha :hump::weed:


Well-Known Member
yea it's deff smokable lol no headach so far hah smoke wasn't harsh, not much taste to it, but it does have a light sourish taste, not bad tho. i seem to be stoned lol i'm timing myself to see how long it lasts.

This probably came from mexico, outdoor grown, growers didn't really care to get rid of the males pollinating the females that's why I guess there's so many seeds...

Question tho.. I know for a fact that a bunch of these seeds would sprout and grow... suppose i was to grow them indoors hydro and feed them proper nutes, and basically take good care of it. I know i'll have good bud but how much difference do you think I will gain in potency, beauty and taste..???
Would these seeds be able to grow potent buds if grown properly? I mean, potent as in the exotics out there such as white widow, blueberry, etc can it be great DRO?:blsmoke:
Your gonna be able to significantly improve all those things, but the genetics of the plant are still going to play a significant role. Your probably not gonna be able to get the potency of the more exotic plants. But, I'd say just plant some as an experiment anyway, couldnt hurt... maybe try a different routine on a couple and have one be the control, could be fun :)... unless you smoked it all already lol


Active Member
Hour and 15 from thte time you smoked, are you still stoned?
lol i lost track of time.. yea im high still, not so much stoned.. haven't touched the granddaddy yet but i will, i plan on watching 'ditry dancing' soon lol

brb gonna go check my fridge to see what I have to eat


Active Member
Your gonna be able to significantly improve all those things, but the genetics of the plant are still going to play a significant role. Your probably not gonna be able to get the potency of the more exotic plants. But, I'd say just plant some as an experiment anyway, couldnt hurt... maybe try a different routine on a couple and have one be the control, could be fun :)... unless you smoked it all already lol
noo way its half oz i can't finish all that in 1 night! lol


Well-Known Member
lol i lost track of time.. yea im high still, not so much stoned.. haven't touched the granddaddy yet but i will, i plan on watching 'ditry dancing' soon lol

brb gonna go check my fridge to see what I have to eat
Spoken like a true pot head lol :)


Active Member
haha hey guys thanks for keeping me company for the night hah i'm having an epic time, i just prepared my munchies for the night and poped in "dirty dancing" on dvd while chillin here at RIU hah, i took pics for you guys lol these were taken a minute ago.



Well-Known Member
Dude, me and a buddy of mine blazzed up and walked up the road for some AMPM gas station burgers and it pretty much ruined burgers for me when Im sober, because that was the best damn burger I've ever had in my life! So I dont think you could have picked better munchies :) rock on man :joint: lol


Active Member
i know the feeling haha im soo full and I over ate.. after the burgers ate some mini snickers... almost half way through dirty dancing and i feel like diving to 24/hr tacobell now lol

is it just me or does Cann Soda with lots of crushed ice the best for quenching thirst? lol especially pepsi and sprite when they are soo freaking cold on a summer day!

hah f**k it im driving to taco bell lol be back soon


Well-Known Member
30 minutes i'm stilled stoned off this shwag lol i'm so happy i'm watching grandma's boy lmao that scene when he was baking in his grandmas oven and went to take a bong hit after, then went to check it lmao i don't wanna ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet hahahahahahahaha :mrgreen:

"Do I have deer antlers?" hahahaha :hump::weed:
I loved the whole film

to many funny thing to write ;) One thing i thought was really funny was when that nerd did he's Terminator act ^^

hahahaha :) * drz drz drz *

Btw. that weed looks like shit ^^ but allways nice to get high...

like towelie from South Park ^^