Second grow no hps this time cfl attemp take a look!!!!!!


sooo first grow i did was a mango clone of a friend under a 400w hps yielded about 2.9oz dry well now i started from seed strains are cheese bomb and northern lights x skunk under a 125w cfl veg'd for 4 week then switched 12/12 plants which they have been on for a little over 2 weeks there are about 12inch high doing quite well tbh they picked up a mag def so i added some Epsom salts into there food and well what can i say most the the white / yellow spots have gone and you can see the green coming back into the leafs that were effected so that's great! not sure how much yield i will get but i hope its a nice decent amount ! :) anyways let me know what you all think!
btw the nl x skunk absolutely stinks! :leaf:

Brown pot is (NL X SKUNK)
Blue bucket is (CHEESE BOMB)




yeh maybe could be a little nute burn although i am only giving them a light dose maybe there just sensitive girls :) Thanks mate Feedback appreciated!


Well-Known Member
hey man there looking great! i love cfl grows... are you going to repot ? how far along are they? and thats deffently nute burn try doesing back a little also even though cfls dont get that hot the temps in ur room are probibly around 80s you shuold move ur nutes and other stuff out of there in a cool dry place good luck


Well-Known Member
nice work. what size container will you finish in? do a little training/topping, and you can really increase your harvest.


thanks for the replies people i think i am going have to leave them this time in these pots squeeze them girls up as far as they will go as for the nute burn as i don't have anything to measure the dose with atm i am just giving them a tea spoon full in a 750ml jug how much do you recommend ? it says 1ml per 1l on the box but no way to measure :( and for some reason no run off is coming out of the pot maybe a problem some help would be nice here :) + i have lost half of my old stuff its disappeared for some reason haha :/ so will be getting it all back soon just need to make these live til the end of there life span so i can get me a nice pucca smoke :)

next grow doing nl x big bud / Barneys Farm Pineapple Chunk / Big Buddha CHIESEL all Feminized and going to do them in bigger pots n just leave them be been thinking about getting the power plant duel cfl reflector and sticking 2 250w blue cfls for veg and 2 red 250w for flowering let me know what you recommend :) i actually like cfls there produce nice plants

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
looks like your using soil you dont need run off on soil even though i have done it with run off before just use less water if run off is an issue for you. i think your going to have to repot if you want some good nugs no room to grow down there = not max growth up top. as far as measuring you really need something with ML on it try your grocery store they will have something its not worth burning your leafs over a couple bucks


looks like your using soil you dont need run off on soil even though i have done it with run off before just use less water if run off is an issue for you. i think your going to have to repot if you want some good nugs no room to grow down there = not max growth up top. as far as measuring you really need something with ML on it try your grocery store they will have something its not worth burning your leafs over a couple bucks
yeh i think im going to repot now mate got me self some nice big pots and there in coco mate was just wondering if i can change from coco into soil or should i just keep in coco for now ?


Well-Known Member
glad to hear your repoting them ya you can change from coco to soil but why would you? it will just make things more confusing stick to coco or are you having problems with coco ?