Well-Known Member
Why do I have to spread "reputation around" to other people before I can give it to the person I want to give it too? I don't spread my reputation around for the helluva it. 

thanks GrnMn, I did realize that but I could just as easliy get on Mrs Mysunnyboy's account and do that too if I wanted. I think maybe a time restriction would be better. Not restricted and forced into the act of giving rep when I don't feel the desire. know what I mean?I believe it is to keep people from rep-warring and getting those green dots undeservedly. If you could rep repeatedly, you could create an account just to boost your status.
yes i have been and i do get that, thanks. i do not feel like i should be forced to give it when i don't feel it's warranted. there are way too many rep whores here as it is and that's not really the point. it forces me to give when i don't want to. sorry to my friends in the 600 hundred club, i am trying to figure out why i can't rep you guys.Well said, and you've been here long enough to gather that, Mr Kitty :3 Plus, some people would only ever give rep to their friends if not themselves. It encourages you to maybe award credit to people who deserve it but are not usually the first people you look to or like. And this topic has been covered in at least a half-dozen other threads about Rep x
Ps. MySunnyBoy is permanently Mr Kitty from now on.
yeah buddy i sure doSunnyboy plays........Crash bandicoot
Rep is pointless. I hate seeing people argue about it on forums.
All it's good for is sending little PM-type messages to people rather than clutter threads with small talk.
Not to mention that the rep values on this forum vary based on who gives you rep.
It's the internet guise... try and relax.
Any body want to tell me what my reps worth/ how much do I give?
I'm curious.
Any body want to tell me what my reps worth/ how much do I give?
I'm curious.
Do it, I got my abacus ready.